View Full Version : Emily's Summer

Emily Barton
09-05-2012, 06:33 PM
Hey everyone! As I am writing this my summer holiday is drawing to a close and my final year of university is fast-approaching, so I thought I would just post a quick update about how my summer has been.

As some of you may remember, I told my mum (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?176959-Told-my-Mum&highlight=) about my crossdressing right near the start of the summer. I promised I'd keep you all updated with how it was going and I'm afraid I failed on that score, so sorry about that!

Well... my mum took the news pretty hard at first and for a while we were debating whether to tell my dad and brother or just keep it between the two of us. After seeing the stress she was under keeping it to herself and just wanting it to be out in the open, though, I decided that we should tell them. It was my mum who did the telling in the end, which meant that I avoided the stress of broaching the subject myself with them entirely. Since that day things fast returned to normal at home - neither my dad nor my brother has said a word to me about it but they're also not treating me any differently than before they found out. And I'm happy to say that all of Emily's clothes are now hanging proudly in my wardrobe right where they belong! :D

I've just come back from a lovely holiday with my SO too, and sunburn aside it was really good to spend so much quality time with her. I didn't take any of my girl clothes with me but that's ok - she's not ready to see it yet and I'm completely fine with that.

We did have one funny and significant (to me) moment though. We often went swimming in the sea whilst away and one such day some uneven sun screen application led to me getting some strange white patches on my shoulders where more was applied than the surrounding areas. My girlfriend commented that it looked like I'd been wearing a top with slits in the shoulders, and jokingly asked if I'd been crossdressing in public. This was in the middle of the sea, and whilst I'm sure no-one heard it was still nice to hear her talking about it so openly. Then, when I assured her that I wasn't, she smiled and said that "it's ok, whatever you need to do... I'll support you." Needless to say I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day and later in the evening I thanked her for what she'd said and let her know that she means the world to me.

So... what's on the horizon for me now? Well, I actually have my first make-over/photoshoot session fast-approaching which will be another huge step for me if it pans out. I tried once before going away but sadly due to some crossed wires it ended up falling through - hopefully this time I will have better luck! And my girlfriend has requested some boots for her birthday, which will provide me with the perfect excuse to get me a pair for myself and some autumn outfits in general while I'm at it! I resisted the urge to shop for the whole summer so I figure once I'm back at uni I can treat myself a little bit :)

Cynthia Anne
09-05-2012, 07:26 PM
Emily, I love your little story! It's a great feeling to be accepted! Thanks for the update! Hugs!

09-05-2012, 08:43 PM
Hi Emily, It's great that your mum is getting better with it now.

09-06-2012, 10:05 AM
Thanks for the update, Emily and congratulations on working through coming-out to your family. that took courage, but I think you made the right decision. And also, congratulations on forging such a good relationship with your SO. She sounds like a genuinely caring person. Hope the two of you can make a go of it, long term.

bridget thronton
09-06-2012, 11:35 AM
Very nice summer and good to be open with your loved ones

09-06-2012, 12:00 PM
If acceptance is needed from any person's, it's family and spouse/soul mate in life. I'm glad your family has not changed their attitude to the basic person you are. They just recognize there is another part to a nice person.

PS: If the avatar is truly you, you look great.

Emily Barton
09-06-2012, 05:53 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone - I'm glad I could share some positive news with you after the initial difficulties immediately after coming out.

PS: If the avatar is truly you, you look great.

Gosh, no! My avatar is someone called Mischa Barton, someone who a GG friend of mine said I reminded her of and where I derived my femme surname. Sorry if that misled you!
On that note, though, hopefully a week from now I'll be able to update it to a picture of me after my photoshoot! I'll be sure to post photos in the relevant section of the forum too, but I warn you they won't be nearly as stunning as my current avatar is!

Kelly Smith
09-24-2012, 07:49 AM
Thanks for the responses everyone - I'm glad I could share some positive news with you after the initial difficulties immediately after coming out.

Gosh, no! My avatar is someone called Mischa Barton, someone who a GG friend of mine said I reminded her of and where I derived my femme surname. Sorry if that misled you!
On that note, though, hopefully a week from now I'll be able to update it to a picture of me after my photoshoot! I'll be sure to post photos in the relevant section of the forum too, but I warn you they won't be nearly as stunning as my current avatar is!


Your courage seems to have served you well.

If the following questions are overly intrusive, please feel free to tell me to mind my own business: Have any of your loved ones seen your new photos? I am curious how they reacted to you looking so perfectly feminine. Has your SO seen you dressed?

I didn't see your avatar before you changed it but I can't imagine that is any more stunning than the avatar you have now.

All the best,

Beverley Sims
09-24-2012, 08:27 AM
I know I say this to everyone, but, keep it slow and easy and it will all turn out alright.
It is good to see where you are and only show your SO anything that relates to cross dressing when she asks.
And she will. ;)

Emily Barton
09-24-2012, 08:46 AM

Your courage seems to have served you well.

If the following questions are overly intrusive, please feel free to tell me to mind my own business: Have any of your loved ones seen your new photos? I am curious how they reacted to you looking so perfectly feminine. Has your SO seen you dressed?

I didn't see your avatar before you changed it but I can't imagine that is any more stunning than the avatar you have now.

All the best,

Your questions aren't overly intrusive at all - I was actually planning to post an update in the near future. So far I've only shown the pictures to a close GG friend of mine (she was the first person I ever told and has been with me the whole way, despite most of our contact being online). Her response was incredibly positive and I think it was just as rewarding for her as it was for me to finally see 'Emily' after watching this side of me develop from the very start.

My SO knows that I went to the makeover and has expressed an interest in seeing the photos, but I'm not going to force them on her. She said that she'd like to see them with me there with her, partly to avoid sending them over the internet I think. I've moved into my student accommodation now ready for third year, and she'll move in on saturday so there's a possibility of her seeing them from that day on. As of now she's yet to even see my clothes, so there's definitely a chance that she'll back out (and that's fine if she's not ready to see them yet). If I do end up showing them to her I'm sure I'll end up posting about it, whether her reaction is good or bad!