View Full Version : What A Crazy Day!

09-15-2012, 03:34 PM
Yesterday was insane!

As many know, I lead two full lives at the moment. About 75% en femme, about 25% en drab. Sometimes those worlds practically collide.

Yesterday my son flew across most of the U.S. to visit us for the weekend and the holydays of Rosh Hashannah. A friend of his from northern California came down to see him.

My son knows all about me and has been out with "his Aunt" quite often, and although he is open and comfortable I know that he prefers to be with "Dad."

He has told his friend about me, but his friend has never met my female side.

I felt that it was appropriate for me to play the Dad role with them here.

But I had a standing manicure appointment at the time that they were to be picked up at the airport. And as anyone who has a standing appt. with a busy manicurist knows, you don't treat that lightly!

My son was briefed and suggested that we all meet up at a local restaurant for lunch after I'd had a chance to change. This required a bit of coordination and split second timing!

So my spouse headed off to the airport and I headed off for my manicure, dressed pretty much like I was for the Itzhak Perlman concert at the Hollywood Bowl the night before.


I headed for my manicurist's salon a few minutes early, hoping that she might be running a bit ahead of schedule so we could finish earlier.

As I drove I received a text from her at 11:37, "Ready early."


I arrived at 11:45, 15-minutes earlt and we started.

Spouse, 11:54, "I'm in the waiting area."

Son, 11:56, "Landed in L.A."

Spouse, 12:13, "I've got them."

Spouse, 12:20, "Airline is looking for his bag."

Good! We're gaining time!

Spouse, seconds later, "Just found it."

Acrylic done, polish and gel coat beginning!

Son, 12:48, "We're passing Wilshire."

And I'm heading to my car.

Me, 12:55, "Heading home. Should be safely in my room in ~10."

Son, 12:57, "Let's meet at restaurant anyway."

Me, 12:59, "K."

Me, 1:06, "Home."

Son, 1:07, "In SF Valley."

Me in bathroom flailing in and out of clothes, removing jewelry, scrubbing face.

Spouse, 1:18, "At restaurant."

I'm out of the house and heading for the restaurant!

Later in the day son and his friend were planning to go out with friends for dinner, leaving the house at 4:50. So my spouse made arrangements for she and I (en femme) to join some of our friends for dinner at 6 p.m. and to meet them half an hour away from our house. Gotta love my spouse's confidence in my Supergirl abilities! But it really pushes my envelope!

Say "Good Bye" to son and friend at 4:50. Head into bathroom. Much throwing of clothes and frantic use of curling iron and we're out the door at 5:34!



We had a lovely Creole dinner, dropped our friends back to their place, and then went shopping at Kohl's! I scored two skirts, a blouse, and two bras!


09-15-2012, 03:40 PM
OK, new superwoman on the block. Two quick changes without a telephone booth, and shopping to boot! As the younger generation would say, "Awesome!"

Kathi Lake
09-15-2012, 05:04 PM
Mmmmmmmm! Creole! :)

Even with the quick-changes, you got to spend lots of time with family. I'd call that a serious win.


bridget thronton
09-15-2012, 05:13 PM
I am impressed - split seconf timing and coordination

09-15-2012, 05:22 PM
I would have said to he!! with it and gone as myself. That is just me though. I know there are some things maybe more important in life but I can't think of very many.

Anyhow, good job with the quick changes and getting time to spend with the family.

09-15-2012, 06:03 PM
Love the story! Glad that the Kohl's trip was fruitful!

Our week was a bit crazy too and I'm glad that we ended up dining with you twice. The fact that circumstances had a different one of us en femme each time was a first for us! :)

09-15-2012, 10:20 PM
Awesome indeed!...you really are Superwoman Persephone!!!

09-16-2012, 11:22 AM
Good Grief!! I'm exhausted just reading this. LOL Superwoman is an understatement.

09-16-2012, 12:16 PM
What an incredible day, Persephone! Sounded a bit like Sherry and I changing back and forth for consecutive events at a CD convention!

Altho I'll admit to being totally clueless about such matters, I wondered why u had to go en fem to your manicurist? Unless, she doesn't know?

09-16-2012, 01:17 PM
Altho I'll admit to being totally clueless about such matters, I wondered why u had to go en fem to your manicurist? Unless, she doesn't know?

My manicurist and I are old friends, she does know, but I switched over a few years ago and it feels more comfortable and more "right" to be en femme whenever I'm there. She uses my female name and we girl talk naturally. She's always supportive and encourages me to wear more daring nail colors, etc.

Same with hairdresser and aesthetician.


09-16-2012, 03:58 PM
Fun story, thanks for sharing. Maybe we should start calling you Iris, she moves like wind!

09-17-2012, 10:57 AM
You've got this whole thing down to a science, Barb!