View Full Version : 3 Mile hike in high heels

10-07-2012, 12:54 AM
Well I went out again (6th), this time the place I went to, a bar that was about a mile and a half away from my apartment. It way awesome to walk there and back, love walking in high heel boots. Not sure, but do not think I was read by anyone walking there or back. Yes, I know it is night time but the street lights are very bright and people on the sidewalk walk very close to you.

It is really fun to walk to these places but would love to meet up with some other cd sisters for some interaction. When you go to a gay bar, as I did tonight you are not included in the gay crowd you, are rather on your own. As I try to blend in I am not sure what they think I am there for. I only go there as you will be accepted. Now I have to take off all my make up. lol

Happy Thanksgiving, well in Canada anyway.

Thought I would share. :)

10-07-2012, 01:08 AM
Three miles in heels/pumps that weren't boots would leave me in pain. Maybe a nice pair of sturdy calf high boots would give me enough support for a trek like that. I've found the best time for a stroll for me is in the evening. Glad you had fun.

Tracii G
10-07-2012, 01:13 AM
Heels kill my feet I love walking in them tho'.

10-07-2012, 05:05 AM
I'm very proud of you Cindy, I do the gay bar thing also and always find it to be fulfilling. The club I frequent on occasion has a cabaret on Friday and Saturday nights. I usually attend the show that is attended by lots of straights ( bachelorette parties, girls night out types). The girls of the revue (in drag of course) show me a bit of attention and almost always tell me how pretty I am as they pass through the audience collecting their tips. When the revue is over the club empties out on the ground floor and the party moves upstairs and is 99% gay. At that point its like you have said...I'm on my own for the most part. But I've had my moments of polite chatter with several men and the occasional woman. Mostly its just an opportunity to let Sindee out. On one visit there I had a young lady come sit with me at the bar and we talked for what seemed like an hour, then her SO arrived and joined us, they weren't married but had been together for some time...it got interesting to say the least. You never know whats going to transpire on these outings Cindy, but the more you go out, and the more people that remember seeing you increases, and the more they accept you as you are. To walk a mile and a half to get there...must be heaven! Congrats girlfriend ;)

10-07-2012, 06:15 AM
As a lady told me one time. Beauty equals pain.

10-07-2012, 06:41 AM
As a lady told me one time. Beauty equals pain.

Hi Cindy, Exactly, No pain no gain.

Sara Jessica
10-07-2012, 07:13 AM
3 miles in heels, that's just wrong.

Makes me wonder how many "straight" bars you passed in between your place and the gay bar. You might give one of those a try some day. It'll save your feet, not to mention the wear on your boots.

Tina B.
10-07-2012, 08:55 AM
But Sara if you enjoy walking outside in the evening air in a skirt,why not go for the longest walk you can handle, worn boots just mean more use. Cindy, you might look around for a lesbian bar, I hear they are more likely to engage you in conversation than Gay men. Also up scale straight bars have got a pretty good reputaion from what a lot of the girls here say.
Tina B.

10-07-2012, 10:22 AM
ill be lucky to wear my heels around the house for a few hours but to wear them all night with a huge walk wow i like

10-07-2012, 12:25 PM
The heels of my boots that I wore were only 3 inches high and was not the stilettos variety but rather a thin wide heel. Walking was pretty easy, I normally wear high heels everyday in so I have had plently of practice. It is almost strange not to wear high heels.

I was thinking of going to a straight bar some time but would like to go with a cd friend not by myself. Not sure if I am that brave yet? To be continued. lol Halloween is coming up, we shall see. :)

10-07-2012, 12:52 PM
As u said, Cindy, good practice for Halloween! 2 years ago, I walked all over Disneyland in Cinderella's 4"+ glass slippers for 4 hours. Maybe 5 miles? But, certainly over 3. By the time I got back to car, each step had become an ice pick in my toes! Was it worth it?


I Am Paula
10-07-2012, 07:54 PM
Sounds like a great outing! I've done a three mile trek in heels, it takes determination. re: your comment about gay bars. Toronto has a huge gay villiage, bigger than San Fran.and us trans folk are welcome everywhere, but, we don't really fit in, we have to create our own community within the gay sector. The gays, while very accepting, tend to leave us out, almost to the point of ostracization. I'm glad there's places we can go freely, and safely, and I thank the gay community for letting us share thier "turf", but we're still the outsiders. We have moved forward light years in the past decade. I can remember when Toronto had one gay bar, and a local tradition was throwing rocks at our halloween parade!

10-07-2012, 08:19 PM
WOW good job Cindy.
That is quite the distance, even in 'easy' heels!

10-07-2012, 08:33 PM
A GG friend once told me if your feet are not hurting you are not working! She had no idea that I wore heels and dresses. Now that I have a few years and many pairs of heel under my skirt I know exactly what she was talking about. There is nothing that tops off a killer dress or skirt like a pair of heels.

10-07-2012, 08:48 PM
I'm so happy for you! How exciting it is to walk about in heels. Every click of the heel and every foot of distance is a hypnotic experience engrossing you further and further into the feminine experience. And the excitement of passing a stranger is unparalleled. I find myself staring too closely at them to see if they are reading me, though, which makes me seem even more out of place. By eying them so long and so intently it must seem to the people I am passing that either I am hitting on them or I want to fight them. Neither is the truth.

...but rather a thin wide heel. - Oxymoron of the year.