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Ashley in Virginia
11-22-2005, 02:28 PM
I am curious if any of ya'll have any idea about the effects of steriod usage would possibly have on a compulsion to crossdress. I am a small person, and could stand top put on a few pounds of muscle if i decide to go in that direction. Steriod usage is a possibility if I was fairly confident it would keep me from having the constant urge to crossdress.

Shelly Preston
11-22-2005, 02:38 PM
HI Ashley
I dont know about steroids.
It seems to me unless they affect the brain the urge to dress wont be affected

Take care

Christina Nicole
11-22-2005, 02:53 PM
The only cure to crossdressing is to be found in your will. If you really want to stop, you can and will. Been there, done that. I didn't want to stop, but my wife wanted me to do so, and I was getting a little excessive about it. But since I like dressing up, so I've come back to it; I just keep it under control.

I don't know much about steriods or male hormones. Icky stuff, IMHO. Now estrogen, that's a different matter. Good stuff, but talk about mind and mood altering drugs. Yow!

I am a rather small framed male in northern NJ, actually, I'm even on the small size of that, but I'm an average sized woman. (OK, sort of an average sized woman. ;) ) I can do all of the physical stuff around the house, boats, and cars, so who needs more muscle? Good tools make up for small size anyway. Speaking as a girl, keep that extra muscle away from me. I like being able to wear size 8 to 10 women's clothing. I tried on a size ten strapless ball gown last week that was to die for. If I had somewhere to go, being able that dress would be worth more than all of Arnold's muscles.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

11-22-2005, 03:33 PM
You said, "Steriod usage is a possibility if I was fairly confident it would keep me from having the constant urge to crossdress."

I don't get it. You're willing to try steroids if they would keep you from having the urge to crossdress?

11-22-2005, 04:25 PM
Steroids would only make you ugly when you dressed.
Hugs, Christine

Gale R
11-22-2005, 05:04 PM
I have to take steroids for a medical condition (if i don't i die) and also testosterone gel , growth hormones and a host of other drugs.
They don't stop me from wanting to dress.:D
I suppose its how you feel about it, why would you want to stop?:confused:

Ashley in Virginia
11-23-2005, 04:38 PM
Ty Gale for the information. Exactly what I thought I was gonna hear but not what I wanted.

I can't understand why someone would WANT to to this? This isn't exactly something I am proud of. Why would I want to do something that would subject me to ridicule and belittlement?

11-23-2005, 05:26 PM

I know something about steriods since I am involved in athletics at a high performance level. One thing you must know about the effects is that their use makes you 5,000 times more like to develop liver disease than not taking them. That's just one negative thing, there are many more!

I doubt if they can make you want to stop dresing but with all the negative things they are responsible for I can't see taking the risk.

11-23-2005, 07:18 PM
Ty Gale for the information. Exactly what I thought I was gonna hear but not what I wanted.

I can't understand why someone would WANT to to this? This isn't exactly something I am proud of. Why would I want to do something that would subject me to ridicule and belittlement?

By the above statement and the cartoon av of setting fire to yourself it pretty much says that you can't accept yourself for who you are. Yet here you are on a crossdressing support forum and you 535 posts since March of this year. Looking over them you seem to have been into CDing all along here. So what changed? Just in a blue mood? Upcoming holidays getting you down? Sounds like you are going through a bit of a depression. Depression can be a very bad thing if you let it run. Harness it, make something positive from that negative energy. Don't let it get you down. See a medical professional if necessary. You're in this for the long haul so find a way to accept yourself. Moderation is the key for many. Pack your stuff up and take a break if that's what it takes, but don't set fire to yourself. Or your clothes either, you'll want them back someday.


11-23-2005, 07:23 PM
I can't understand why someone would WANT to to this? This isn't exactly something I am proud of. Why would I want to do something that would subject me to ridicule and belittlement?

Well, I don't exactly stand in the middle of the mall and scream, "Look everybody! I'm a guy in a dress! Shower me with ridicule and scorn!" Since, like KatieZ said, you've been here awhile, and have posted numerous times, you surely must have read some things somewhere that adequately explain something behind the reasons that we desire to emulate women.

I'm not ashamed of it. But I'm also not stupid enough to place myself in front of the world as a target for scorn and ridicule. I like the fact that I crossdress. The fact that others probably wouldn't feel that way is their problem. Mine is dealing with it.

11-23-2005, 07:30 PM
Ok i dont have much time to post right now but i just saw the show 30 days on fx channel last night. I guy wanted to get back to his "old self" well after 20 days of use he had to quit taking them. He was having serious liver problems they showed his mood swings and rage was very scary. And he went from before the show of 5 million helthly sperm. To less then 10,000 and they were all dead. They were hoping this would be corrected after he quit for a bit but weren't sure. THis was all donr under care of a couple doctors.

After watching this show i would say its not worth the risks. Watch for it i'm sure it'll air again. Look on fx channel or fox reality channel. I can be more specific if you'd like i just only had a few mins now to post.

Hugs Kaylia

11-23-2005, 08:57 PM
I have to agree with the girls here that say that steroids are a bad idea (unless you have a medical condition that requires them). I used to be serious into body building and had some friends that did the steroid thing. It turned them into monsters and I believe the stories about how it messes with your liver/heart/testes/you/name/it. Not something that I would do in a million years. I have since quit body building because I would rather be a feminine guy with the possibility of passing as a woman sometimes. Now estrogen...hmmm...yummy...

11-23-2005, 10:39 PM
Rather than Steriod you may check up posibilities of increasing Libido and male organ growth and then letter you can search ;research and go for steriod therapy with the close consultation of qualified doctor.In addition of this you need to control your mind too.
I like dressing and i do. I do not want to quit as this is a normal conditions made by God.
Years befor when i dress up I got erected and feel hot.But now on dressed up it won't get erected.And I do not have any complane about it.

11-23-2005, 10:57 PM
Well if you dress for sexual reasons, then steroids will increase your desire to dress...

11-25-2005, 11:31 PM
I was on HRT legitimately, for having lower than normal levels of Testosterone for a couple of years (I quit them about a month ago). My estrogen levels were higher than normal, and my endocronologist and I decided to try testosterone injections and androgel. While over the course of the last couple of years my estrogen has gone down to normal guy levels for my age, I was also able to get my testosterone levels up to normal as well.

I did experience the mood swings and blew up a few times at coworkers (they deserved it anyway), and gave them a piece of my mind.

Hair growth was out of control, at least to what I was used to for 25 years. I used to have thin if any hair, and it became thick and started popping up everywhere. I actually have to shave everyday now, where I used to do it every other or more to keep the clean look.

Fat did not redistribute though, and Im guessing its because its been there so long... hahaha

Oh, and my libido increased quite a bit. Dr. was going to give me viagra to help this out actually.

Skin became rough, etc.

While there were advantages to being on HRT, I decided that I had enough with the aggressiveness.

I can get into this more if you like.... gotta go.