View Full Version : An Ordinary Day of Out and About

09-23-2012, 02:10 AM
The past couple of days have been fun and I thought I'd share them but I'd better do it one day at a time.

Day 1 - it was up in the morning, have breakfast and get dressed for the day. We had hair appointments at 11 a.m. but we had some errands before that.

Our women's gym was having a special potluck luncheon and I'd baked brownies the night before and my spouse had made a fruit tray in the morning. Because of our hair appointments we were going to have to arrrive at the luncheon a bit late but we wanted the food to be there on time. So we headed out just before 10 and dropped off the food at the gym.

In November I'm hostessing a shopping event for about 30-40 women (all GG's so far as I know) and I needed to find a restaurant for the luncheon that will preceed the event.

Like most of us, I don't feel that talking is my strong point, so I was somewhat up tight about having to make all these arrangements, but I figured I'd better get used to it.

I had a restaurant in mind and we headed over there. My event is on a weekend and I hadn't realized how busy many restaurants are for lunch on weekends. I spoke with the manager and she said she simply couldn't accomodate a group that big for a weekend luncheon without causing problems for her regular patrons.

The setback got worse when my backup restaurant manager told me the same thing. He was genuinely disappointed to turn us away, and said he would love to have us come on a different day, but he simply couldn't accomodate us for a weekend luncheon.

By then it was time to head to our hair appointments. We arrived a few minutes early and I was hoping that would mean that we would be finished early because we wanted to rush over to the gym luncheon, but, as it turned out we actually ran longer, rather than shorter, because my stylist felt that I needed a trim.

I thought I would share a humorous picture with you. The salon has two restrooms and they were, at one point, obviously intended for male and female, but they decided that it was more important to accomodate the much larger number of women, not to mention the all woman staff, so they converted both restrooms to female.

This was part of the conversion process:


As my stylist was shampooing my hair, the shower-type wand suddenly got away from her and turned into a twisting, twirling snake spewing water everywhere! I was covered with the standard salon plastic cover-up, but my face got showered, as did the chair, and the floor nearly all the way across the room!

We're heading straight from the salon to the luncheon and all I can do is hope that my makeup hasn't turned to mud!

Fortunately, it hadn't! I did a few quick repairs in the ladies room and we headed off to the luncheon.

It was a lovely afternoon event that lasted until about 3. It was fun to chat with the other ladies, some of whom I knew and some of whom I didn't. We chatted about the food, fashions, theater events we'd been to lately, trips people had taken, and so on; general female small talk.

Afterwards my spouse and I, in phone consultation with our group's Chairlady, thought of one more restaurant that we felt could work, so my spouse and I headed over there. And lo and behold, they could accomodate our group!

I made the arrangements with the manager and breathed a sigh of relief!

Odd as it was, my boyself had an event to attend that evening, so we headed home to get ready for the evening, with me morphing into him so that "he" could go out to that event.

I hadn't had a chance to take a picture to post here, so just before the shapeshift I took this one:



VS Fan
09-23-2012, 08:05 AM
Great story, glad it worked out with the third choice! As basically a "closet" CD, I am happy for your situation to be able live your life as you desire... and appreciate the fact that you (and others in similar situations) share so much about it. :)

VS Fan