View Full Version : Just need to talk

09-05-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi everyone, I don't post threads a lot because I just don't have anything interesting to say and when I do post the response is very disappointing, but I digress. I am having to do a series of dressing sessions almost everyday, which is just super fantastic and I am not complaining, because we are having out of town guests one of which is our daughter and the others are our friends from Washington. Neither of these guests are aware of Jeannie, so I have to get in what I can before they arrive. Our friends from Washington are open minded and I wish I could tell them because if anyone would understand they would (I think). My wife seems to think it's a bad idea and most of the time she is right so for now Jeannie will stay in her bottle err closet (sorry for the pun). I am really ok with it and I am not disappointed or anything so don't mistake that part. The other reason I am doing a lot dressing now is because I usually run around the house in panties and a t shirt so when they get here I won't be able to do that while they are here.

I am also waiting on winter and I hope we have more colder days here than last year because I plan to defoliate almost all of my hair this year. My arms are really hairy and my wife really loves that about me but she is willing to let me do it now so I am going to take advantage of that. Here where I live it "rarely snows" and if it does it only lasts about a day or two then it all melts away. I am wishing that because when I shave my arm hair I will have to wear long sleeve shirts until it grows out again. You can look pretty dumb walking around in 70 degree weather in a long sleeve shirt and pants when everyone else is in shorts and tank tops. I know that for a lot of you living without snow would be like living in heaven but believe me to much sun can be just as boring as to much rain or snow. Because with to much sun also comes unbearable heat so you wind up staying inside in the air conditioning just as you stay inside in snowy weather. Well thanks for listening to me rant and rave, hugs and kisses everyone.

09-05-2012, 09:08 PM
Who says you will "have" to wear long sleeve shirts until it grows out? Speaking from experience, I can say the vast majority of people that you pass on the street today really don't care whether or not you or I have body hair.

Here in the Midwest we're at the tail end of a two month long drought... I'm pretty tired of the blazing sun as well!

Cynthia Anne
09-05-2012, 09:25 PM
Jeannie it's great that you are having some extra time to dress before company arrives! But in all the years I've been shaving my arms I have yet to receive a comment about my hairless arms! I only wear sleaves in the winter! In the summer I shave my arms bi-monthy!

09-05-2012, 09:41 PM
Erica and Cythia, I understand where you are coming from and if weren't for my wonderful loving wife I would not worry about it. However all of my family knows I am hairy and they are not understanding at all, rednecks you know. It is a decision I have made and I am really ok with it. I was standing in a group of people talking one time and all of a sudden I fell someone rubbing my arm, as it turned out it was a woman and she was just rubbing my arm and smiling. I asked her why are you doing that and she said it feels so nice and I like hairy guys and your hair is so soft. Well needless to say I am ok with hairy arms most of the time. That was just so weird but nice.

Roberta Marie
09-05-2012, 10:01 PM
Rather than shaving my arms, I trim the hair on my arms. I have a Remington body groomer, but any hair clipper will work. I use the number 1 comb, which keeps the hair short enough that it does not look too masculine, but long enough that it's not shaved clean.

09-06-2012, 04:29 AM
Hi Jeannie,
Shave your legs and give your arms a buzz cut. That way you still have your man hair but its much thinner and lady like.
As people get used to you short arm hair you can make it go away too.
Happy days

Thera Home
09-06-2012, 06:16 AM
I asked her why are you doing that and she said it feels so nice and I like hairy guys and your hair is so soft. Well needless to say I am ok with hairy arms most of the time. That was just so weird but nice.

Hi Jeannie
Women are funny sometimes aren't they?:heehee:


09-06-2012, 06:19 AM
H Jeannie, Years ago I just took all the hair off my legs, arms & chest no one ever said anything about it.

09-07-2012, 11:10 AM
Thanks for the suggestions everyone you all are so sweet to help and I really appreciate your responses. As I said I am ok with the situation and this winter will be the best time for me to try some of them that way if something goes wrong I will be able to hide it.

I am right now dressed with makeup and I am in a wonderful slinky blouse and skirt with panty hose. I feel slinky and feminine.

09-07-2012, 11:42 AM
Rather than shaving my arms, I trim the hair on my arms. I have a Remington body groomer, but any hair clipper will work. I use the number 1 comb, which keeps the hair short enough that it does not look too masculine, but long enough that it's not shaved clean.

Exactly what I do. Matter of fact, I just responded to another posts along the same lines as this one. Though it started differently lol

Most GG's I have seen have hair on their arms. I look constantly to see if they do or not and they do. I don't see where the hairless arms comes from. I am sure a few of them do shave their arms the same as they do their legs but for the most part GG's do naturally have light hair on their arms and some a bit more. No one thinks a thing about it.