View Full Version : Repulsion to masculine things

07-24-2012, 09:09 AM
I'm closer to the transsexual side of things than the cross dressing one, I feel. However, I'm curious how many in the MtF CD Forum not only have a love of feminine things, but actually dislike masculine clothing, mannerisms, and such?

When I have to put on a man's button-down shirt, for instance, it just depresses me the whole time I'm wearing it. I stopped referring to myself with masculine pronouns months ago. Checking the "M" box on a medical form feels for all the world like a blatant lie. If I'm near macho guys in a restaurant, I move. I don't identify with masculinity at all, apparently.

I know many cross dressers enjoy the duality of their lives and I think that's a great way to live if it makes a person happy having that flexibility.

Am I even a cross dresser if I don't want anything masculine in my life, including what's "down there?" I apologize for being graphic; I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do, and if so, do you consider yourself a cross dresser or transsexual.

Thanks for reading...

Karren H
07-24-2012, 09:16 AM
Not me.... I enjoy pretty much what ever I'm wearing.... I'm not repulsed by anything...... except stupidity.... lol.

07-24-2012, 09:31 AM
The smell of men's deodorant and shaving cream is a turn off. Mannerisms - I'll agree. I don't mind wearing men's clothes, but I don't like hanging out with groups of macho type guys. But I can also get tired of pure female company. Some girl talk gets boring.

07-24-2012, 09:31 AM
I can't really say that I'm repulsed or dislike male clothes, pasttimes, mannerisms or behaviors, it's just that none of it comes natural to me; it's all like playing a part in a play or something like that. Sure, I've gotten very good at it, but it will always feel as if it's not natural to me.

Edit: the strong male scent that you can quickly identify from men's locker rooms makes me physically ill; waves of nausea come over me in a short time, though actual vomiting only occurred once that I can remember. Other than that, nothing else seems to cause any adverse reactions.

07-24-2012, 09:35 AM
I've always been uncomfortable in masculine settings and when I was a little kid, I feared being in situations where I was among lots of boys and particularly adult men. I remember dreading going to the barber shop, to the point of tears, because I would be dropped off there by my mother and there were always several men waiting to get their hair cut. I remember being teased a few times by the men about being a girly boy, to the point of tears once, and the barber had to tell them to leave me alone.

As I got older, I learned to deal with my fear of men and things got better, but I've never felt comfortable in situations where I'm among lots of "macho" men.

I've never liked my social role as a boy or man. I accept that I'm a male, but I don't like it. Back when I was a kid, there was nothing as far as information, let alone support, for transgender people, only persecution and ridicule, so I hid my true self away.


07-24-2012, 09:43 AM
I also see myself down the TS side more and more often and suspect that is where I always was. From a purely pragmatic view I dress to the occasion and if that works I feel good about it. At a black tie event, for example, I'll do the business and feel good about playing my role, but I'll be envious of all the girls in the ballgowns and evening dress and wish I was with them!

I think the word 'role' sums it up for me. Increasingly I feel that I dress to fulfil a role... a bit like an actor. I am 'me' when I am just dressed how I want to be and that is usually as a woman, even if I am wearing a floppy shirt as a top. Loads of GGs I know wear guys' shirts as tops. My wife used to borrow mine frequently to wear with jeans.

Increasingly it is about a state of mind as well... inside I am Kaz... I just dress as required. I am increasingly feeling more like I crossdress to fulfil my male role! i.e. the CDing is putting on the male gear!

07-24-2012, 09:47 AM
I'd say that the dislike of masculine things is probably the direct result of a lifetime of having society try to shove you into that role. Most GG's I think don't have an active dislike of all things masculine.

07-24-2012, 09:49 AM
Amanda if you start experiencing GID I would recommend a gender therapist or, if the feeling of wanting to be female instead becomes overwhelming. I see some CDers on this forum that most likely are TS but have managed somehow to keep things under control (for now).

Not all Cders stay at the same point and progress further along the gender scale. Accepting yourself as TG can open pandoras box for some of us. If it's only about the clothing and looking pretty you are most likely just a CDer. As a Cder is it's normal to reject masculine things too. These are only my thoughts BTW as I'm not trained in diagnosing things. Feel free to PM me.

07-24-2012, 09:51 AM
I feel that I lean decidedly towards the TS end of the spectrum. And I do have the sense that I'd rather not have all that junk, but at the same time, I also feel that I'm, as Kaz puts it, an actor, when I am obliged to put on my male persona. It is a little wierd to think that I'm CDing in male mode, but that's how it feels.

bridget thronton
07-24-2012, 10:21 AM
I enjoy being one of the girls - I am not repulsed by male stuff - but prefer ladies clothes

07-24-2012, 10:39 AM
The only masculine clothing that I really hate are hangman's nooses ... er ... ties. If I have to have a noose around my neck, I much prefer a bolo ... or better yet a lovely string of pearls!


Lynn Marie
07-24-2012, 10:51 AM
I've heard over the years that we are all on a sliding scale of transgenderism. Those at the lowest end of the scale are all male or all female. At the other end of the scale are those who feel totally that they are trapped in the wrong body. Somewhere in between are the rest of us.

I feel that I'm just about in the middle. 50% boy and 50% girl. I like both modes and seem to fit in just fine in both worlds. To me, it's the best of both worlds!

07-24-2012, 10:55 AM
The only masculine clothing that I really hate are hangman's nooses ... er ... ties. If I have to have a noose around my neck, I much prefer a bolo ... or better yet a lovely string of pearls!


Totally second that one!

To be honest, there are some good men's clothes out there now, but they tend to be the domain of the rich and/or the young, but like you Amanda, I cannot get excited by shopping for male clothes. I would rather someone buy them for me! I also hate body hair. This is my big hate! Why does my body sprout these 'wires' that could guard a prison or slice through cheese and salami? Yuck!

I body shave every 3 days max, often daily... when I am clean and smooth... the clothes become less relevant... hmm do I believe that?

07-24-2012, 10:58 AM
I'm TG, if anything, not sure i qualify for that. I like my "man bits" I enjoy them. I would prefer if the male anatomy was a little, sleeker? in outline? I hate current mens fashion in underwear and swimwear, it's all about social conditioning, IMHO. I've decided to not pander to it anymore. I wear my bike shorts with pride! next time I have to attend a pool training session for work, speedos! They'll just have to deal with it! Male conversations bug me sometimes, there is one situation at work, when the girls aren't around, the slant changes, it's very demeaning. I don't get that, it's like they are scared and reacting or something. When it comes to attraction, I often find the girls I like can be, sometimes androgynous, and mostly have a somewhat practical, and on the surface, less emotional manner. I like curves, and have no problem with expressing, and have my partner express her emotions, but heart on the sleeve, at least in day to day interactions, leaves me feeling a bit off. Having said that, in intimate situations, I do tend to be very intense and emotional. This is more social conditioning than anything else.

Tracii G
07-24-2012, 10:59 AM
I'm 60/40 I guess.More female than male in how I look at things.
I hate macho jerks and women that act like that too.

07-24-2012, 11:04 AM
I'm closer to the transsexual side of things than the cross dressing one, I feel. However, I'm curious how many in the MtF CD Forum not only have a love of feminine things, but actually dislike masculine clothing, mannerisms, and such?

When I have to put on a man's button-down shirt, for instance, it just depresses me the whole time I'm wearing it. I stopped referring to myself with masculine pronouns months ago. Checking the "M" box on a medical form feels for all the world like a blatant lie. If I'm near macho guys in a restaurant, I move. I don't identify with masculinity at all, apparently.

I know many cross dressers enjoy the duality of their lives and I think that's a great way to live if it makes a person happy having that flexibility.

Am I even a cross dresser if I don't want anything masculine in my life, including what's "down there?" I apologize for being graphic; I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do, and if so, do you consider yourself a cross dresser or transsexual.

Thanks for reading...

Amanda22, that's me in a nutshell.

I hate mascaline clothing. I mean, I wear them of course, but the only joy I get out of them is buying T-shirts with various messages and designs on them. To me, wearing male clothes is wearing a shell, a disguise for the real me.

I love female clothing...espically some things that many here would probably consider fad...platform sneakers, high-heeled jelly sandals, etc. I love skirts, short shorts, dresses, long hair, painting my nails. Always have, always will.

However, I like being male. I'm comfortable with my sex, just not with the gender specifications.

Tracii G
07-24-2012, 11:12 AM
I'm a mix of both genders and most can see that I think.
I'm sure most people think I'm gay but I don't care I am what I am a mix of both.My mannerisms are a mix as well.
Men's clothes? I really don't like them so I choose not to wear them.I wear womens jeans and unisex type tops so I'm happy with that.

07-24-2012, 11:17 AM
Must agree with Karren on this one! Why go phobic on ANYONE or THING?

Not me.... I enjoy pretty much what ever I'm wearing.... I'm not repulsed by anything...... except stupidity.... lol.
Of course, sexually it's a DIFFERENT STORY! The more fem, the more exciting! The more masculine, the more YUCK!

07-24-2012, 11:30 AM
Masculine attitudes and machismo are my issues, otherwise, meh:idontknow:

I don't really see why this is a big deal, when there is a thread right now crying about "She gets to, but I don't". You can be feminine in a man's shirt, Hollywood has made money on those scenes for years. I know a lot of women who wear men's deodorant because it works better. Sometimes when you try too hard, you make things worse than they really are

07-24-2012, 11:36 AM
Im not repulsed by male stuff at all.
But then again, I dont believe for one second that I'll ever get surgery or hormone therapy in this lifetime.
I just keep the 2 versions of 'me' very seperate.
You'll never catch me underdressing or wearing anything from my male side when Im dressed, no matter how tight it is ;)

07-24-2012, 12:03 PM
"Repulsed" is a very strong word! But there are several things associated with SOME Males, that I don't condone and don't participate.


Hunting...As a kid, we lived on a farm and I often had to provide game for The Table or "The Vittles" would have been very thin indeed. If I never taste another wild rabbit or squirrel, that would be more than fine for me. Likewise, venison. I know we have an abundance of deer around parts of The States, and they would starve if not "culled," I'm just not crazy about killing things, and the larger the animal, the more it bothers me.

Drinking to stupidity, and coma.....SOME Guys think this is macho, and seem to want to become alcoholics. They can keep it! Laying in front of a toilet all night, barfing and feeling miserable, not a lifechoice for Joanie.

Farting, and bad manners.....The World is already uncivilized, and we seem to be making it worse. Although any of these traits are not exclusively male traits, the first thought that comes to mind when you think about this stuff is "male!"

Spending my time on Stupid TV Shows.... featuring either Morons behaving badly, like "Jackass," or savage sports whose only purpose seems to be maiming some poor fool who participates.

But, I digress. There are lots of other males besides myself who don't like these things. And, The World will go on whether I like them or not. Is an "Aversion" for some of these traditional male pursuits a sign of Transgender? Maybe? But perhaps it's a reaction to Brutishness. Perhaps it's just being cantankerous?

Peace and Love, Joanie

Kate Simmons
07-24-2012, 01:21 PM
I don't hate being a man, especially after getting in touch with all of my feelings. Having experienced being even a small part of the "fair" sex has made me appreciate women all the more. I can really enjoy being a "gentle"man with a nice lady.:)

07-24-2012, 01:29 PM
I actually find ''social feminity'' to be extremely irritating simply because of how shallow it is. Then again, real man-behaviors like watching football piss me off just as much. I've always been an academic at heart. Maybe books are frilly...

Rebecca Star
07-24-2012, 01:40 PM
I'm not repulsed by anything...... except stupidity.... lol.

If I'd have read that 3 sec earlier my mouthful of tea (drinking) would have been all over my k/board. I'm still laughing typing this :D

As Joanie commented, "Repulsed", "is a very strong word!".

For me, I'm happy I've got two sides of my persona which I can express when I like. I see neither male or female clothing etc...etc as better or worse, just sometimes, one or the other appeals to me more :)

As far as Alpha male stuff, doesn't flick my switch. While I've participated in sports and stuff which would be considered male like, hanging out at a bar getting p#ssed and harassing women, is something that makes me shudder.

07-24-2012, 01:47 PM
The only masculine clothing that I really hate are hangman's nooses ... er ... ties.

Totally second that one!

I'll third it! A tie has to be the most useless garment ever invented.

As far as male clothing goes, I say it's not for nothing it's called "drab". That's exactly the way I feel in it. Like nothing. When I'm en femme I feel like somebody.

I have no particular dislike of the male world. I just don't want to be a part of it myself. I did a bit of grocery shopping this afternoon. As I was leaving, I noticed that there were two (female) cashiers each dealing with two female customers. I felt very lonely and left out.


07-24-2012, 01:51 PM
Am I even a cross dresser if I don't want anything masculine in my life, including what's "down there?" I apologize for being graphic; I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do, and if so, do you consider yourself a cross dresser or transsexual.

No, I really can't relate at all to what you're saying. You definitely sound like a TS to me.

The thing that bothers me about this kind of thread...someone will eventually starting giving off the "Oh, I'm Soooo Femme" vibe and saying they're more "femme" than a GG, which is total crap.
If you hate being male that much, book the next flight to Thailand and straighten it out.

Cynthia Anne
07-24-2012, 01:59 PM
I feel the same way except I NEVER check the M box!! I don't even want male items in my house!!

Thera Home
07-24-2012, 02:04 PM
Am I even a cross dresser if I don't want anything masculine in my life, including what's "down there?" I apologize for being graphic; I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do, and if so, do you consider yourself a cross dresser or transsexual.

Thanks for reading...

Hi Mandy
(between you and me) I believe they call it "The Dangler" @ these parts:heehee:


Tina B.
07-24-2012, 03:56 PM
Not me.... I enjoy pretty much what ever I'm wearing.... I'm not repulsed by anything...... except stupidity.... lol.

As usual Karren nailed it! Life is 3 parts male, to 1 part female, in my world, it would be a real bummer if I felt bad about being a guy. I spent years worrying about being a CD, but I got over it, I don't think changing it to bein repulsed about my guy side would help any. Life is too short, so I just try to take it as it comes, and enjoy whatever it is at the time.
Tina B.

Rachel Morley
07-24-2012, 08:30 PM
Wow Mandy .... how you describe yourself is so similar to me. :) I also hate pretty much all things that are traditionally masculine. There are certain men's clothes I will wear, but the vast majority I loath, and I'd kill myself first before wearing a men's flannel plaid shirt. :puke:

Groups of guys acting ...well ... like guys, are also something I steer clear of, and the very very worst thing is if say I am at work (I work in engineering), and I hear some guys having a misogynistic conversation, I just have to leave the room. I'm not kidding. I can't listen that! You should see inside our house too ... you'd never know a guy lived there. :)

07-24-2012, 08:34 PM
I'm closer to the transsexual side of things than the cross dressing one, I feel. However, I'm curious how many in the MtF CD Forum not only have a love of feminine things, but actually dislike masculine clothing, mannerisms, and such?

When I have to put on a man's button-down shirt, for instance, it just depresses me the whole time I'm wearing it. I stopped referring to myself with masculine pronouns months ago. Checking the "M" box on a medical form feels for all the world like a blatant lie. If I'm near macho guys in a restaurant, I move. I don't identify with masculinity at all, apparently.

I know many cross dressers enjoy the duality of their lives and I think that's a great way to live if it makes a person happy having that flexibility.

Am I even a cross dresser if I don't want anything masculine in my life, including what's "down there?" I apologize for being graphic; I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do, and if so, do you consider yourself a cross dresser or transsexual.

Thanks for reading...

Whether I am dressed in Levi's, motorcycle boots tooling down the road on my harley or that revealing LBD, heels and full war paint.. I still feel like me.

07-24-2012, 10:03 PM
I do hate macho and men/man stuff. I have begun to wear my bra w/enhancers every day to work and about. I feel like I let myself down if I don't. I also am wearing girl jeans and slacks and just t shirt received from work. I will some buy some flats and gym/tennis shoes to wear, the flats I will wear to and from work. Male stuff doesn't make feel repulsed I am just disinterested in it. Since I can't wear skirts or dresses to work I can wear everything else. I have moved further down the scale my self and would like to start HRT. I will inform my Doctor of this the next time I see her. She knows I told her. I will have to have my ears pierced again as last time I didn't take very good care.


07-24-2012, 10:52 PM
No, I really can't relate at all to what you're saying. You definitely sound like a TS to me.

The thing that bothers me about this kind of thread...someone will eventually starting giving off the "Oh, I'm Soooo Femme" vibe and saying they're more "femme" than a GG, which is total crap.
If you hate being male that much, book the next flight to Thailand and straighten it out.
NICE, U! A little bit heavy, but NICE!

07-24-2012, 11:24 PM
I'd really like to thank those who replied with thoughtful responses to my question. There are no "wrong" feelings when we talk about how we feel. I'm struggling with identity, as I have for 5 decades. It seems that many/most on this forum have themselves figured out to their satisfaction and have found some peace with their situation. When I described my feeling by using the word "repulsed," that's how I feel, even though it is a very strong word. I wish it weren't so.

I am as mystified by MtF CDers who treasure their maleness as I am by regular people who have no need to CD or gender bend at all. All I know is "me" and I wish I had that peace of being that so many others seem to have.

07-25-2012, 04:23 AM
I am not repulsed by male things per se, though I certainly do find some things males do to be repulsive. That locker room "cat litter box" smell always made me feel a bit ill too. I wear male clothes everyday, I am not repulsed by them, but they are rather boring and hold no particular interest for me.

Interestingly enough, I was at my dentist a while ago and they had male, female and "transgender" as sex options on the form. Since I assumed they ask in case someone is on HRT or had recent surgery and they were not referring to occasional TVs, I just checked male.

07-25-2012, 06:27 AM
I wouldn't say a replusion to masculine things, but I do have a repulsion to shopping for mens clothing. I cannot remember the last time I bought an article of mens clothing and my wardrobe shows it. I still have a few pair of Dockers pants and a few Dockers shirts and that's about it. I really detest shopping for mens clothes. I would much rather be in the ladies department picking out some shapewear or shoes or makeup or something

07-25-2012, 09:18 AM
Mandy, I'd have to comment that I am about 100% opposite of you. I don't go for bar room brawls, but I love to test myself in a number of physical and usually considered manly sports. I never feel out of place in my male clothes other than I think they are boring. I have no inner struggles with liking being male and my need to express the feminine in me. Sometimes, I think I am the most well adjusted crossdresser on the planet.

Sarah Doepner
07-25-2012, 09:45 AM
I'm probably more like Karren and Jennifer. I really enjoy my girl time and if I manage to nurture that on a regular basis I don't mind living my life male. To be honest, the simplicity of it is one significant attraction. I so look like a guy that there is a lot of effort to convince the mirror there may be a non-male facing it. There are a lot of typical male behaviors that put me off, I spent way too many years working in the company of that type of man and I'm glad to be out of that environment. I was going to say there are behaviors that are typically female that put me off as well, but in thinking about it, they are juvenile behaviors that most adult women either grow out of or suppress very well. And maybe it's those juvenile male behaviors that I dont' like, but the male culture tends to encourage them and claim it's okay for an adult to behave like a 14 year old. Sad stuff there. Male clothing isn't as much fun as skirts and dresses, but I do like Hawaiian shirts and they are a close second to blouses and cute tops when I have to be a guy. I try to find comfort, mental and physical, in both modes since I'm unlikely to stop crossdressing and won't ever go for GRS.

07-25-2012, 10:34 AM
I'd really like to thank those who replied with thoughtful responses to my question. There are no "wrong" feelings when we talk about how we feel. I'm struggling with identity, as I have for 5 decades. It seems that many/most on this forum have themselves figured out to their satisfaction and have found some peace with their situation. When I described my feeling by using the word "repulsed," that's how I feel, even though it is a very strong word. I wish it weren't so.

I am as mystified by MtF CDers who treasure their maleness as I am by regular people who have no need to CD or gender bend at all. All I know is "me" and I wish I had that peace of being that so many others seem to have.:lol2: ....Maybe some of the others....

This really struck a funny bone with me,because over the last couple of months, I've been discovering exacly how much, I didn't/don't know about myself. :o

Thing is, on this forum, there are at least 3 different broad "types" of CD, with god alone knows how many subdivisions within those. Of course you're mystified by them, their motivations can be completely diferent from yours. Having said all that, reading about others experiences, feelings, decisions, gives a background to my position, and often clarifies by showing what I'm NOT.

I do thank you all for that.

07-31-2012, 10:54 PM
Many well dressed women I know are repulsed by the custom of wearing high heels, hosiery, waist cinches (or Spanx), long fingernails and pushup bras, just to name a few. So for some, maybe its just that the grass is always seems greener ...

08-01-2012, 05:33 AM
Not me.... I enjoy pretty much what ever I'm wearing.... I'm not repulsed by anything...... except stupidity.... lol.

You have that ESP N thing going on Karren. My thoughts Exactly!

Stacey Renee
08-01-2012, 04:14 PM
I'm 60/40 I guess.More female than male in how I look at things.
I hate macho jerks and women that act like that too.

I am pretty close to the 60/40 also... While I love sports, I hate male clothes, but I have to wear them, just so blah... My attire for work, khakis, button downs and work boots. At home, because I have a family, usually shorts and a tee-shirt or polo, because I have to play the role...

I am not repulsed by them, just not excited that that is my life as a manager, that is what I have to wear, while some of the women in our corporate office, skirts and heels everyday, what I would love to wear.

08-01-2012, 04:21 PM
Sometimes I'm OK with just wearing "whatever" as far as male clothing goes. But many times I am appalled at how many men just wear "whatever", like to same clothes, same color schemes, inattention to appearance (whereas women look nice, colorful, good interesting variety - many women that is - but I like women's "whatever" casual too, so ...)

08-01-2012, 08:00 PM
Hi Amanda, I find that I seam to have a hard time buttoning mens shirts.

08-02-2012, 07:28 AM
I wouldn't say repulsed, but for me signs of masculinity makes me feel uncomfortable. If I have to wear a mans outfit for a full day, I can't wait to get them off. I shave my body and if I wait too long between shaves, seeing the body hair grow out makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious. I don't like hanging out with the guys anymore because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I imagine in a few more years I'll feel repulsion.

08-02-2012, 07:43 AM
Repulsed is such a strong word. No, I am not repulsed by anything about my male self or the female side of me either. I like to dress and look good in either mode and am happy about it.

08-02-2012, 07:48 AM
Repulsed is such a strong word. No, I am not repulsed by anything about my male self or the female side of me either. I like to dress and look good in either mode and am happy about it. Im with you Brandy,,,, I just say to Hell with it live an let live ,,Lifes to Dam Short ,,If ya Dont like it than jus Move on !!:thumbsup:

08-02-2012, 05:50 PM
I dunno - I kinda like being a guy at times. But every once and a while I have this strong freakout feeling where I just am dying to slip into anything feminine. I had an experience one night, and my hairy legs rubbing up against each other was totally grossing me out. I wanted more than anything to have them smooth and hairless. I guess I have an aversion to body hair - as I get older there seems to be too damn much of it!

08-02-2012, 06:17 PM
I can't say "repulsed" but I really hate the feeling of "going back to drab." Being dressed is so pleasant for me that going back to male mode feels like a defeat.

I realize that isn't rational, but the feeling is still there.