View Full Version : Just feels right

08-15-2012, 10:50 PM
I must tell you that as I sit here I am dressed. As myself Contessa Marie H. I have been dressed for some time and my son and walked to the store as we have done before. Being dressed is not so much and I have only been fully dressing for about a year. But sitting here I realized that at my age I really like Sharon Osbourne. And many other women on television. Along with my wife who is now sleeping and doesn't care too much for the way I am. But I just want to say that this just feels right. But sitting here dressed I still prefer women and I am dressed like one. I don't understand it but It still feels right. I know there are hundreds like myself maybe they don't all like S. O but I do. I wish my wife liked me as much as I like being dressed. I don't do it except maybe twice a week. I am so comfortable. Is there any of you like me it is not really a big deal it just feels right.


08-15-2012, 11:18 PM
My wife knows, but doesn't want to see any evidence of my dressing. I do have to agree with you that when I'm dressed, I feel complete and natural. It just feels right. Good luck to you.

Jolene Robertson
08-16-2012, 05:39 AM
Hi Contessa. Like you "it feels right." I'm fortunate that my wife is supportive and I am usually dressed when at home and always under dressed. It has gotten that I don't "feel right" if I'm not at least somewhat dressed.


Tracii G
08-16-2012, 06:02 AM
My female side feels right is the way I look at it too.
My kids are grown and gone and doing their thing so I have time to be me and enjoy life whichever mode I'm in.

Noel Chimes
08-16-2012, 06:11 AM
When I'm dressed it is just so refreshing and free. My problem is that my daughter and son-in-law live here as well. He doesn't know and my daughter is in DADT mode. However if they didn't have a problem with it I would be en fem every chance I could. Right now I'm in planning mode for another weekend en fem complete with a makeover. I can't wait.

08-16-2012, 06:16 AM
I too am like you in many ways. Whenever I am dressed it just feels right!!!!!! I have felt this way for a long time and like you, my wife doesn't care for me to be dressed and present myself as a woman. I like myself as a woman!!!!!! I feel I have more poise, confidence, a better demeanor and have a more intense interest in the way I look.


08-16-2012, 06:19 AM
Hi Tess, It sounds like that you are as normal as any of us here are.

Beverley Sims
08-16-2012, 06:38 AM
Like all the rest I feel right when dressed also.
One day down the track you may have a more accepting wife.

08-16-2012, 10:41 AM
I can't say its not a big deal form me, Tess. I suppose I should be so accustomed to living en femme that it becomes totally routine, but to be honest, I still immensly enjoy and appreciate the knowledge that I can live the majority of my life this way. Fortunately, my wife is on board with it or life would be far less enjoyable.

Miss charlie
08-16-2012, 12:34 PM
I also feel great when dressed ! It just seems right to me and I love it ! My wife hasn't really had the chance to come to terms with it yet but thats down to me - she knows about the tights and panties occasionally and says she doesn't care if wanted to wear them (but a bit of me wants her to care so we can have girly days together?) but as for the rest I've not told her yet, being honest our marriage isn't the best at the moment we disagree quite a lot and there isn't much affection at all I just feel like we are housemates :sad:

I think until things come good that it might be used against me for the wrong reasons as an easy out for her, even though the guilt of the dressing and some therapy is getting a bit much for me... and the thought of her not accepting/supporting it when I do tell her with how I feel may well mean I'll be off...

I really dont know yet, I'm glad your wife allows it though girl :) hopefully it will get better for you xxx

08-16-2012, 10:52 PM
Yes outhiking I feel complete too. As well as natural.

Tracii my oldest is the one who went to the store with me. We just walked around the corner. They either had no idea at that store or it just doesn't matter when you spend money.

Blue Orchid you are probably right about being normal. Every man at a point of conception was female before tuning male so we all(men) have a feminine side. Some of them may just be a bit stronger. We have some of our mother and our mother's mother in law in us. The x chromosome factors.

Molly and Noel I have to just dress or I will lol become light headed and that and some brandy don't mix. Haa My nails have color polish all the time and I wear a bracelet and femm watch 24/7.

My wife of forty years will never be accepting Beverly, we have decided to separate but can't yet afford that.

Kim you are a doll, I do hope to dress on a regular basis. am moving toward that even going to work. I wear women's jeans and slacks with a t shirt. And girl gym shoes and knee highs or trouser socks. I have capris too. I am enjoying my life now.

Miss charlie my wife probably wont ever be accepting, she just doesn't want to think that I could be a girl. I am almost more of a girl than she is and she was born one. She is not masculine but not as feminine as she could be. And I enjoy being a girl.

Thanks again all


08-16-2012, 11:45 PM
How wonderful for u, Contessa! And, what an uplifting post! It's never "felt rite" for me and I doubt it ever will!

It DOES feel good, exciting, and satisfying! But, I would trade all that for "feeling rite" in a minute!

09-11-2012, 01:28 AM
In my female mode it feel right as well as in my guy mode. However in my female mode I am more outgoing and I take pride in my appearance. Now on the attraction issue as a guy I first love my wife and love women and I am 10000% committed to my marriage. Now as a woman I still hold that commitment however I found out by mistake that my orientation changes as a woman where I find women an equal and I have been attracted to a guy before and I mean seriously attracted to him! He was the first but a few weeks ago I caught myself looking at a guy. Now I have been kissed by only one guy and I felt the protection of a man as a woman and to be honest looking back on the events from the girl side I loved being protected and chased by a guy, where as a guy I have no attraction to men period. Like I said I take my vows serious and will not cross that line.

I forgot to mention I am not out to my family so that keeps is keeping me grounded! I fI was out thing would be drastically different as my wife does not support or wants to support this side as I did some test questions and it was stated if you where like that I would leave! So that is off the table!

09-11-2012, 08:48 AM
Contessa, what you have said really sums it up for me. When I am dressed "I just feel right". I spend all my time in alpha male mode in order to get through the day, but when I put on a skirt and step into some heels, the world relaxes and so do I. The change just washes over me. Love it.

09-11-2012, 09:04 AM
Hi Contessa! Yes indeed... you have captured how many of us feel! I don't know why I do it but it 'feels right'... this works for me! I dress every opportunity I can.. in fact this is fast becoming my default position... I 'cross' dress as a guy to interface with the family and go to work, etc...

I just love to throw off the mask and slip into a skirt... such a relief! xx

Lady Slipper
09-11-2012, 04:10 PM
I have to agree Tess, it feels right. On the TV show Family Guy Stewie while disguised as a girl in a dress with a mop head wig was asked how he's doing and he says "I feel right Brian, I feel right." I think some of the writers have TG friends, or are TG themselves. When I can't find the words feeling right is kinda my default explanation.