View Full Version : so you just done your makeup and ..

09-16-2012, 03:15 PM
so you just done your makeup and ..
put on your new dress and matching heels and there is a supprising unknown knock on the door!!

so do you...??

A) quickly dive for cover and hide under the bed and make sure that your not seen through the window wile doing that hoping that they will just go away.

B) open the door and suprise them ..."yea this is me"

C) slip out the back door as you feel like coming out anyway


D) say out aloud "WONT BE A MIN" then have man drab next to you and the rapid makeup remover ready for just this kind of occasaion and by the time you have acheaved this you hope there still standing there waiting for the door to open.

what do you do?

Victoria StJohn
09-16-2012, 03:21 PM
For me, it would be 'A', the chicken, I am. LOL

09-16-2012, 03:22 PM
All "A" for me, I'm afraid.

09-16-2012, 03:26 PM
Since my friends would never come without calling first I would simply ignore the knock. It will invariably be someone selling a product, service, or religion and none of these people are worth a second of my time. Let them litter my porch with their pamphlet and move on to their next victim.

There is probably some cultural differences at work. Here in SoCal people often don't socialize with their neighbors but rather with friends that live miles away. They wouldn't risk driving miles to visit to find that the person they intend to visit isn't home.

If I were worried about being seen through the windows I would seriously consider some curtains!

Barbara Ella
09-16-2012, 03:26 PM
A modified version of A, as I would never fit under the bed..lol. COnsider it just like the telephone. I am not obligated to answer either if not in the mood, and believe me, when Barbara has just gotten her hair and earrings on, no one better mess with the mood.


09-16-2012, 03:27 PM
I don't answer the door to unsolicited callers, they are usually religious nuts. Therefore, I won't answer the door no matter how I'm dressed.

09-16-2012, 03:31 PM
Been there, been there.

Bloody window cleaner called on a Sunday after my wife had gone to work. Why can't some people stick to Monday to Friday. I can't put up with exceptional service, it's so un-British! :)

I've been out and about en femme away from home and would liked to have opened the door but I will not subject my wife to me being outed locally. So option A unfortunately. :sad:


09-16-2012, 03:36 PM
I don't answer the door to unsolicited callers, they are usually religious nuts. Therefore, I won't answer the door no matter how I'm dressed.

Some day I'd like to answer the door dressed and ask the religious nuts if I can model a few outfits for them.

Ava Tryptyk
09-16-2012, 03:42 PM
I would most likely go with A. Whether I'm dressed en drab, en femme, or nude, I don't like unexpected company. I want to be called/messaged first if I should expect a person to come to my house/apartment/dorm/wherever I am living. Though if down the road I become more open about the dressing and I know it is someone who is also open-minded about it, I would choose B.

09-16-2012, 03:55 PM
That happened to me yesterday. I had a suspicion someone might come by even though no one was supposed to be home. Call it hightened intuition while dressed. Anyways, I changed back to male mode and shortly thereafter a distant relative shows up unannounced. Well, they called while in front of the house but I was ignoring the phone.

How about an option E where you change and wet your hair then open the door. Then say you were in the shower because how many of us would come out to answer the door if we were really in the shower. That will buy you time to change without having to rip things off.

Unannounced visitors are more than annoying, they're rude.

09-16-2012, 04:37 PM
Probably A, although if they shout in and it's someone I know I'll skip to D. My friends sometimes come over unannounced, everyone now and then a 1 in the morning which is pretty annoying.

Amy A
09-16-2012, 04:49 PM
Kind of A, but I wouldn't so much as hide, rather just ignore it. As a few have said here, my friends don't turn up unannounced, so it wouldn't be anyone important. The ones I hate the most are people who put catalogues through your door then turn up demanding them back a few days later.

09-16-2012, 04:56 PM
Funny, I was just thinking about starting a thread about this very topic this morning :)
Always option A. That is, unless my nosey sister dicides to stop by. About a year ago she stopped by and saw my vehicle parked on the street. I had just gotten all dolled up. She knocked on the door, then called my cell phone. She heard my phone ring and knocked some more ( I didn't answer ). I frantically started removing my heels, hose and other things ( I knew she wasn't going to leave until I answered the door ), threw everything in the closet and answered the door. I told her I was taking a nap.
I did make sure to tell her not to stop by without calling first again. She has not done it since :)

09-16-2012, 05:12 PM
Back in the day when I was still Painting on the makeup an nail polish an Heels an Hose an Dresses it never failed ,,,, Knock,,,,Knock,,,Knock,,,, W.T.F ---Then the phone --- Knock ,,,Knock,,, Kids beating the door down ,,Grown kids ,, Another reason to get Busted ,, That used to get me sooooooo MAD !! I wanted to say Do you know how much this friggen MAC makeup cost ? An it took me two hours to put it on for the fourth time an I finaly got it half way right an then a Dummy like you comes an beats the door off the hinges ... You dont have a life or what ? An the add insult to injury they stay 5 min an leave !! :Angry3: Try that on an see if that s fits ? :spank: So to answer your question its the last one ,,,Dont answer an let them go away ,,, But now ,,, I just leave the door unlocked they already know if they dont like it hit the road !

09-16-2012, 05:21 PM
F. (Because someone else added an E.) Take off my makeup and answer the phone, door, whatever.

Since it only takes me 10 seconds to put mine on and 5 to take it off!

09-16-2012, 06:02 PM
Option A for me. This happened about 6 months ago and since we live in a small town when no one answered the door she just opened it and yelled if anyone was home. Lucky for me I was in the hallway when she rang the bell and was able to dash into the bathroom and yell back that I was in the shower and that the wife was not home. She made herself at home in the kitchen to wait on the wifes return while I washed off my make up and changed clothes. I don't know what I would have done if I had been trapped in the kitchen or living room. Now I make sure the doors are locked when I have time to be EllenJo.

Megan Thomas
09-16-2012, 06:03 PM
I never answer my door to unexpected callers. Just not my thing even though I have transitioned and have no reason not to open it it to anyone. Guess I just like to be in control of when and who I share my time with?

09-16-2012, 06:09 PM
B) Open the door.

My immediate family are not going to visit without lots of notice as they live 1000 miles away.

The mailman and parcel delivery people have already seen me many times.

I don't care what the door to door zealots think of of me: if I upset them, then I wouldn't want to join their party. Same goes for the religious people, not just the politicians.

09-16-2012, 06:13 PM
I would open the door. Hey they came to my door. They should have called ahead.

09-16-2012, 06:13 PM
Three years ago my wife was in the mid West. I had one of those seven to ten day all you can cross dress 'vacations.' Normally I do not wear too much makeup or paint my fingernails. But, with that much time, I did. There I am sitting fully en femme, when the telephone rings. My daughter-in-law and grandchild are locked out of the house with the car keys in the house. What to do? Call Stephanie. The grandchild is crying in the car. The trip is just four minutes away. That was the quickest nail polish and makeup removal session ever. I did go over under dressed, handing my set of house keys through the window. Everything went OK, except to ruin the mood for the day.

Whenever a neighbor or deliveryperson rings the doorbell, I just do not answer. I can always say I was taking a shower.

Cynthia Anne
09-16-2012, 06:31 PM
I have been there and done all of them! But in recent years it is [b] only!

09-16-2012, 06:35 PM
Don't care.

The only thing I care about is my career, and the ramifications of outing myself in my profession. that's the only hurdle.

09-16-2012, 06:44 PM
for me it would be (B) I would answer the door while acting like everyday thing it is wear I live and what I do in my place is what happens
if you come over with out calling you just might get a shock you might not want

Leah Lynn
09-16-2012, 07:28 PM
I have wondered what I would do in that situation. I'm usually home at night, so the lights are on; a dead giveaway.

09-16-2012, 07:37 PM
If people don't call ahead of time, I don't answer the knock. In the case of UPS delivery men I usually answer the door if I expect them, I'm very often dressed en femme with full makeup on and I've answered the door this way. A few years back I was dressed with a shear black robe on, with makeup, wig, femmy eye wear and I don't remember what else and he called me "sir". :eek: That remark ruined this babe' day.:thumbsdn::Angry3::confused::censor:

Rachel Morley
09-16-2012, 07:39 PM
Ah ... so now you know why I don't dress at home when my wife is out! Only if she is home or I am going out. (yes, I have a wife who is ok with my dressing). "A" is my answer if I were at home alone except I wouldn't need to dive under the bed as there is no window that you can look through at the front of the house that looks into my lounge, kitchen or bedroom so all I would have to do is be silent :)

09-16-2012, 07:42 PM
The people ya dont know are fine ,,, Thats the best part about this ,,It was all the family that got on my nerves . To late now ,,If my wife dont want some big mouth to know ,,She better run blocker cuz I am answering that door dressed or not ,,,An I meen NOT dressed ,,, Swing it open an say whats uppppppppp ,,, Hell you knocked on my door ? So whats UP ??Before it was dangerous for me ,,,Now I put the shoe or should I say heel on the other foot ,,I made there problem now ,,Not mine ,,Its called Pay it forward ,,,LOL,,,,

Beverley Sims
09-16-2012, 07:53 PM
A bit of A and a bit of C here.

09-17-2012, 10:45 AM
thanks for all the replys.. i should of also added that you could answer the door and say that i am trying my outfit for a fancy dress party ... however you could use that only once!!

linda allen
09-17-2012, 10:51 AM
A bit of A and a bit of C here.

Yep. A or C. I don't wear makeup or paint my nails (yet) so I can go back to "boy" in a couple minutes. If it's my neighbor, I'll change and then go find him. If it's someone else, I'll just stay out of sight until they leave. My friends don't just "drop in" and my family is hundreds of miles away.

09-17-2012, 10:54 AM
Generally speaking, I'll answer the door.

09-17-2012, 11:34 AM
A couple of years ago I answered the door en femme to find a neighborhood real estate agent. He asked if we wanted to sell our house and I said that we did but that it would be a few months before we were ready. We talked about it for a few minutes and he left.

A couple of months later he was at the door again. This time I happened to be en drab. He said "I spoke with your wife a couple of months ago ..."

Once again, a couple of months after that he returned and my spouse answered the door. She's much smaller and far prettier than I am, but we assume he'd forgotten what the previous wife looked like.


I Am Paula
09-17-2012, 06:30 PM
Since I'm full time I just answer the door, however, if it's a sales person, evangelist, or some one asking for money, I always reply " you will have to speak to the lady of the house, I'm just the maid". Works every time.

09-17-2012, 06:39 PM
Only happened once... The doorbell rang - I went to the bathroom and looked out of the window - postman... so I shouted down... in the loo... do you need me to sign I am in the loo? No. OK Leave them on on the doorstep... I'll be down when I finish...

OK... Cop out... BUT... pulse racing moment!

So I am A?

Kaz (aka) Stan (go figure?)

09-17-2012, 06:54 PM
Definately A for me!

09-17-2012, 07:28 PM
It's a good question.

It's happened twice, and the first time I opt'ed for 'A' and the knocker went away after a minute or two. I hid in my bathroom behind the closed door and started the shower. I'm sure they heard the water running and just buggered off. I think it was Jerry Seinfeld who said showering is one of the few times in a day when someone is totally unavailable regardless of who is calling or how important it is. It's universally understood. Not sure who it was that stopped by, but it was early in the morning on a weekend so I probably wouldn't have answered regardless of how I was dressed at the time.

The second time was a bit scarier.
I had just moved into the place I live in now. More than once that first month, I would answer a knock and the person in my doorway would ask for the dude that lived there before I moved in. I would answer, "He moved." They'd ask where, like I knew or something. Then, without fail, they would then ask me to sell them drugs. It happened so much that after the first month, I posted a sign stating that the previous resident had moved, and the current resident could not assist them with scoring narcotics. It was up for a couple weeks before my community made me take it down. So one day, not long after the sign was removed, my doorknob started jiggling like someone was letting themselves in. It was locked, thank God, but I went to the peephole and didn't recognize the person on the other end. He was "Gee'ed up from the feet up" in big jeans and a hoodie. I just put some bass in my voice and said, "Wrong apartment, friend-O." Whoever it was just shrugged and went on his way, no doubt bummed that he didn't leave with a big ole' baggie of drugs.

09-17-2012, 08:04 PM
happnend to me as a good friend just turned up and then it is.. Instant shock to the system and what I as allways forget to have that "handy drab" lying about...!!!

luckly did not get to the makeup bit then it would of been fun:)

Kate Simmons
09-17-2012, 08:17 PM
The simplest solution in my mind would be to just ignore it.:)

09-17-2012, 08:24 PM
I don't answer the door to unsolicited callers, they are usually religious nuts. Therefore, I won't answer the door no matter how I'm dressed.


Living in a flat, there's no need to cover.

thanks for all the replys.. i should of also added that you could answer the door and say that i am trying my outfit for a fancy dress party ... however you could use that only once!!

That depends on how many parties do you attend. :-)

09-17-2012, 09:15 PM
I generally ignore unexpected visitors. They may knock three or four times, but eventually they get the hint. I'm certainly not interested in interrupting girly-time for salespeople, religious nuts, or irritating neighbors with banal requests.

09-18-2012, 03:00 AM
'A' every time, although when dressed I may just have the confidence to be 'B' my wife would not want me to do that.

09-18-2012, 04:09 AM
A would be for me. I just simply ignore it, if its a parcel they'll leave it with my next door neighbour. I'll collect it after a suitable period of time.

Cheryl T
09-18-2012, 04:39 AM
A peek out the window and see who it is. If it's a stranger I might answer the door. If it's a friend or relative...it goes unanswered.

09-18-2012, 04:46 AM

Well now for myself its, come on in im just getting out of bed, make a cupper if you wont to. my friends know me well enough . oh for got even if im a sleep ... not .... our lab will suss who ever out so she'll let me know. i dont feed her for nothing ,... he he ....

Really i dont have a problem no makeup not had breakfast half dressed. well a top & skirt on. now wheres me hat ....
im long past careing who comes.

Allmost forgot you said makeup. what lippy & eyebrow liner oh yes that......if its on it stays on.


Sharon B.
09-18-2012, 05:05 AM
I'm with Cheryl T. peak out the window and see who it is. A friend then I would go to "D" a stranger may open the door if it was the UPS I would open the door.

09-18-2012, 05:21 AM
I wouldn't do "A", but I still don't answer the door either. It is posted on the front of my home NO SOLICITING, so if they can't read, I'm not going to give them the satisfaction that being ignorant or illiterate is O.K.

Noel Chimes
09-18-2012, 05:32 AM
Really had no choice. The gas company was putting in a new line which ran to my meter. So there I am fully dressed with 3 or 4 different gas"men" coming and going.(I guess each of them had to get a look). Called ex on her cell to let her know what was going on so that she didn't walk in and be shocked to see me dressed in front of these "guys". She has seen me dressed before and has no problem with that. She just didn't know that I would be bold enough to be dressed in front of others.

09-18-2012, 05:38 AM
I'd say....who's there? Then determine whether to hide under the bed or not lol

09-18-2012, 10:41 AM
There were a few times recently I was in this situation, completely dressed head to toe, full makeup everything when the doorbell rang. My car's in the driveway so there's no denying I'm not home. I was in full panic mode, I have a computer downstairs and must ascend stairs in passing the front door to get back upstairs to a bathroom where all my stuff was laid out which is normally hidden. Thankfully the front door has 2 little windows on top and most people aren't going to look in, besides bright sun outside, darker inside you can't see in as you can out. The people at the door each time was my mother, father and grandfather all popping by unannounced. I just called them later like I didn't know they were there and explain that I had a crappy night at work and was taking a nap. My heart was friggin pounding seeing my mom and dad.

09-18-2012, 01:00 PM
Here is something to add to all this, for awhile there where a bunch of breakins in the town I live. The kids would knock on the door and if nobody answered they would break in.

09-18-2012, 02:03 PM
I don't answer the door to unsolicited callers, they are usually religious nuts. Therefore, I won't answer the door no matter how I'm dressed.Yes what she said :-)

Michelle 2
09-18-2012, 03:24 PM
I do option B open the door.


Michelle 2
09-18-2012, 03:25 PM
I do option B open the door. The only time I do not open my door is when I am in my underware.


09-19-2012, 01:42 AM
As it always happens to be:
A. Someone delivering a package, who has seen it all before and doesn't care,
B. Someone selling something, be it burglar alarms (generally I show them my 3 100lb.+ ones; few stay for an introduction) or God of whatever flavor,
I'm in favor of coming to the door dressed (although I do have a peephole, just in case they're not one of the above).

09-19-2012, 01:49 AM
This has accually happend to me and I ran a changed real quick. Put on my robe like I just woke up. But when they left I noticed the sandles I was wearing left marks on my feet. And rememeber they looked at my feet cause after all I was in my robe. They didn't say anything but I believe they noticed.

09-19-2012, 02:11 AM
I choose:
E) Don't answer the door.
They did not call ahead and if it is important enough, they can leave a message or call back. I would not want to ruin my day for whomever is calling, unannounced and not invited.

09-19-2012, 02:14 AM
Just the other night. I just got dressed and started putting my face on. What a funny expression. Anyway my brother in law calls and I have to go get him cause he's drunk. Ruinned my whole night.

09-19-2012, 06:10 AM
I would look out the window to see who it is, and if a friend or neighbor, I would probably hide and pretend no one is home. Recently this happened to me, and it was a salesman, so I opened the door. I'm not sure if he knew I was a man or woman? but I told him I wasn't interested and he left.

09-19-2012, 10:15 AM
I was one of those people that would run and hide. But the last time someone showed up I did go and answer the door. he treated me with respect. So I am doing my best now to just be myself

linda allen
09-19-2012, 10:56 AM
Here is something to add to all this, for awhile there where a bunch of breakins in the town I live. The kids would knock on the door and if nobody answered they would break in.

And find you standing there pointing a pair of 44s ? :devil:

I guess if they started to break in, you could just yell at them, tell them you are coming out with your gun.

That should get rid of them.