View Full Version : rE a lI tY

08-04-2012, 11:55 AM
Simply and observation, this here is not to help someone understand, although if it does, Hurray, but merely my own take on the essence of TRANSITION!

As I am pushing through a thick ghastly texture of transition, many a time, I find my self smack against impenetrable wall or consciousness and realization that what I have known until today was somewhat false, but not really untrue! How can something be false and yet somehow remain real and touchable?

The illusive point we feel yet do not see of finality of transition into realm of womanhood seems achievable yet every time I get closer It moves on further as to keep an uncomfortable distance I am yet to cross.

One more hurdle in sight and once crossed yet another appears out of nowhere.

But I think I have a good idea why!!!!

As I have set out on this quest, I could not imagine immense vastness and tremendous weight of reality which I will have to bare. If I had such understanding at an onset, I would have never set a first step, yet I have, because I knowingly made this Reality disappear into a comfortable fog of pretend, joyful clout of pleasureful transition.

As this site illustrates, 99.9% of members do not look clearly into a mirror. Image which resonates within their interpretation seems a pigment of imaginary magical ability. We do not see our selves as we are within this world but our selves whom we project forth and strive to be. But this force alone does miracles, I know it does, because I my self experience the same.

This force of want, need, connection with the spiritual part of who we are, conveys what we infact want the world to see, a projection of our soul into realm of flesh and bone.

Reality does strike us down, and I am sure nearly all have that happen when our foggy image of a girl in the mirror burns off and we then are brought back to see the real image, the harsh reality, but with hope, we tear up, cry our pain away and again return to our Savior, the Unreal reality of transition.

Traci Elizabeth
08-04-2012, 09:23 PM
Huh! Come again! What?

08-04-2012, 11:18 PM
That was beautiful Inna

I agree, we should never allow reality to kill our hopes and dreams because reality is made up of what "is" and what we make the "is" into.

We are both clay and sculptor so live between limits and the unlimited and each person must determine what those limits are for themselves.

08-04-2012, 11:29 PM
Huh! Come again! What?

If I may translate.... Put your big girl panties on and suck it up! ( I studied accounting and economics in college rather than philosophy and poetry) :battingeyelashes:

08-11-2012, 05:16 AM
WOW! I randomly came across this and I was told once on here that I had posted the most realistic and honest post they had seen...I would like to pass that to you and this post. The deepest e-scence of how we portray ourselves, what we are born as, and how it mixes in with everything else. I started having LSD flashbacks just understanding what you were talking about. you took me for a ride on this one Inna! I am truly impressed at the level you reached to be able to understand, interpret and then explain it.

Once upon a time, the reality of the words you speak came to be my reality. It is still a reality to me and though transitioning seems more and more just a matter of when, it doesn't come without being honest with me and my feelings. The only conclusion for me is understanding that naturally you are going to have to unlearn certain things and learn other things you never thought about. I know that 33 years of living like a man isn't going away overnight and nor should it. I feel like I have to allow him to tell her it's ok by proving that she is capable of handling life like a female permanently. I could just ignore him and pretend that he doesn't exist but it doesn't have to be like that. I am the heart and mind either way. I have to live with that and to keep my balance, I just know that being a female will never be perfect and chasing that feeling of "it's finally over" will never be. At what point would I feel content? I'll let you know. I just wanted to tell you that your honesty could be used more often.

Thera Home
08-11-2012, 01:02 PM
Hi Everyone
Hope this finds all of you in good sprit. Just want to point out that I enjoy your posts alot. Very nice writing. Natacsha, I noticed you grew your hair longer and colored it:heehee:....very nice. Brunettes are beautiful


08-12-2012, 09:50 AM
When you are talking about reality you quickly learn that your reality is not anothers reality. It is a matter of perception, belief, and language.