View Full Version : Did Anyone Feminize You?

Victoria P
07-23-2012, 10:14 PM
Hi Ladies,Gurls,

I was curious if you remember who introduced you to dressing? or where you seduced or feminized into it?

From as early as I remember I was often dressed in those semi frilly baby smocks or whatever they're called and when I find old photographs I am shocked to see that they were more often than not pink instead of blue. My mum said that was accepted for babies back then,but I found out she wanted a girl more than anything in the world.

When I went to another school in England where we wore uniforms,my mum bought me these navy shorts that resembled girls hot pants.
I wore them under my clothes for gym and not realizing that the guys wore white or grey soccer shorts.I was humiliated beyond words once we all got changed in class to go outside.

The guys laughed and jeered all through the lesson and we had to go outside where other students could see us!! At least some of the girls were sympathetic.

A year later my dear mummy put my white underwear in the wash with a red jacket,which of course turned them all pink! Try getting changed in the gym change rooms with pink undies with all the lads about and getting away with that!

Yes I guess mum had her reasons,but then maybe she found the odd pair of nylons that I had stashed from moving boxes.

Hugs Victoria P :)

07-23-2012, 10:18 PM
I was introduced by a friend, another guy, who had tried it. He left it behind, but I continued on my journey.

07-23-2012, 11:44 PM
my mom always told me i should of been a girl. she always bought me clothes to wear and i wore hers, i used to spend the summers with my grandma and her and mom would always put makeup and girly clothes on me, dad didnt know. grandma use to buy me all kinds of girls clothes and dress me all the time, oh how i miss them,

Cynthia Anne
07-23-2012, 11:56 PM
Would have to blame it on my older sister when I was four years old! Now the lady that I share my body with keeps me that way!

07-24-2012, 12:34 AM
Nope, no girls to blame for me, unless you count all the women around me who have fun expressing their creativity in everyday dress.

Sandy Michaels
07-24-2012, 02:24 AM
i remember doing performing in drag for a skit once as a kid, but if i had to say who influenced me to dress. first i would have to give credit to some strippers i worked with when i was a teen. i became their barbie. it was fun and very kinky. when i stopped working with them i stopped dressing. no big deal. at the time my dressing was purely a sexual/kink thing. when i found a partner i told, made sense to me. if i trust her with my life, knowing my past is no big deal. she suggested i should take it up again. to see if i still enjoyed the dressing with out the sex that came with it before. now it's one of the best stress reliever i have. i was so glad when i found this site, and to be part of this community.

Diane Smith
07-24-2012, 02:38 AM
My mother contributed in some small ways to my early interest in dressing, but I think the main motivation for it in the long run was entirely internal. She would put lipstick and nail polish on me and clip earrings on my ears from time to time when I was as young as 2-1/2 or 3 years old. However, I discovered her closets, lingerie, shoes, etc. on my own. She must have known this was going on (as a five year old, I couldn't have been that great about putting everything back in place perfectly), but did not try to interfere.

Once it was established for a few years that I was interested in women's things, Mom did take a little more active role for awhile, allowing me to get my ears pierced at nine and taking me downtown to buy my first pair of grown-up heels when I was twelve. Her interest waned after I showed the first signs of puberty, and we never talked about it again after that.

Basically, I think her role was mostly passive, playing along with and not objecting to what I had already shown signs of interest in. But she never put me in feminine outer clothes or forced me into it in any way.

- Diane

07-24-2012, 03:39 AM

And yes my Mom just after i was born just not in the way you mean here i had lovely cream dress's .

Later at a end of year do for our Church all dressed to the nines for our skit, in front of 80 people & my Mom.1958-9 other than that no,


07-24-2012, 05:31 AM
My parents had problems getting pregnant a second time (my brother is six and a half years younger than I am), and they felt bad having me grow up as an only child. They took in a foster child, a girl, to keep me company and be someone to play with. She was a year or two older than me, but in 1952 four and six year olds were very much more innocent than they are today.

The two of us were left alone in the house for a couple hours (my mother's sisters and her mother lived in the same apartment building we lived in, so it really wasn't a dangerous thing to do). I guess Elaine was very curious about the differences between boys and girls, so she decided we'd play a dressup game. She'd wear my clothes and I'd wear hers. I can remember putting on her panties and her slip...and it felt really good to me.

My mother didn't catch us...and that was the beginning of a lifetime in lingerie :)

07-24-2012, 06:09 AM

Does this answer the question?

Love always,

07-24-2012, 06:15 AM

Does this answer the question?

Love always,

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!

07-24-2012, 06:25 AM
H Victoria, I guess that it all started when I was two or three days old and my mother
dressed me in a little white receving dress to bring me home from the Hospial.

07-24-2012, 07:03 AM
When I was little, my mom let me put make-up and lipstick on. In my teen years, curiosity and obsession took over.

Karren H
07-24-2012, 07:14 AM
Not that I remember..... my mother used to remind me that I was supposed to be born a girl... a lot.... but I take all the credit for femininizing myself.....

07-24-2012, 08:13 AM
I actually started all by myself until one day that I will never forget. My mom came home early and caught me wearing her lingerie, we had "the talk" and she and I decided that she would help me become her "daughter". She bought me my own lingerie, clothes, make-up and shoes. Mom actually helped me become a girl on the weekends and I stayed feminized until school on Mondays'.


07-24-2012, 08:25 AM
As kids, my sister once encouraged me to be the mum when we were playing mums & dads. She helped me into her skirt & it was my first ever experience of crossdressing. It was an isolated incident, but it flicked a switch within me without a doubt. Then as teenagers my ex would sometimes play around putting makeup on me, I loved it & loved feeling feminine but she didn't realise how much, as to her it was just playing around.

Cheryl T
07-24-2012, 08:41 AM
Sorry, but no in my case. I was on my own in this and never had anyone dress me or anything when I was young.

Sharon B.
07-24-2012, 08:41 AM
I have an older sister that used to dress me up as her playmate when I was about 4 or 5 years old. Now it is wrong for me to do it in her eyes. The only problem is I have been doing it for over 40-years and there are times I can think of nothing else I would rather be doing than dressing as a woman.

Sweet Caroline
07-24-2012, 08:47 AM
Mt great Aunti Katy gave me a kick start. I was 9. She was elderly, rich and eccentric, living alone. I stayed with her in the Summer's for two glorious weeks each year. Aunti had a beautiful daughter who died at 18. One day she asked me to help clean and clear out her attic.
She had kept all her daughters lovely clothes in cedar chifferobes and they were like new. Her daughter died in the 1930's. There was a mix of items from little girl days to teen years. Just for fun I help up this beautiful little girl organza dress and said how do I look. Aunti said lovely my dear, maybe you should wear it to church on Sunday. I was stunned! never even gave that idea a thought. I did love how girls look in pretty party dresses and admired them. So a few sleepless nights pass by and it's Sunday. I awake early to bathe and brush my teeth. As I come out of the bathroom, there on the hanger is the dress I joked about. Aunti came in and placed panties and sox on the bed. She found several pair of Mary Jane shoes to see if any fit. Then she prodded me go on on get dressed. As she watched I stripped down and she helped me into the dress. Then I stepped into the pink silk panties and slid the sox on my feet. I gulped as I look in her long mirror, my God I am pretty! Aunti tied up my bow and fixed the dress. She handed me shoes to try on, MJ's with a little heel. My hair was short so I sill looked like a pretty boy in a pretty dress. In those days girls wore hats and gloves to church and birthdays. In the attic was a beautiful spring hat. It was the crowning glory to my female presentation. A touch of pink lipstick and a little rouge and I was Aunti's niece. Off to church went went, my feet never touched the ground. I was in heaven!

In my first years crossdressing I chose the little girl look, petticoats and full skirts, as in my avatar. As years passed I matured into the woman I am and still dress prettily when I go out. I can't tell you how many wonderful hours and days I have spent in girly clothes, never getting tired of it and always trying new things.

Victoria P
07-24-2012, 10:13 AM
Yes Elizabeth that is affirmative lol Hugs Vicki xo :)

07-24-2012, 10:25 AM
I often had to wear my older sister's tee's and panties as a child because my boy undies were'dirty'. My mother also used me as a dress model for dresses she was making for a girl cousn of mine. She would often have me wear the appropriate undies that would go under the dress. At 3 1/2 I was baptized in a very frilly dress. I don't remember that but I have seen some pictures of me wearing that dress. While visiting on my aunt's farm with many of my other cousins I got my boy clothes soiled very badly. Instead of giving me some of my boy cousin's clothes to wear my aunt had me wear my girl cousin's dress and once again all the necessary things to go under the dress. At my mother's pleading she wanted me to dress up as a colonial girl for Halloween when I was in the fifth grade. I finally acquiesced and did so. None of this gave me the desire to dress. In fact I hardly ever thought about these situations. Because of my wearing the dress for Halloween some girls in my class were teasing me about it and telling me that I really didn't know what it was like wearing a dress because I was wearing pants underneath. When my parents were out I tried the dress sans pants. Big whoop. I told one of the girls and was challenged to wear some other items with it. Did so a few times. Once again - big whoop. Then one day during one of our discussions they challenged me to try modern girl clothes. Once again while I was alone I raided my sister's room and got a complete set of her clothes to try on. I chose panties, nylons, girdle, bra, long slip, sweater and a tight skirt. Once again it was a big whoop but only this time it was a VERY BIG WHOOP! I couldn't believe how I felt. All the stuff that happened to me before that I believe did not affect me ven though I had always felt of myself as a girl. Clothes did nothing for me until I donned a tight skirt for the very first time. That really awoke something in me and from then on I feminized myself.

Joanna Maguire
07-24-2012, 10:28 AM
MY MOTHER DRESSED ME AS A GIRL WHEN I WAS ABOUT 7YRS old. She continued to dress me as a girl till I went high school. I was in a dress on most weekends and school holidays She took me with her shopping in the city and in the suburb where we lived. I had long curly hair and look like a GG in those days. I hated it at first. I began to like it a lot when no one recognized that I was not a boy in a dress.

Victoria P
07-24-2012, 10:28 AM
Caroline, wow what a story! You went out 'en femme' practically before any of us in here and that in itself could lead to another thread!

Glad to see you level of enthusiasm is still so high and it's contagious!

Hugs Victoria P xo :)

Tracii G
07-24-2012, 10:29 AM
I was the youngest of 4 boys and my Mom said she was hoping for a girl so who knows.
I was a junior in HS and my GF's down the street would always dress me up for giggles and did my hair.I had really long hair at the time(1968)
The girls told mt Mom they wanted me to go to the prom as a girl so she said sounds like a great idea girls I will have a daughter for one night!
My Mom had a wicked sense of humor and had fun with it and never told my Dad as far as I know because he would have been pissed.
The prom was fabulous and I had some girls ask if I went to another school because they didn't recognize me.
The two girls I went with were the only ones that knew.

07-24-2012, 10:31 AM
Nope Victoria, I did it all to myself and had to hide it after getting caught.:)

07-24-2012, 10:43 AM
Never had feminization forced on me, though it is a nice fantasy....

07-24-2012, 11:13 AM
Well, I don't think she was trying to feminize me, but part of this journey was started when my sister had the idea to trade clothes at age 8.

07-24-2012, 11:19 AM
When I was 5 or 6, there were no boys my age in the neighborhood for me to play with. So I played with my older sister & her friends. The games were all girl games including dressup. I got hooked crossdressing at that young age. After my sister lost interest in dressing me, I secretly dressed in her clothes. Never stopped.

Brittany CD
07-24-2012, 12:42 PM
No one introduced me to dressing. I just saw a dress one day and decided to put it on

Rebecca Star
07-24-2012, 01:10 PM
my mother used to remind me that I was supposed to be born a girl... a lot....


My sister who was 12 years my senior (I was born in 61) would dress me up from when I was 2 1/2 up to around 5 and take me down the street shopping. My mother obviously didn't protest, my father, he was out of the country on business a lot. If he'd known though, he'd have not only flipped his lid but blown an O ring too. When I was 7, my sister left to go OS and live in London, and her room became by magic cave. When I got bored I was about 12 and I started hitting my mothers stuff. long evening dresses by Dior and Chanel, silk stockings still in their packets from the 50's..etc...etc

More than a few times I got bust with mostly nylons, all hidden behind my wardrobe. Nothing was ever said by her to me, and her lingerie was never moved from her draws either. As I got older, it just grew and grew (my dressing habit that is). Purged a few times over the years. But that's about it.

While some may think that's the cause of my CDing, from a younge age I just felt happy being a girl sometimes, as I do to this day.
CDing for me.. Hmmm, think it was something I was just born with :)

07-24-2012, 01:23 PM
Did anyone feminize me? Yep. God did. I just wish he'd gone further with the process. This halfway house I've been living in all my life really isn't satisfactory. Maybe I'll get to be a female angel up in heaven.

07-24-2012, 01:25 PM
Surprisingly I hardly share my crossdressing with anyone but my closest entourage. It's always been my frilly batcave of sorts.

07-24-2012, 02:08 PM
No one helped me along, I was naturally drawn to dressing. I first started dressing my GI Joes in my sister's Barbie dresses, thought about how it would feel to get dressed myself and then things took off!

Dawn Andrews
07-24-2012, 03:38 PM
The teacher that cast me as an Ugly Sister in Cinderella in a Christmas pantomine when I was about 9 years old. It was her clothes I had to wear and she was quite young and dressed trendily as it was the swinging sixties!
Love Dawn

07-24-2012, 03:40 PM
When I was about 7 we went skiing and my mom forced me to wear a pair of her tights under my snow pants for warmth. I was embarrassed and openly protested, but secretly I enjoyed the feeling quite a bit. When the trip was over, I kept sneaking into the laundry basket to put the tights back on. Nothing sexual, just really liked the feeling. Later added some of my little sisters frilly skirts and eventually started sneaking some of my mom's clothes out of her closet.

Sad thing is that years later, when my mom caught me crossdressing she was VERY upset. Little did she know that she was the one who got me started...

Tina B.
07-24-2012, 03:45 PM
No one started me dressing, I'm a self made girl! I didn't need anyone, except to put girls clothing where I could get to it. I started dressing at around 6 years old, because I found access to my older sisters wardrobe.
Tina B.

07-24-2012, 04:47 PM
My mother dressed me in girls clothes about four or five years old. She sewed dresses and sold them to ladies who had daughters the same size as I was. Then she would have me put on a dress. Mother made me stand on a chair and model the dresses for the neighbor ladies and their daughters. Dresses was similar to this. Don't remember if I wore socks like those or girls panties then, a long time ago. ;)


Image from petticoat punishment.

Rachel Morley
07-24-2012, 07:47 PM
I wasn't feminized as others have described but I do remember one particular incident that I think was my "trigger".

I was about six years old. As children, the kids in our street often played games in large groups. There was one time that I remember when about twelve of us were playing hide and seek. I remember running and hiding in my parents garage with one of my friends Rebecca, who lived a few doors down from us. I can’t remember the exact details of how it happened but, while we were hiding, Rebecca insisted that she dress me in her cardigan. I can still recall to this day the intense feelings of excitement and fear that I had when she was doing this to me. I think I was excited because I really liked Rebecca, she was one of my best friends, and I enjoyed her attention. Also I think the fear was borne out of doing something (wearing a girl’s cardigan) that was somehow “forbidden” and also the fear of getting caught. We could have been found at any minute. All I know is that after this event, my desire to want to dress up grew stronger and stronger I still love to wear feminine cardigans today.

07-24-2012, 07:50 PM
I self feminized myself, with help from my eyes, ears, and nose! Sweet powers of observation!

Michelle (Oz)
07-24-2012, 08:35 PM
Well, it was my mother's and sister's fault. My Mum had silk stockings and panty girdle in her bedroom draw and my sister had nice panties and dresses. I just happened to find them and, at age 7 or 8, loved how they felt. So not my fault - they should have locked their cupboards. Pitty about the zipper getting stuck once and my sister having to rescue me. Now that WAS embarrassing.

07-24-2012, 09:39 PM
Did it myself also. Don't remember much from my very young years I do remember seeing mums and sis things around a lot. Sometime in my early teens I wanted to go out in one of my sis frilly dresses. Thought about going to the school Halloween party but was afraid of being harassed. But I did go out in the evening. My mom was very good and dressed me at my request. (OK maybe it was my mom's fault for helping me) I know I totally passed that night because of an embarrassing encounter with a neighbour. (her embarrassment not mine) I don't remember thinking much about it after that but I do recall the feelings I had being very similar to those I experienced when I finally started dressing in earnest.


07-24-2012, 10:50 PM
When I was maybe 3 all the girl relatives put makeup on me etc. My mother put me in panties at about 4 or 5 and I wa hooked. I was left alone with my sister whem my mother worked and dressed from an early age.

Victoria P
07-25-2012, 02:54 AM
Annabelle, what an interesting answer and makes me think about it in even greater detail.One never knows truly how this started with people like us,you may be right........? I am pretty well left speechless here so ,I'll give you points on originality? maybe lol,but I definitely agree with your halfway house statement.

Hugs V xoxo:)

Jennifer in CO
07-25-2012, 08:33 AM
sorry its wordy -
As a very small, frail child, I remember several times my mom having me wear my sisters night flannel gowns when it would be very cold out. I remember seeing Christmas movies from when I was 6 and in the first few moments my sister and I are walking into the living room, both in long lace and flannel gowns then the images stop and the next time I'm on camera I'm in a long blue robe covering (hiding) the gown. I have also seen movies of me playing in the back yard with my toys wearing a white top with Peter Pan collar and yellow short-alls.

The push over the edge was when I was 10 and stayed at my Aunts for 3 weeks. Mom and dad dropped me off on they're way out of town and hours later it was discovered my suitcase was still in the trunk. I wanted to play in my Aunts pool but the only swimsuit available was a one or 2 piece so I chose the 2 piece and only put on the bottoms. They were obviously bikini and obviously a girls and my Aunt said that she had way to many people coming to her home for someone to think she let little girls run around half naked so I had to wear the top as well. I Wore my cousins clothes and that bikini (and several others) for the next 3 weeks. I was hooked.

My Halloween story - That same year, for Halloween I convinced my mom to let me dress as a girl. I had been bugging her relentlessly for the 2 months post my time with my Aunt for girls clothes and finally got a pair of panties from of her. Well, she relented and I wore my sisters long-sleeved maroon velvet minidress with her black go-go boots, a white slip, one of her old white padded training bras and "my" panties but she bought me a pair of nude pantyhose! Also from somewhere she came up with a black wig that fell to my butt and she did my makeup - complete (foundation, eye shadow, blush, mascara and shaped my eyebrows). I think in part she wanted me to be unrecognizable so she wouldn't be embarrassed but also by doing my eyebrows hoped I'd be embarrassed afterwords - I wasn't. We did the trick-or-treat thing then I had a party to go to at an old neighbor's house. I hadn't planned on going "dressed" but mom said she had no cold cream to remove the makeup so I'd just have to go as I was. I think that was when I decided I really liked being a girl. When I was at my Aunts, "Jennifer" was born and I was her for 3 weeks and no one knew the difference (that I wasn't a girl). But with my friends, I was "me" and was accepted. Now I know that it being Halloween had everything (probably) to do with it, but I was the only "girl" there out of several pirates, Superman's and other "boy" Halloween costumes. Plus, I wasn't just a boy in a dress, I looked completely like a girl...like a girl who had chosen to be there and NOT in a Halloween costume. I loved how I felt and how I was treated. I had to sleep in my makeup that night when I got home and I slept in the bra, slip and my panties (much to the chagrin of my mom the next morning when she woke me). It was mid-afternoon before mom "found" her cold cream and removed my makeup. It took months before my eyebrows were "normal" again but I got only one comment about having "girlie eyes" the first day back at school (from the class bully) but nothing more was said after that first day...and due to the eyebrows I was continually mistaken for a girl for quite some time, I loved it.


07-25-2012, 08:46 AM
No, I honestly "lucked" in to all of this excitement and glamour. :daydreaming:

But if Sophia Vergara is looking for the job, I can have my bags packed within the hour! :D

07-25-2012, 09:25 AM
My sister's clothes were an accessory to my early crossdrressing crimes. And her accessories, too. But my sister never knew it. Fortunately for me, my sister and I were the same size through many teen years. Then I had to get my own stuff.

07-25-2012, 10:43 AM
I experienced a “trigger” moment when I was eight and visiting my maternal grandparents. I had left behind the suitcase my mom had packed for me, therefore no change of clothes. That evening my grandmother called me into their bedroom and proceeded to hold a pink sheer nightgown up against my shoulders. I blushed furiously while she laughed, adding that I needed something to wear while my clothes were being washed for the next day. I protested and was given a t-shirt to sleep in instead.

I had trouble falling asleep that night, thinking about what had been offered to me. I do vividly recall thinking I would’ve worn the nightie had my grandfather not been there with an opportunity to see me. Between the awkwardness of that moment and the fact I had no change of clothes, I asked to be taken home the next morning.

Within a year or two I began experimenting on my own with my older sister’s clothes. I’m not suggesting that the incident with my grandmother got me started, as looking back now I know from very early on I had an interest in expressing my feminine side. I have wondered if she had sensed that about me or was it simply a case of harmless teasing. And yes, a few years later I did try on that nightgown.

07-26-2012, 09:34 AM
I just remember my older sister and her friend dresses me up as a girl for holoween a few times. I guess that how I got started

07-26-2012, 09:46 AM
Yeah-get in line Deb

No, I honestly "lucked" in to all of this excitement and glamour. :daydreaming:

But if Sophia Vergara is looking for the job, I can have my bags packed within the hour! :D

Beverley Sims
07-26-2012, 12:47 PM
I started on the road by myself but when I was 18 a group of girls needed another girl in the group.
I became that girl on a casual basis.
What a great time I had as an 18 to 20 year old girl.

07-26-2012, 02:32 PM
At age 4, it was my tyrant mother who controlled all my time and demanded I become her feminized "little sissy maid". From then on I had to learn to do all the house work, change the bedding, do laundry, washing/drying dishes, scrubbing the bathroom, etc. She always dressed me in my older sisters hand me down clothes before I could start any chore! Each chore I did was white glove inspected by mother, and if it was not to her standards I would get beaten and be forced to wear more girly items, including panties, slips, little heeled MJs, makeup, nail polish, and behave as a good little girl "because I was a very bad boy". She would humiliate me saying "you'll make some one a very good wife someday". This ritual went on 'til my mid teen years when I realized not all bad boys are petticoated.

07-26-2012, 04:06 PM
Home alone a lot when younger. My mother was a dance teacher, so there were all sorts of stocking, garters, panties, etc and leotards to choose from. I got to the point where every day she would be at the studio until late, and I could indulge my desires for several hours at a time daily.

07-26-2012, 05:43 PM
I used to go through my moms dressers and try on her stockings.There was a boy in my neighborhood i would play show me games with...lol.It would start out with some strip poker and then innocent "mutual" fondeling(okay,im an easy date...(; ).Since he was a few years older than me i guess i became gradually submissive learning from or being directed by him,my feminine side thankfully flourished.Those were pleasent memories, and i wont ever regret being wanted sexually during my preteen years........thank you........gerry

07-29-2012, 10:37 AM
at 11 a guy seduced me and as part of it dressed me up in my sister's clothes and be his girl to play

08-18-2012, 02:12 PM
I had an ex that was bi, but prob more into girls, and she dressed me up one time. It was so much fun!

Anita Luken
08-19-2012, 10:02 PM
Well, it all started when my mom bought me a pair of white cotton boys underwear with a yellow nylon front panel with the fly included. The front panel had cute little lions and tigers and bear prints on it. I couldn't keep my hands out of my pants. I loved the feel of the nylon on my underpants and was always rubbing it. About the same time in kindergarten in winter we were poor and could't afford to buy new boys long underwear so we wore hand me down girls long brown cotton stockings held up by a form of garter belt that went over our shoulders to hold up. At cub scout age I discovered my sisters white sheer panties with a cute little heart on one side. I wore these to the evening scouts meetings, was so scared I would be caught but so excited also. Mom alway found me bright blue and green corduroy pants that were kind of girly to wear to school and in seventh grade made me a pair of underpants out of a red floral pattern cloth. By this time I had already found mom's unders drawer, bras, panties, stocking, girdles, etc.. then I took up baby sitting for friends and found their clothes. OHHH My. SIGH !!!

08-19-2012, 10:09 PM
But when I was 7, my mom and her tennis friend played tennis while me and mom's friend's 6 year old daughter romped around in the back our 1970 Chevy Kingswood station wagon. Big big car. God bless the 1970's..... that era ruled!

We kids switched underwear while our moms were playing on the tennis court. Pretty messed up, eh?
All I know is I wanted to dress like a girl. That was my ulterior intention. Feminizing me is like trying to force a fish to swim.

Ashley D.
08-19-2012, 10:22 PM
Just the girl in my head that has been trying to get out.

08-20-2012, 01:16 AM
My wife introduced me.

08-20-2012, 01:36 AM
Quite the contrary, I was into hunting, fishing, Football and Basketball although my mom's sister did all those things except play Football, I have no doubt she could have excelled in that game too.
I spent a lot of time with my mom, she got me started into Basketball and Football. Seeing her nude compared to my dad naked, I knew exactly who I wanted to look like down there and whose underpants I wanted to wear!

Amy Rose
08-20-2012, 07:27 AM
I was not supported in any way. My parents nor my sister would have approved of me as a girl.

There was a trigger though. When I was about 10, I had finally gotten a room all to myself. As a child this is a big step. I had my own dresser with my clothes but my older sister had a lot of old clothes that were given away and she kept her older stuff in my room, in a draw of my dresser. I never touched her clothes up until I was 12. Heck, It was non existent. My sister was 6 years older, thus she was 16 and I was 10. We lived in a small house, but my room was slightly isolated relative to the other rooms. When I was 12, I started to notice girls and having all of my sisters clothing let me inspect what they wore. Skirts, dresses, bras, and cute little panties. Once I started CDing this draw set me up. I remember a distinct pair of panties that was purple with a blow in the middle top. These became my favourites and I would sleep in them a lot during my teen years. A few years later, everything in the draw went but by then I already had my own.

Other interesting occurrence was in high school. I was with a girl for about 8 months. It was one of my first relationships where It was sexual. Anyways, one time I had a girl over after school and we were discussing double standards in our high school dress code where males aren't allowed to wear the skirts but females can wear the males shorts(we had a uniform). The uniform for females was feminine and empowering. White blouse and a plaid skirt around knee length and you were allowed to wear long socks in the winter. She thought I had the legs for a skirt and after pushing me onto it as I pretended to refuse I wore her skirt with the socks. Didn't get to the blouse. She thought it was sexy and gave me a lesson on how to sit properly. It was quiet an experience. However it lasted about 20 minutes and we never spoke about it again.

08-21-2012, 08:46 AM
Me my mom and stepdad

my mom would tell me to put my sisters panties on when i was small.my stepdad forced me to dress and sit in front of our house atabout ten. but i met a girl and her mom tehy dressed me and put perfume on me we played for hours . still look for that feeling of love and accetance have not found it but its ok

08-21-2012, 10:42 AM
Oh yes, I got a lot of help from my mother. She reminded me frequently that I was supposed to have been a girl. Anyway, she made dresses at home, a home business and specilised in doing complete weddings. There were always bridal gowns and bridesmaid dresses around that she was working on. Just so she could see how the dresses hung on a body she'd often ask me to put them on while she worked on te dresses, get me to walk in them etc. I must have worn 20 different bridal gowns in my life and innumerable bridesmaid dresses.

One day I was test driving a bridal gown for her when my parents got a bit silly. I would have been 13 or 14 at the time. We added the veil, got me some flowers, padded the bra and my father pretended to lead his "daughter" down the aisle. Suddnely my mother got upset and insisted I take it off. Years later I found out why, she realised that I looked better in the dress than the woman she was building it for.


08-21-2012, 11:29 AM
When I was little, my mom let me put make-up and lipstick on. In my teen years, curiosity and obsession took over.

That's basically what happened with me. It was never forced or anything. But I remember being drawn to the bright color of lipstick (the early eighties were a good time for that :) ), and asking her to put it on me. This had to be around age 4 or 5 - very early memories. As someone else said... it flipped a switch in me.

Ironically enough, my mom is hyper-conservative, and would never, ever condone the road I've traveled down. If only she knew what became of that innocent kid stuff.

Every now and then, I see situations where a young kid does these same sort of things, and I wonder what the end result will be. For example, I know a couple where the 2 or 3 year old boy always wants his toenails painted when his sister has them done. His mom obliges, and his dad freaks out. I do wonder... could it be a sign of things to come? Will that switch be flipped in him too? Or will it all fade into nothing? The human mind is a funny thing like that...

08-21-2012, 01:17 PM
My sister used to dress me up when we played dolls so I could be one of the "moms." I had to be the dad sometimes, too. But since our dad was always drunk or in the slammer, dads weren't considered a necessity or even desirable.

08-21-2012, 01:48 PM
I remember two of my aunts dressing me in their high heels, and hats, and long beaded necklaces. I think I was about 3 or 4. That was fun. When I was around 5, the same aunt would say to me, "you're a girl", only to hear me protest back, "I'm NOT a GRIL [sic]!" She thought it was cute to hear me mis-pronounce the word by saying "gril", and I acted embarassed, but I really enjoyed the attention, and kind of wished I WAS a gril!

I also had a couple of girl cousins, who I would be jealous of when we all got dressed up to go out as families. They got to wear pretty dresses, and cute white stockings, and shiny mary jane shoes, and put bows and ribbons in the long hair. That looked very fun and I remember thinking and wondering how "special" it must feel to dress like that. I also have a vague recollection of my mom wishing she had had a girl. I was her second son.

Another great early memory was the jar of "Happy Face" facial cleanser that my mom had on the bathroom shelf. It had a drawing of a cute girly face on the label, and I would wash my face with it, whenever I had been crying. I thought it would automatically wash away my tears and help me "put on a happy face", as the slogan went. It smelled so fresh and girlie, and would always put me in a better mood. Wonder why?

http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af293/theurbanore/HUGE%20LOT%2014%20VINTAGE%20MILK%20GLASS%20HAPPY%2 0FACE%20CREAM%20BO/th_xx-IMG_0037.jpg

08-21-2012, 02:19 PM
Hi Victoria, I remember playing dolls with my neighbor at an early age, she was an older woman who never had kids of her own, my mother was probably glad to get a break from me for a few hours. than in 2nd grade my friend and I played the ugly sisters in a Cinderella play. The next time I dressed when I was 17 a few times then stopped until a few months ago at age 67. Check out my homepage link on my profile page to see if I've made up any for lost time.Thanks and Hugs Jaymee

Victoria P
08-21-2012, 03:09 PM
HI Jaymees,

yes you have certainly made up for lost time and I would definitely purchase Real Estate from a classy sassy mature women as yourself!

You look great with a modern stylish sense of dressing!

Hugs Victoria xoxo

Julia Stevens
08-22-2012, 07:44 AM
No one feminized me. My sister thought it was cute, when at the age of 8 I wore her black knee length boots (up to the top of my thigh), bangles over my ears for earrings and handbag. That was the only time anyone saw me crossdressed until I was 26, as after that I did it in secret.