View Full Version : Dressing to work

09-01-2012, 04:53 PM
I was just wondering does anyone else dress to work.

I do :) I wear underwear and girlie trousers but I do sometimes wonder if anyone notices.

Does anyone else do this and feel the same

Whats your thoughts :)


Stephenie S
09-01-2012, 04:59 PM
If you wear a bra, someone notices. It's impossible to hide a bra. Panties are not noticeable unless you bend over.

People notice things. Most are too polite to make an issue of it though. You are probably thought of as that weird guy who likes to wear women's things to work.


09-01-2012, 05:06 PM
I wear womens jean shorts to work with panties underneath. In the winter I wear womens jeans from Old Navy. When it is really cold outside I do wear a bra underneath my sweat shirt. No comment so far.:)

09-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Like yourself, I only wear panties to work and in winter, hose (they keep me warm also).

This kind of makes me think of Montreal's Xavier Dolan's movie this past Spring: Laurence Anyways (there is a closed thread on it) where the main male protagonist becomes a TG and the movie is about his transformation and relationship with his wife and at work (he gets fired). It is a beautiful and powerful movie, very well acted and should be available later this month on DVD for all who missed it.

09-01-2012, 05:42 PM
I wear panties all the time and hose when it gets cold.

09-01-2012, 05:47 PM
Underwear and socks, all the time. Sometimes a girl t-shirt. I've spent a long time looking for a shirt that's just enough on the borderline for people not to say anything, but I've not had a hit yet.

I'd like to go the girly trousers way, but sadly the only women's trousers that fit me are stretch ones that would not be suitable. Smart ones either have far too obvious wide hems, or don't fit.

09-01-2012, 06:04 PM
Prexetta have you tried GAP trousers thats what I wear and no one has ever said anything, well not to me anyways.

for me it been more of can they see my bra. I've looked in the mirror myself and can't see it but you just never now also I wear a fleace alot of the time and this seems to hide things well :)

09-01-2012, 06:32 PM
I wear a bra to work sometimes and women jeans once-in-while. So far nobody said anything about it yet. I'm a deliverly driver so i'm out on the road alot I just leave my shirt tail out and hunch over a bit or I stick out my gut and they think that I have man boobs. In winter I wear women L J

09-01-2012, 08:15 PM
I'm always dressed in lingerie, a skirt or dress and heels almost everyday. I work from home and no one has said anything to me yet, (I work alone).


09-01-2012, 08:29 PM
I wear panties pretty much all the time. i do get changed from cycling to work, and I've had no comments on them, but I do pick plain white briefs, that could pass for male. i don't wear a bra, ever.

09-01-2012, 09:39 PM
I wear panties exclusively, pretty ones flowery, lacy, etc. don't like plain. In the past I wore panties, hose, bra and woman's socks everyday to work. Only ever had one comment, but I believe several conversations ensued behind my back. I haven't done all that since this job, an extremely conservative organization. To do so would mean looking for another job. Not ready for that yet.


bridget thronton
09-01-2012, 11:34 PM
I wear a ladies pants suit and blouse at work with ladies oxfords

09-02-2012, 04:00 AM
I have worn women's thongs under my male clothes to work before, but nothing more. Don't get me wrong. I would love to wear a complete outfit to work. My employer would have no problems with it, but I'm in the closet with my family, so it's out of the question. I have to be really careful when I dress and especially when I go out.

09-02-2012, 04:05 AM
I see we all have the same / similair issue's with work, it would be nice if we could wear what we wanted with out question or worrying too much about it. I think it's easier now though because there is a fair bit of womens clothes that could pass as mens, take trousers and jeans lots of manufacturers now ar'nt even changing which way they do up these days.

I'm lucky in that I'm not in the office offten but out and about


09-02-2012, 05:01 AM
For the last several years, I've worn thongs maybe 80% - 90% of the time. Most of that tme I also wear a firm panty girdle. I'm pretty sure that it isn't noticable...

Noel Chimes
09-02-2012, 07:18 AM
i have gone as far as bra, panties, and panty hose in the winter. Since the company provides uniforms everything stays hidden under it. Too bad i work in a knuckledragger shop. The cavemen there would not understand someone this cute working here.

09-02-2012, 07:35 AM
Hi Cristine, I had been known to underdress at work back in the old days before retirement.

09-02-2012, 07:42 AM
I've worn panties, pantyhose, thigh highs, at various times. I don't underdress when at work anymore. I work in an office full of women and being in Texas, I feel, I would be clocked and it would not go over well. So, if I underdress, it's done on my own time.

Rachel Rage
09-02-2012, 08:39 AM
I used to wear panties to work but because of what I do for a living my hands are always dirty and I ruined too many beautiful pairs of underwear.

09-02-2012, 09:51 AM
My jeans are "girls" and I wear panties 24/7 and always (to work at least) wearing knee highs (sometimes visable) or trouser socks.

09-02-2012, 09:52 AM
In summer I wear panties to work most days now, when the weather turns cooler I wear panties and hold up stockings and that feels amazing, this week just gone, we had a dress down day and we could wear casual every day clothes so I went with my usual panties and as I was wearing a very loose shirt I went for a nice soft bra underneath and that felt AMAZING, I felt a little self conscious for the first three minutes and then I loved it

09-02-2012, 05:46 PM
I wear Levi's 505 unembellished jeans over women's panties all the time. I also keep my nails nice and wear clear polish. I'm seen by many people, including teenagers, up-close every day. In the last two years I've had three people comment on my nails (all complimentary) and none on my clothing.

One male friend asked "How long have you been polishing your nails?" I said "Over a year, I used to chew them and the polish reminds me not to bite them." (which is the truth!) He said, "Cool, I might give that a try!"

I don't feel any need to wear a bra unless I'm en femme and need it to hold up my forms. That is the one thing that would be very difficult to explain away in drab unless you truly have male breast enlargement.

09-02-2012, 05:56 PM
I wear panties most days and have also worn tights or thigh highs with a garter. I've never tried a bra though.
I do have some girl pants that fit fabulously but I have not been brave enough to try those yet.

09-02-2012, 06:20 PM
I've worn Just My Size panties that looked similar to my male briefs. I usually wear the darker colors. No way would I wear the pastels and patterns that I love so much. I'd be too paranoid!

Cheryl T
09-03-2012, 09:22 AM
I wear panties all the time and have for over 7 years, but work requires a uniform so anything else is out of the question. I also would never wear a bra to work as it's just too noticeable and they all seem to have enough to talk about without me adding to the list.

09-03-2012, 11:47 AM
not so much at work, but almost always when driving to a client in another city or locale.

Ann Thomas
09-03-2012, 12:02 PM
I have never worn *male* clothes to work yet where I am employed currently. At first I started out with sports bras so it wasn't so noticeable, but later went on to regular bras once they got comfortable having me around. I also started out wearing t shirts that were androgynous looking, such as navy blue ones a little on the baggier side (but the necklines were a giveaway if you looked closely).

Now I wear whatever I want, and usually try to have at least one pink day per week. As in hot pink or soft pink, flowery embroidered necklines, lace, whatever I want, and usually I do that on a Friday.

At first I painted my nails with clear only, then added colored tips, but now I'm at anything I want, and they usually stand out.

Now realize I'm working in a blue collar shop, with welders, ironworkers and finishers, lots of muscles, testosterone, tattoos, half naked girly pictures on the walls (those get covered up or removed for customer visits or inspections). But, I must be having an effect on them - some are starting to wear pink shirts, do their nails, and be otherwise a little less manly!

Have fun!
