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View Full Version : Ghost woman

11-19-2005, 10:25 AM
I hope it doesnt sound weird,,,but have any of you heard about how people who lose a body part usually have ghost feelings of that part.They say it feels just like it is still there.Well,i feel like a ghost woman quite often.I feel like i have a womans body.I get feelings ,sensations,which i have only begun to really notice over the last year or two.I have always felt i should be a woman,but these feelings werent there the whole time.Do you know what i am saying?Sometimes i could just swear that i have a womans body!And the whole losing a body part thing is the only thing i know to compare it to.Those people had something,and lost it,and their mind has trouble accepting that.I feel like i have lost something,and my mind is definately having trouble accepting it.I feel like a ghost woman!Anyone else ever think something like that?
Bye!Love to all!

11-19-2005, 11:02 AM
I felt that when I really think about it. And I'd guess that's why I've felt it, because I was putting a lot of thinking into it. I don't have a ghost woman, only a woman buried underneath a mass of maleness :rolleyes:

11-19-2005, 11:09 AM
If you believe in reincarnation, it is possible that previous female incarnations are being remembered to some degree in this life. It may partly explain why feel different levels of connection with a feminine persona. We may have brought along larger or smaller quantities of past life feminine feelings and memories.

Much in the same way that our sleeping dreams are sometimes remembered in a fuzzy way but oftimes not remembered at all, they still hold influence over us.

Jasmine Ellis
11-19-2005, 11:10 AM
I feel like that after taking off my make-up at night.:rolleyes:

11-19-2005, 12:09 PM
Lacy, I am quoting some articles about the ghost from the same book(Between Death&Life), and you might want to be interested to reading it...Now some of you may not agree some points below but I think this is the best explanations of ghosts so far out on the public what they really can say.

D: What about ghosts?

S: The manifestation of many ghosts is nothing more than the projection of the energies of the individual who is seeing these apparitions. THe individuals themselves are projecting these energies which could perhaps be reflections of their own former lives or awareness of other spirit planes,and they are projecting these awareness down to a physical level. We wish not to convey that all ghosts are thse projections. However, integrate this into your awareness that these are possiblities. That not all are true spirits but are sometimes possibilites. That not all are true spirits but are sometims mere projections of individual who is perceiving this reality.

D: Is this in the same way that we would perceive fairies, nymphs and that sort of things?

S: There are indeed those energies which are perceived as fairies and nymphs; however, these are not identical to that energy of which we speak. THese are separate energies perceived by an individual, not projected from that individual. THese projected energies are inherent and an intrinsic part of the individual which perceives them. There are many other possibilites of projection and perception. However, we speak here only of this one particular form of manifestation, that being a projection-perception type of experience.

D: Some people have seen what they think are ghosts in different places re-enacting scenes. They seem to be trapped in a moment in time.

S: That is an excellent analogy. THey are earthbound entities who are trapped in their own doings, so to say, and can find no release. For they are so directed in their energies that they can perceive nothing around them except that which they have focused onto. And so they find themselves in vicious circle, so to say, destined to repeat the same set of circumstances which puyt them there in the first place, until there is the awakening. The people in physical form can help and assist thse individuals much more readility than we who are on the spirit. Although these ghosts are also spirit, their consciousness and awareness is locked into the physical and this is all they can perceive. So they cannot see those spirits around them who are attempting to guide them to their truth, to enlighten them and release them from their misery. This is an instance where the physical is most capable of helping the spiritual.

D: sometimes they don't seem to be aware of the physical people who are watching them.

S: That is correct, for oftentimes they are so locked into their own energy they see nothing around them, even physical, except their own energies

11-19-2005, 12:58 PM
Does having a ghost thin person count?

