View Full Version : New Name, New Attitude!!

Veronica James
09-13-2012, 03:48 PM
I just got a name chane from QTBoy to Veronica and I'm loving it!!! I have had the name Veronica for many years, but for some reason decided not to use it when I signed up for this site!!
Anyway, I purged about 6 months ago and I am now ready to get back to my roots even though they are not natural lol!! I am going to go out on a shopping spree this Saturday and by that night I'll be ready to hit the town!!! If anybody is interested in joining in the Boston area you can contact me here or on my email!!! I'll be sure to post some pics soon of the new Bean Town Babe!!
Watch out world, Veronica James is back!!!!! :)

Jamie Ann
09-13-2012, 04:22 PM
I’ve had my present femme name for slightly over 10 years. When I first started dressing more or less fully, I adopted a name (which I won’t mention), used it for a few months, adopted another that I thought was a better fit, and used the new one for a year or two. But I didn’t feel like it was really me. So I started using the name “Jamie” (which is what some people call my regular male self). There are both men and women with that name, however, and I wanted my femme name to be a bit more feminine. Ah!!! How about “Jamie Ann”? Only rarely do you find men called Ann … Jamie Ann gave me a new way to introduce myself and it probably gave me a new attitude, at least to some extent. I recall the old Johnny Cash song, “A Boy Named Sue.” His name gave him an attitude, and I suspect that this is true of most of us — new name, new attitude!