View Full Version : Lunch at McDonald's

Emily Ann Brown
11-24-2005, 01:15 PM
Just because I have not posted for a while does not mean I have quit going out....quite the contrary. Wednesday was a milestone for me, so let me tell you about the first half of the adventure.

I have been talking to a sister named Clarissa who lives about 2 hours away. We decided to meet halfway and have lunch together. She was coming in drab from work (with a few feminine items on under her clothes) and as usual I would leave from work and dress in the vehicle somewhere along the way. I arrived at out meeting point early and got to work on my makeup. It is not a big deal any more to be seen doing my makeup in public. She arrived just as I was finishing my mascara.

I told Clarissa to lead the way down the street and pick the restaurant. I had steeled myself for a small table and a waitress....she chose McDonald's ! This was going to be tougher than I had planned.

She offered to go get our food and I accepted. The place was packed. I kept an eye out while she was gone, hoping nothing would erupt. I was pretty much invisible. She wasn't gone that long, and I relaxed as soon as we started talking. It was a new experience, being with someone. Our agreement was that since she was in drab she would take care of any "situation " that might occur. This really made it easier to just forget everyone in the place and enjoy being me.

I noticed a new group take the table behind Clarissa. I noticed how quickly the teenage girl read me. She didn't make a fuss, but it was obvious from the whispering and pointing with her older female companion. I pointed this out to Clarissa whose answer was "SO ?" If I had any thought of leaving it vanished with her comment. She was there for me and wasn't going to let anything spoil our time together. I could do about anything with her along for the encouragement. I forgot about the girls and got back to the conversation.

When it was time to leave Clarissa wanted to know if there was any chance I'd ever be willing to do this again. WOW ! I was wondering the same thing. I guess the answer is yes we will. It was wonderful. Another "first" for my experiences list.

Now for the hour's drive back. I made it about halfway when my bladder started will the "WARNING, WARNING !". Geesh.....well another first is about to happen.....using a women's toilet.

I pulled off at the next exit. All there was appeared to be another McDonald's. My lucky day I guess. I parked and made the casual stroll into the restaurant and over to the restrooms. I confidently push the door open to discover that both stalls were in use. GREAT. Suddenly one door opened and there I am standing eye to eye with a lady trying to get out of the stall. She brushed by me and didn't go into histerics, so I went in and closed the stall door. Several minutes later I exit the stall only to find a woman looking me eye to eye waiting to take my spot, and another using the lavatory. This was exactly what I had on my wish list this morning.....passing time in a crowded ladies room. After several minutes it was my turn. My heart was racing. I washed up, checked my hair, and exited. I am now officially a woman !!!

Back in the car I was now ready for part two of my adventure....meeting another sister in a public park........

Emily Ann

Shelly Preston
11-24-2005, 01:25 PM
Hi Emily Ann Brown

Well done
It takes a lot of guts to go to McDonalds as there are always likely to be some teenage girls

Phoebe Reece
11-24-2005, 02:02 PM
Way to go Emily Ann! Good to see you posting again and especially with a new adventure.

I noticed how quickly the teenage girl read me. She didn't make a fuss, but it was obvious from the whispering and pointing with her older female companion. I pointed this out to Clarissa whose answer was "SO ?"
It's always tricky wondering what a bunch of teenage girls will do, but Clarissa has the right idea about it. You may have provided a little amusement for those teenagers, that's all. But, really you do look very passable in your photos. That's confirmed by the lack of any reaction from the ladies you were face to face with in the restroom. You've gone through your rites of passage for a CD.

Looking forward to reading part two.

Paula Rae
11-24-2005, 02:24 PM
Great story Emily,

I admire your boldness, you seemed to have done everything just right.
Thanks for sharing your neat experience.

Ricki B

11-24-2005, 02:32 PM
Just great, Emily.
From here in your pics make you look really passable, certainly I would not notice you, whether eye to eye or not.
Teens, especially girls are so unpredictable......SO
Surviving MacDonalds you will manage anywhere now.

11-24-2005, 10:01 PM
Gosh, Emily, it makes our little outing/meeting pale in comparison. You look great as usual my dear. I still got a lot of work to do try to, "pass". What do you think my girlfriend??? Love ya gal! XXX:thumbsup:

11-24-2005, 11:16 PM
Wow! Congratulations on your emergence! You have a lot of guts to do what you did! Your story is something for me to aspire to someday.

Marlena Dahlstrom
11-25-2005, 01:20 PM
What an excellent adventure!

Of course the way to handle those teenage girls is to walk up to them and say: "I know you're too shy to ask for my autograph, but don't worry, I'd be happy to give you one." :D Actually, only half-joking...

11-25-2005, 02:52 PM
Well done Emily. What a great adventure. Maybe next time it will be Burger King and "Have it your way!" :)

Rachel Morley
11-25-2005, 03:00 PM
Phew! Emily! you sure are a brave woman. To go to a packed Mc Donalds for lunch takes some beating! I am in awe of you right now :D

The ladies bathroom experience must also of been very nerve racking too.

My hat is off to you. Next time I go out en femme if ever I get into a nervous situation I'll try to remember you and this post. Awesome! :thumbsup:

11-25-2005, 10:58 PM
You know what they call what you did in Mexican?

Saucy! LOL, or like spicey.
Wooo Em what are you doing? I so thought you the quiet type LOLOLOLOL!
Laffin here. I so wish I could have been along. Thats so cool!


11-25-2005, 11:02 PM
We are having make overs in January. You and Karren want to come?
It's our second Saturday of the month meeting in Champaign, IL.

You two would have such a blast. The 3 of us have to get together sometime you know???

Your Sister!
Big Big Hugz.

Karren H
11-26-2005, 12:15 AM
Love that hair, Girl!! I'd have choosen Wendy's, love those frostys!!!


Sarah Smile
11-26-2005, 01:22 AM
Wow, it sounds like you had a great time! And it's so brave of you to go somewhere crowded like McDonald's. Those photos of you look very nice, too. You remind me of Goldie Hawn. :)