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View Full Version : Limited audience on your CD activities

09-16-2012, 05:39 PM
Ive just had my 3rd week this year when I've been home alone. The highlight of the week was a MAC makeup training session, along with follow up encounters with SA's in cosmetics shops.

Usually you're able to chat about your daily activities with friends and family. But on matters of the CD kind, unless you're out to said friends and family, your only outlet is to fellow contributors on sites like this one.

Don't you yearn at times to tell the world and his brother (or sister) about the other side of your character?

09-16-2012, 05:45 PM
I put a ]few pictures of my on my guy Facebook page. I lost no friends, I gained friends, and I've got nothing but positive, and funny comments. The message has been told. I am at peace.

I have met so many people from my girl Facebook page. I have to keep a lid on it.

09-16-2012, 05:52 PM
Yull be alrite ,,, Takes time an when the time is right it will all work out .That why they say baby steps .. I never knew what it was until you do it ,,,Try it an you will see ! Its not able to be exsplained you have too live it in order to understand ,, So take it slow an it falls into place . No one will realy know if there not acccepted ? Think about it ,,,If some one dont like it they just dont come around ,,,Problem solved !

09-16-2012, 06:02 PM
I'd love to be able to just go out and talk to anyone I know about it and do all the things I normally do but dressed, but I also agree with Stacy. If you're clever, confident and careful about it then it'll work itself out as long as you pace yourself properly.

09-16-2012, 06:06 PM
I tell everyone who wants to hear. So far the worst I have got from anyone is they just don't mention it. Most find it interesting

Beverley Sims
09-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Generally outsiders you make contact with find it "Interesting."
I usually let them ask questions and give minimum information unless they pump me for it.
In that case, I let them have "it". :)

09-16-2012, 08:08 PM
What's the main characteristic of women? They talk and share everything with friends. It seems a shame to emulate women's style in isolation--we're missing out on the best part.

Aloha Jayne
09-16-2012, 08:40 PM
I get lonely sometimes for a real friend (m or f) to confide in. This forum is great for that, but not a substitute for real friends. Yes, I would love to tell the world and just get to be me.

09-16-2012, 09:43 PM
Lainie, how totally insightful. We are missing out on the best part and so are the women in our lives.

09-16-2012, 09:48 PM
It gets easier and easier for me as I find people that I can trust to tell. I would love to tell everyone and just be me, maybe one of these days.