View Full Version : came out and told my gf

09-25-2012, 06:29 PM
I finally got the nerve to tell my gf about my femme side and I am pleased to say that she is 100% supportive of me....I have only been dating this girl two weeks and I knew I was taking a huge risk in telling her but now its out in the open and out of the way.....has anybody else on this forum taken this risk as well....if so please reply and tell me what your experiences were

09-25-2012, 06:38 PM
congratulations shawna, you gambled and it paid off.
I was seeing a woman recently and when I first started seeing her, I hadnt told anybody about her and so had an opportunity to reveal about melissa and figured that if it went bad, then as far as the rest of my friends and family would know, it never happened.
So then it progressed and she would keep pushing me to reveal deeply personal information and I wouldnt do it and the whole thing fizzled out anyway.
Oh well

09-25-2012, 06:54 PM
I think when you put the words "finally" and "been dating this girl two weeks" that close together, you are greatly decresing your odds for success with your Relationship but maybe, hopefully, you hit the jackpot with this girl. The prevailing sentiment here seems to be to more or less to wait till they they are "in Love" with you, before telling, but that is only my own interpretation of what I read.

Good Luck.

09-25-2012, 06:57 PM
It sure is nice to read about good outcomes! You're a lucky girl, congrats!:)

09-25-2012, 07:09 PM
that happend to me as i told the girl i am with before i started any kind of relationship and she was happy with it , we have been out clubbing in liverpool and had a really good time , that is before the heel pain we bolth had..haaa

before we drove up she was impressed how i look and did makeup etc.

been going out toghter about 10 days now and she seems totally fine , i was honest before i started and it has worked out.

we are going up again as there is a big event there this weekend.

09-25-2012, 08:03 PM
that's great, have a good time

Jess Marie
09-25-2012, 08:10 PM
You had a much better experience than I.

I didn't get the chance to tell my SO about it before she discovered it by herself. Ever since she has had no interest in it at all. She doesn't mind that I wear panties and she has bought me some because she wants me to know that she accepts me for who I am. She didn't tell me I have to stop dressing, but she wants no part other than the panties.

Amy R Lynn
09-25-2012, 08:24 PM
Congrats! It sounds like you found a keeper for sure. From what I have read and heard you should be cautious though. She may be accepting now, but be aware of the complications that may come. And there will be complications. I have yet to hear a story of any CD'r not having a complication in their relationship with a SO. I have been reading a book titeled "My Husband Betty". It would be a good book for you to read. Its written from the SO's point of view. She doesn't hold back any either. She spells it all out pretty well. Some the issues may not be the same for eeryone, but she makes some good points on things to be aware of.

I recently came out to my GF. I wish I could say it worked out as well as yours did. She took a weekend to think it over. The next week she came back and said that she just couldn't date a CD'r. She admired me for my courage to tell her, and has insisted on being friends. So we are just friends now. At least it didn't go down in flames. I'm grateful that I have a friend out of it.

09-25-2012, 08:36 PM
I should add that I think I am fairly safe when it comes to my gf.....she identifys herself as a pansexual and for those who are in the dark about what pansexual means...."Pansexuality, or omnisexuality is sexual attraction, sexual desire, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward persons of all gender identities and biological sexes. Self-identified pansexuals may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others. The Oxford English Dictionary defines pansexuality as, "not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regards to gender or activity."

09-25-2012, 08:52 PM
Hi Shawna, that's great now don't overwhelm her with it.

Cassandra Lynn
09-25-2012, 09:20 PM
Best wishes for the future.

09-25-2012, 09:57 PM
Yep, it's a risk telling your girlfriend of 2 weeks but not in comparison of telling your wife of 25 years. I wish I had told my wife about my crossdressing when she was still my girlfriend. Nevertheless, she is a wonderful woman and is working through it.

Best of luck with your new relationship. You certainly have done the right thing and have set a great foundation.

09-26-2012, 04:29 AM
As Cindy has said, early in the relationship is probably the best time to tell. I didn't get the courage to say anything until after we were married and had a child. It has put a huge strain on our marriage and pushed it very very close to breaking point. Best to tell early. Congratulations on her acceptance.
Katie Taylor x

Claire Cook
09-26-2012, 05:05 AM
Hi Shawna,

You are fortunate in having an understanding GF. If you've read similar posts about telling or not telling, there is a spectrum of what happens next -- so much depends on the two people involved. You seem to be in the early stages of your relationship. If I have any advice, it would be not to push the CD angle -- maybe let her take the lead here. You have lots of other things to find out about each other.

09-26-2012, 07:58 AM
Good for you. A great burden has been lifted from your mind, and that speaks volumes towards your mental health and well-being. Hopefully your relationship with this lady can be as rewarding as my relationship with mine is. I told mine after a year and a half, and all has been fabulous ever since.

09-26-2012, 08:24 AM
That was a courageous first step.

09-26-2012, 08:55 AM
I finally got the nerve to tell my gf about my femme side and I am pleased to say that she is 100% supportive of me....I have only been dating this girl two weeks and I knew I was taking a huge risk in telling her but now its out in the open and out of the way.....has anybody else on this forum taken this risk as well....if so please reply and tell me what your experiences were

You will see in next week or two but I think it is ok to tell as soon as it is possible. If she is on the begining raly supportiv than this can not be problem.

09-26-2012, 09:09 AM
I've been dating my SO for almost a year, now. Shortly after we met I revealed to her the C/D part of me. She was very accepting and at-ease with that.... AND, encourages me to feel comfortable with C/D-ing.... So much so that, recently, when I appeared for coffee (in the AM) she noted that I wasn't en femme... and she EXPECTED to see me so.... so it was off to change to the "proper" attire that she (and I, incidentally!) prefer.... It's great having such a terrific SO!!!!

Beverley Sims
09-26-2012, 09:19 AM
Now that you are off to a good start, read other posts about taking it slowly as your GF takes stock of the situation and sees where she is in the relationship.
All the best.

Kim D.
09-26-2012, 09:37 AM
hey sweetie congrats on you telling your girlfriend. im married to a T-girl and she is awsome. we have been married for seven years but i didnt find out til a couple of months ago. cause she was afraid i would leave. but i didnt we have enjoyed shopping and doing things together. but take it step by step with her. and yall will be great. best wishes to you both.

10-01-2012, 08:39 PM
thank you all for all of your support....it was quite nerve racking to come out and tell my girlfriend but now that I know she is supportive of it I am hoping she will stay this way