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09-02-2012, 03:23 PM
'So....erm....i guess i see myself as not completely male....erm...or there's a huge part of me that's female....erm....does this make any sense at all?'

So that's it, the last of my close circle is in the transgender loop, despite my ham fisted and bungled attempts with all my friends, despite all the awkward phrasing and ill thought through conversation my friends have been accepting to an unbelievable belief. I'm aware i'm lucky, i'm aware i may not deserve their unbelievable ability to ignore all that and see the same person that's always been there, i don't know if it's a generational thing, or that a lot of them weren't particularly shocked (although some had the good grace to at least feign a heart failure) but the coming out process has only really been an arduous affair for me. Not only was this unexpected and endlessly appreciated, but it was unprecedented, a 100% percent hit rate of acceptance, which i figures makes me just about the most fortunate girl in the world right now. Telling your close circle isn't for everyone, for those who want to keep it to themselves, that's fine, for those who are happy to keep it to themselves, that's fantastic, but for those who have always wondered just what it might be like, people may surprise you, people may know more than you think, people may be waiting for the day you disclose yourself to them. I never saw myself as lucky, i've never ever won anything and i've never been with an umbrella just as the heavens opened, and in Manchester it never rains, it pours, but this latest run of good luck has left me amazed and unable to suppress a smile, and it all came from a need to not hide, and a small wonder of what if? Just a thought, but i've never felt freer.

x Flic x

09-02-2012, 03:28 PM
Like you, I have been uncommonly lucky. Sometimes its so hard to hold back the tears of joy when you find that your closest friends and family still love you without hesitation, even when you tell them something you've despised yourself for in the past.

09-02-2012, 03:48 PM
Congrats Ms. Lucky, keep that smile beaming. I don't know if the younger generations have been taught to be more accepting or they haven't lived long enough to develop resistant to new things. It really doesn't matter, because you have a fantastic group of friends, I hope you always stay close with them. BTW - your avatar reminds me of my daughter. LOL

09-02-2012, 04:22 PM
That is wonderful. I came out to my best mate and his wife today and they were great, so perhaps I know how you feel.

09-02-2012, 04:24 PM
Despite being in and then way out and once again back in the closet for the first 32 years of my life I was scared as heck to be found out. My X wife took care of that fear once and for all when she sent out letters and pictures to all my friends and relatives. I was pleasantly surprised when the responses came in. One of my aunts said "I always knew there was always something special about you." There were a few sneers of course but for the most part the general consensus was what a bitch she is.

Fear keeps us from experiencing life to the fullest. I am so glad to finally be able to be myself and not pretend any more.

Stephenie S
09-02-2012, 06:44 PM
I really believe that this happens more often than not.

We hear all about the problems that others have and tend to pay less attention to the positive attitudes of lots and lots of tolerant people out there.


09-02-2012, 06:47 PM
life is very confusing. it should not be allowed anymore that progress is defeated.. your journey as a cd is your epic quest. we must stand up for ourselves, as it is in the process of reflection that we learn who we are.

Beverley Sims
09-03-2012, 07:30 AM
I am pleased to see it is going well for you.

09-03-2012, 10:52 AM
Congrats! I am with Stephie. Stories of things going wrong tend to stick more than the good ones because of our base fears of rejection. There are a lot of stories of acceptance here. I think there are a lot of contributing factors. First, people are inherently good. Second, as it has been said, the younger generation is more accepting and it is only going to get better if the trend continues. And third is that I believe that you get back what you give in life. If you are good to other people, they will be good back. Of course there are exceptions to everything and there are to these things as well. But I believe their effects are predominant.

I am glad for you and I hope the 100% trend continues. It sounds like it has been nerve wracking but it is worth it in the end. It is good to feel fortunate because when we count our blessings, we don't take them for granted.