View Full Version : You preffer what prenoun refer you

09-01-2012, 06:45 AM
I am not native speacker of English, But In my country, mtf CD use word for woman

In my country language Male and female use different word for their older brother or sister. And Many friends or couple(sometimes, it include married couple) with different age use to call their partner or friend as they are real brother or sister.

when they call older CD friend, use word 언니(It is used in younger sister calls older sister), not use word 형(It is used in younger brother calling older brother)

I'm interesting of usage pronoun in English. because In English, use different third pronoun by gender of mentioned people.

09-01-2012, 07:43 AM
When I am dressed as a woman, I prefer to be called as "she" or "her", or just "Jennifer".
I am not likely to hear that from my wife, because she is non-approving.

Annie D
09-01-2012, 08:05 AM
I prefer the pronoun associated with the gender that I am trying to represent at the moment.

I Am Paula
09-01-2012, 09:07 AM
My only difference between modes is when presenting as male I wear flats (usually ballets or ladies sneakers), no make up, no boobs. I don't own any male clothing. I introduce myself as Paul. Femme mode, I put on a bra and forms, or glue them on, lipsticks and eyes, and heels or wedges. Done in about 15 minutes. I then introduce myself as Celeste. The pronoun peaple use with me is 99% ma'am, but I really don't mind either way, 'cause I'm usually more confused than they are.

09-01-2012, 09:36 AM
Not me ,,,I like to be called her all the time ,,It just fits better ,,Know matter what I wear or look like ,, I do refer to my self as Fat girl,,FAT LADY ,,,, Even when there are people around who dont know ,,, Just a nice way of breaking the ice ,,, Kinda funny an suddle ,,,Huh ,, Just lets them know where ya stand ,,AN THE FUNNY THING IS KNOW ONE HAS EVER CORRECTED ME ,,,LOL,,

09-01-2012, 09:41 AM
For folks that know me, I prefer Sherry! However, I realize when I'm out that the Muggles don't know my name. So, I've gotten used to responding to; "Doofus", "Queen", "OMG", and the always popular, "That's a guy"!

Billie Jean
09-01-2012, 09:44 AM
I perfer ME. Billie Jean

09-01-2012, 09:52 AM
English is a funny language and we different expressions in the USA and the UK.

A sister addressing an older sister would use the name... hello Kaz... no pronoun descriptor... same for brothers. Then we have generic terms for all women... she, her, compared to him, his... but these would be used without a name... For example...she'll give it back when you give it her. That dress is her's.

Then we have Miss Kaz Williams (an unmarried woman), Mrs Kaz Williams (a married woman), and Ms Kaz Williams (don't want people to know your married status). The male equivalent is just Mr for all three! A source of controversy with women for a long time and why the term Ms was introduced!

I the UK a generic term to someone whom you do not know, would be 'sir' for a male, and 'madam' for a woman... as in good morning madam, or good evening, sir... that is losing its usage and is sometimes deemed old fashioned, but it is nevertheless polite. In the States, the have abbreviated madam to ma'am... a bit more endearing maybe, but not used in the UK much. It would sound very strange here!

Then there are the professional titles... Dr (as in Doctor) is the same for men and women and replaces Mr, Mrs and Ms. Of course the Chinese (not sure about Koreans) reverse first and family names... So if Kaz had a PhD/Doctorate or was a qualified medical physician... she would probably be called Dr Kaz... when the term if used politely and out of respect should really be Dr Williams. Same with Mr, Miss, Mrs and Ms...Not Ms Kaz!!!! Ms Williams!!!

I find the difference in language when we consider cultural perspectives fascinating! I have one younger brother and one younger sister... they have always called me by my first name with no pronoun... I call my mother 'mum' and used to call my father 'dad'. Still do when I refer to him.

So when someone called me Ms Williams and I felt that our relationship should be less formal I would reply... 'call me Kaz'!

In the West, we are less formal with names...

Hope this helps!

Cheryl T
09-01-2012, 11:13 AM
When dressed I am in no way masculine and dislike being referred to as him, he, or with a male name.
I'm Cheryl, please refer to me as such.

Cynthia Anne
09-01-2012, 03:57 PM
I prefer she, her, maam or Cynthia! Anything but ''IT''!