View Full Version : construction worker and cd

09-06-2012, 01:43 AM
are there any here? how do you go hammer nails or ? and keep up on femininity? has anyone asked you if your were wearing mascara on a construction site? i have many questions but i will see where this goes first janine

09-06-2012, 03:02 AM
Hi. Jaanine

Your asking a builder here of 46 years, well i was percived as a male though that was not so yet did not really matter.

Im a intersexed / woman so you can quess my plight on the job , i enjoyed my trade & work yet hated being under men hated being around them yet after a while id figgered out if i dont wake up ill be down the road ,

So, hard as it was i did ....learn ... funny that , to become a tradesman & im proud of that yet the other side is i worked as a normal woman on sites so as you can see im weird ...... well maybe not just different ,

Ill go one a ....bit .... better with the how to wear clothes that reflect you as a woman on the sites,

When i was interviewd for our T V stations they asked me how will i dress on the job... Oh heck.....

Okay do you expect me to have my skirt & top on with high heels & make up & dressed to the nines. I turned to them & the rolling camara & said ....Not bloody likely so you can look up my skirt while climbing up the ladder on to the roof .....NOT a show.

So we just had a good laugh ,

How do i dress on the job boots or shoes my shorts & a tee on a sun hat (( oh yea springs here, )).& just wear whats appropreate for the job in hand, i still wear my bangle & neckless & thats it really. apart form overalls when its cold or wet. still not got my pink ones ....YET....i keep asking .....mind you i worked for my self for many years, so that was good.

As far as it goes im just that woman over there on the job , & being well known does have it's good side though most know im noeleena.

& as to my pinny oh yes still wear that & got called Wendy on the job .


09-06-2012, 06:22 AM
Hi Jaanine, What are you going to do dress up and go to the job site??

Roberta Marie
09-06-2012, 06:55 AM
I'm not in construction, but I work for a company that installs sound and video system, and we do work on construction sights. For me, feeling feminine does not always corrolate with how I'm dressed or what I'm doing.

Most people don't notice the subtle differences between men's jeans and shorts and women's jeans and shorts. T-shirts are worn by both men and women, although there are some that are destinctly more feminine. I tend to dress androginously at work, whether I'm working on a construction site, in the shop, or mixing sound for a show. Women's jeans or shorts, gender neutral t-shirt, small hoop or stud earrings, no makeup, clear nail polish. Pretty much the way that a GW would dress for doing the same kind of work.

Karren H
09-06-2012, 07:00 AM
I do my own home construction and remodeling but my profession is underground coal mining..... after a shift underground it looks like everyone is wearing mascara and eye liner so I blend in! lol

linda allen
09-06-2012, 07:23 AM
are there any here? how do you go hammer nails or ? and keep up on femininity? has anyone asked you if your were wearing mascara on a construction site? i have many questions but i will see where this goes first janine

There are many levels of crossdressing. It can be something you turn on and off so you can (and probably should) go to work dressed and acting as a male, then come home and clean up and dress as a female if you wish. Most crossdressers probably fit into this category.

Construction is much more than hammering nails, but that's another discussion entirely.

BTW: There are more than a few GGs working on construction sites. They dress appropriately. They don't wear skirts and heels, they tie their hair back out of the way and they wear little or no makeup.

Ashley D.
09-06-2012, 08:37 AM
I'm a handy parson. I have worked consecution for well let's just say along time.
Thought I do dress more femm I wear everyday clothes. No GG would wear not wear makeup or nice clothes on a job Infact men and women dress about the some on jobs.

linda allen
09-06-2012, 08:42 AM
I removed the trap from under my sink to retrieve a lost earring yesterday dressed in a bra and panties. Does that count? :heehee:

Ashley D.
09-06-2012, 10:19 AM
I removed the trap from under my sink to retrieve a lost earring yesterday dressed in a bra and panties. Does that count? :heehee:

Only if it was at someone else's house lol

09-06-2012, 02:23 PM
There are many levels of crossdressing. It can be something you turn on and off so you can (and probably should) go to work dressed and acting as a male, then come home and clean up and dress as a female if you wish. Most crossdressers probably fit into this category.

Construction is much more than hammering nails, but that's another discussion entirely.

BTW: There are more than a few GGs working on construction sites. They dress appropriately. They don't wear skirts and heels, they tie their hair back out of the way and they wear little or no makeup.

I agree totally; As a Carpenter and Foreman with over 40 years on the job, I hired a few women in my day.
They always where very good at what they did, I would say more concessions about their work, all in all
a lot less mistakes. Some guys just would not ask how to do something different, they would just jury rig it
And true, most girls wore no make-up or very little.
As for myself, no fem on the job, just at home on the weekends.

09-06-2012, 02:55 PM
Never did construction, every job I've had I've been issued a uniform , this last time around after my convo with the quartermaster she has hooked my up with female uniforms and they fit much better my tops have darts my pants are a little higher up more female cut, my gun belt is higher so I had to adjust my draw but all in all I just look sharper. One thing on my tops I had to get used to the buttons on the other side LOL no one noticed as for make-up a little powder a touch of mascara and that's it. She even issued me a female dress uniform the only real difference a different style tie knee length skirt 2" black heels and I must supply my own black hose she smiled and said when your ready sweetie ;-)

09-07-2012, 08:49 PM
I was a carpenter for 19 years. I've been a CD far longer than that though. Nobody ever asked or made fun of my shaved legs and arms or my shaped eyebrows.
The only problem I ever had was I couldn't go shirtless in th humid summer months, because of my bikini tan lines. It would be hard to explain them away.

09-08-2012, 01:07 AM
Hi Jaanine, What are you going to do dress up and go to the job site?? NO!!! it just seems alot of gals here are real serious about themselves and i was wondering how a construction worker whatever your trade may be dealt with the issues if any

09-08-2012, 08:20 AM
I've been on const sites for 30 years. I never tried to dress in a frilly skirt or anything while I was on the job, I just had long hair. Now I'm bald so theres no hair but I've got the hairless arms and that can make people look twice. Other than that I don't feel like being a chick when I go to work. I once saw a plumber working that was starting to transition

09-08-2012, 08:53 AM
In my career as a mechanical engineer (slightly more than 40 years now), I've spent a lot of time in factories and on construction sites. I've never seen any guys with more than just a hint of feminity. Not saying it doesn't exist, but I do think that most people are aware of the potential hostility in these environments.

Until just a few years ago, if I knew I needed to be on the construction site for a significant amount of time during the day, I would not underdress. Construction sites tend to be not so safe, so I always worried about being taken to an emergency room. However, I got over that and am back to underdressing 80% to 90% of the time regardless of where I'm going.

Maria 60
09-08-2012, 10:17 AM
Sometimes things happen and it really freaks me out. Last week I was spray painting around the job sight from a template and I didn't realize that I spray painted my thumb with red spray paint. I went to the construction office and the women in the office grabbed my hand and said, I didn't know you paint your nails wow what a nice colour where did you buy it. I couldn't believe how open she was and when I told her no it's spray paint she said sure it is and if I wanted to show her anything else that she could keep a secret. I think by the way i was sweating and my red face, I don't think the spray paint story wasn't sounding very truth full.

09-08-2012, 10:24 AM
Oh Maria, I think you just discovered a new nail polish color... Spray Paint Red. :battingeyelashes:

Cassie :love:

09-08-2012, 10:46 AM
I am not a construction worker, but I do part-time in a job that can be just as physical, rough, and full of macho masculine men.

I always am very aware of the fact that my underdressing or any other signs of femininity I like to wear may cause a "situation" at work. So, I defer to my temperance side of my personality and do not wear anything, under or as an accessory with my work uniform.

I do shave my legs from time to time (seems my shaving is becoming more a daily routine) and other parts of my body :o. But I figure if I should ever find myself in the hands of any emergency room personnel; I hope the last thing they will be worried about will be shaved pits, legs, and a little perfect V :eek:

Now, I may have some explaining to do after the medical crisis passes. Yet, I feel, if I ever experience and survive such a crisis, I really won't care about any "questions" that may come to me afterwards.

My vote is to be practical. Knowing how physical, how my body sweats, moves, in my male mode, I don't want to be wearing anything dainty, lacy, sheer or pretty. I can't afford to be ripping stockings are tear a camisole because I got into an physical altercation at my part-time (not that I'm violent, more than I probably trying preventing violence, thank-God for tazers and OC spray.:daydreaming:)

Shaving one's arms seems to be an issue for many of us. I do not shave my arms. I like them hairy because I like how they look on me in my male mode. Here is where my temperance steps up. I always try to balance my desire to be masculine with my desire to be feminine. How I present myself at work is very important to me. I want to be male at work. I always try to remember that I am male and I am a crossdressers. I do not want to transition or have my feminine side be such an external place 24/7. I know for some of us, this balance is not as important which is wonderful to see and to know there are those out there who do incorporate their feminine side into their overall persona.

For me, I feel comfortable keeping the two separate for now.

How i do go on, I apologize, but I wanted to share my thoughts.

Hope it helps Jaanine.

Cassie :love:

jessica ray
09-08-2012, 12:41 PM
Hello karren its amazing what coal dust can do sometimes

09-11-2012, 08:32 PM
I am not a construction worker, but I do part-time in a job that can be just as physical, rough, and full of macho masculine men.

I always am very aware of the fact that my underdressing or any other signs of femininity I like to wear may cause a "situation" at work. So, I defer to my temperance side of my personality and do not wear anything, under or as an accessory with my work uniform.

I do shave my legs from time to time (seems my shaving is becoming more a daily routine) and other parts of my body :o. But I figure if I should ever find myself in the hands of any emergency room personnel; I hope the last thing they will be worried about will be shaved pits, legs, and a little perfect V :eek:

Now, I may have some explaining to do after the medical crisis passes. Yet, I feel, if I ever experience and survive such a crisis, I really won't care about any "questions" that may come to me afterwards.

My vote is to be practical. Knowing how physical, how my body sweats, moves, in my male mode, I don't want to be wearing anything dainty, lacy, sheer or pretty. I can't afford to be ripping stockings are tear a camisole because I got into an physical altercation at my part-time (not that I'm violent, more than I probably trying preventing violence, thank-God for tazers and OC spray.:daydreaming:)

Shaving one's arms seems to be an issue for many of us. I do not shave my arms. I like them hairy because I like how they look on me in my male mode. Here is where my temperance steps up. I always try to balance my desire to be masculine with my desire to be feminine. How I present myself at work is very important to me. I want to be male at work. I always try to remember that I am male and I am a crossdressers. I do not want to transition or have my feminine side be such an external place 24/7. I know for some of us, this balance is not as important which is wonderful to see and to know there are those out there who do incorporate their feminine side into their overall persona.

For me, I feel comfortable keeping the two separate for now.

How i do go on, I apologize, but I wanted to share my thoughts.

Hope it helps Jaanine.

Cassie :love: thanks cassie! all good points the reply's were just what i thought they would be xo