View Full Version : Missed my HRT this am

10-10-2012, 12:08 AM
So busy a.m., grabbed HRT meds, set em down to go get coffee, forgot to go back for them and went off for work at 7:00. By 9:00 I was having a TS anxiety attack. I think I live in my head more than most and I usually know what's going on, even complex dissociations leave tracks I can find now. But I had no idea why I was spiraling down. It was so bad at 9:30 I called my wife to try and get some support. Calling her is part of my new resolution to be open with her about my ups and downs.

Anyway around noon it finally dawned on me what I'd done. I drove home for lunch (20 min each way, a drive I hate) and took my meds and drove back to work. By the time I was back I was feeling better. By 2:00 I was just fine.

I've been careless with keeping my med schedule a time or two, but never had it hit me as bad as today. At least I think that's what was going on.

Any similar experiences?

10-10-2012, 01:50 AM

I don't always remember to take mine which is quite ironic given the length of time I waited to be prescribed them!

Although I'm wondering how I'll react when I'm off them for the six weeks prior to my op.

10-10-2012, 03:11 AM

Try being off meds for 11 weeks & 5 weeks, made no diference to me mind wise, now if youv been on them for 2 years you would have a lose of breast growth, & that would take a while to regain & thats on a low dose rate,

Okay every one is different so what happens to one may not to another .

My self because my hormones are different my body will just work through it with out problems . .

& the residue thats in your body can carry you for a time again depends on the person some meds stay in the body for 3 months not all meds just some,

So for 4 months iv been off meds with no side effects, that have caused probs & i checked my blood tests to confirm that during that time, you see your body may or will be different so dont think what happens to myself would be the same for you.

Meds for me over 7 years,


10-10-2012, 05:48 AM
I have missed taking doses with no ill effects.

10-10-2012, 06:54 AM
yes just resume as is normal for your schedule a day or even two seems no change for me
I have missed taking doses with no ill effects.

Nicki S
10-10-2012, 07:08 AM
Perhaps you could carry small amounts with you in your purse. That way you will have them with you at all times.

10-10-2012, 07:38 AM
Well 5 responses plus me is hardly a statistically significant study group, but only an 0-5 similar experience response. So instead of it being a physical response, it could be an emotional (psychological) response. And really that's what I'm trying to winnow out.

I have seen accounts of TS counselors who report once their clients are on HRT, they become addicted to it. (i.e. Anne Vitale's pages). A theory for the basis of the addiction hasn't been given by anyone that I know of. But I dare say I am there.

I sort of favor a physical and emotional reason. I genuinely feel a whole lot better on HRT. The anxiety I fought for decades is gone. The relief is overwhelming. That's got a physical basis in the body changes estrogen induces. The idea of going back to the painful anxiety riddled life I led for soooo long is now anathema to me - and not taking HRT would be symbolic of doing that - perhaps that's the emotional reason.

Any more want to join the study group and add their experience?

Oh, and Nicki, I carried a man's purse for decades. Past dozen years I've been a minimalist. i-phone, credit card, DL and that's it. (Of course that's a lie, truth is my car glove box is now my purse :-) But it can get so hot (SW US) and heat kills cosmetics and pharmaceuticals so I haven't pre-staged any there. I guess I can put some in a pill box at work along with the back up Sudafed, Claratin and Aleve.

10-10-2012, 07:47 AM
I do patches, which are safer than pills. (The blood clot risk comes from pills.) The advantage of patches is that you put one on when taking the old one off, so you never miss. They also continue to release hormones after the normal usage period, although at decreasing levels, which means that being a day late has only a minor effect as long as there is always a patch present. So, I really don't know how it would affect me.

I have heard of other people on pills with extreme effects, even severe depression, from missing just one day. Maybe people like that should really try to do patches. At the very least, keep a few pills in your purse for emergencies. It is probably a similar situation to those genetic females are sensitive to hormone levels and get severe PMS.

I suspect that missing testosterone for trans men is not much of a problem, unless they are off of it long enough for their body to make estrogen.

10-10-2012, 07:48 AM
I've missed mine for several hours and just upped them the next time. No effects apart from a mental facepalm, and a self urge to remember better :)

10-10-2012, 08:53 AM
The patches are nice since you only have to remember once a week. Of course I do have to remember to call the refill when the box is empty.

10-10-2012, 09:24 AM
Its called an anxiety! You know you are missing something but not quite sure of what exactly you are missing :)

Hormonal fluctuations within the body of a natural woman resemble forgetting about your HRT, sometimes they are really off and what you felt is simple female chemistry. I suppose it may get you closer to sympathizing with your wife, as I am sure she had gone through imbalance periods :)

Pamela Kay
10-10-2012, 09:33 AM
I had FFS surgery last week and had to go off of my hormones two weeks prior to surgery. So I'm about three and a half weeks off so far. I've noticed my skin is getting a little oily again but no major mental issues to this point. Luckily I'm in a recovery house and the stress level on me is zero right now or I would probably be really noticing the difference. Hormones lowered my anxiety and depression and I was able to go off those medications about 2 months after starting hormones. I take the spirolactin and estradiol pills and have had no problems.

I go back tomorrow to get my stitches out and am going to ask when I can go back on them. Believe me, I'm ready and as has been said earlier, I will not go back to the life the way it was before HRT.

10-10-2012, 11:29 AM
I've missed doses but didn't really have any issues unless I missed several doses, several days in a row. Happened a couple weeks ago lol. Started getting nauseous and having mood swings.

I've had issues from missing a dose of Cymbalta, but that's another story.

Sounds like it might be in your head?

Tammy V
10-10-2012, 12:31 PM
I do patches also so its a very steady dosing. I think you were experiencing a reverse placebo effect because I doubt your levels changed much at all if any from missing a pill for just a few hours.

10-10-2012, 12:46 PM
OMG, you missed your HRT!!!! As the worts begin to grow and the ears start to become pointy. Fire shoots out when you open your mouth and your eyes turn blood red........

Oh sorry, I got carried away there. Just take the next dose as normal on your schedule. That should make you as happy as a witch in a broom factory. ;)

10-10-2012, 04:16 PM
OMG, you missed your HRT!!!! . . . Oh sorry, I got carried away there.

LOL. No apologies needed! Jorja, that's what I thought! It shouldn't be a really big deal to go 17-18 hours. But something was way off for me that day so I was hoping it might be something like a hormone induced mood swing. Guess not.

The alternative cause is less exciting for me. Unexplained big mood changes are generally a sign of some dissociation at work, a troublesome mental health issue I have. It makes sense. I'm pretty sure I'm processing conflict over next steps in transition coupled with marital issues. Obviously weighty issues for any of us. Dissociation hides it from my conscious thinking - never a good thing. Also means I've got work to do on myself. (I can't even explain it without it sounding crazier than I really am).

Everyone's comments have been a huge help. And I like the patch idea.

10-10-2012, 05:18 PM
There's injections too! STABBY STABBY STABBY! FUN FUN FUN!!! :D

10-10-2012, 06:28 PM
The alternative cause is less exciting for me. Unexplained big mood changes are generally a sign of some dissociation at work, a troublesome mental health issue I have. It makes sense. I'm pretty sure I'm processing conflict over next steps in transition coupled with marital issues. Obviously weighty issues for any of us. Dissociation hides it from my conscious thinking - never a good thing. Also means I've got work to do on myself. (I can't even explain it without it sounding crazier than I really am).

Don't sweat the small stuff. It will work out as it should. Someone told me this many years ago when I was worrying about things during transition. It doesn't mean not to pay attention to the matters, just do not allow them to bother you. I have lived my life with this in mind since. I haven't turned out too bad. ;)