View Full Version : skinny legs... no hope, right?

10-10-2012, 08:56 PM
I do not want to bore y'all with my walking success over and over but how in the world can I "slip by" so many people with my skinny guy legs? I would give about anything to chunk them up, but I know I am probably stuck with them that way here on out. I suppose as women age into thier 40's and up, and if they are a bit skinny, that thier legs will also be skinny? I used a retrovisor mirror and watched myself walk in a bigger mirror. I sort of looked like a guy and then I sort of did not. I think the longish red hair and baggy hoody makes everyone immediately think girl/woman. I went out in the nurse scrub pants as a woman but it was not quite the same as in a skirt.:) Amanda

10-10-2012, 11:40 PM
You may be able to "bulk-up" your legs by weight training. I'm thinking specifically calves and quads. The other thing though is simply confidence and longer skirts if you aren't ready to show a lot of leg.

10-10-2012, 11:58 PM
My experience, for the life I have lived thus far, has taught me that it is in the clothes you wear. Some styles are going to show more of the different shape of your body, while others will give you the illusion you are going for. You may have to play with the style of your clothes, and find the items that help to give your legs a "not so" skinny look.

Working out will help, but you have to counter that with eating properly as well. I noticed in the shower that my legs seem to have toned up more, but I do my workouts at home and swim with fins. Plus I get a ton of walking in with two dogs (five 10 to 15 minute outings a day, plus the weekend at the dog park for over an hour).

Keep working on it, and you will find the style that is right for you. Now to create another post on the best place to buy padded panties.

10-11-2012, 04:06 AM
Every slim girl I see at the moment has legs like twigs, I have really skinny legs and every girl wants mine!

Beverley Sims
10-11-2012, 07:05 AM
In drab and shorts I have skinny, hairless legs.
People joke that if I squeezed the top of my body down into my legs I would have acceptable legs.
Dressed in skinny jeans and heels, from the waist down I look a million dollars.
Wearing a low cut top that accentuates my cleavage no one bothers to even read me.
The face and voice could do with polish, but when I get surveyed by some that know me, all they look at is the boobs and elegant legs.
Confidence takes care of the rest. :)

10-11-2012, 09:38 AM
Yours are perfect for opaque (thick) tights, in fashion at the moment and those lovely tunic tops. Other than that, it is serious exercise to bulk up muscle for some shape. Create balance by your choice of colour for the lower half, and your style of shoe (nothing too heavy). Paler colour in the shoe area rather than brown/black/navy would be advisable too.

10-11-2012, 09:54 AM
Nonsense, Amanda! It's easier to ADD to your figure than to shrink it. All u need r some good hip/thigh pads. Make your own. Here's how!


Jane Mansfield had the thinnest lower legs I've ever seen. However, the rest of her figure was quite volupuous! Thin legs can work!

Karren H
10-11-2012, 10:33 AM
Ice hockey has been amazing for mine.... as long as you don't break one... or both....

10-11-2012, 10:41 AM
Have you tried running at the gym and weight training? I lost a lot of weight and this year I've been going to the gym about four days a week. I do light weights on my upper body, and my arms I'm just toning. I do a spin class and work my legs and run and do the stair master to firm up my butt. What I've noticed is that this year I've lost a lot of my body fat and toned my legs so they lot more shapely.

Hugs Janelle

10-11-2012, 10:56 AM
It seems genetic traits come into play. You may be stuck with the body you were born with and nothing you do can change it. It drove me up the wall as a teenager and young adult that I could not increase my upper body muscle mass no matter what I ate and how much I exercised. My upper body strength was always an issue. As a cross dresser I guess that is OK now. I do not have that big chest and skinny waist. If your legs are skinny and it affects your perception of yourself, I'd personally would wear high boots and longer dresses.

10-11-2012, 11:28 AM
I had boney knees and anorexic looking legs until HRT, I'm not sure if that's your thing or not but my legs have really smoothed out 7 years now 2 of which I'm full time :-)

Michelle V
10-11-2012, 11:42 AM
I'm going the other way with it, I know I won't be able to increase the mass in my legs and I don't want muscular looking legs, I am on my feet walking all night at work ( health industry) so I am trying to match the rest of me with my legs by losing upper mass, going back to eating only veggies no meat and stay away from baked goods (my favorite) good luck to you.

10-12-2012, 04:25 AM
Well....I also have skinny legs. Very skinny I would say. For the guy mode it is not so good. I also always wanted to get a little more thickness on them. But in the girl mode it is a good thing. At least i think so. they tend to look better with skirts, heels, etc., especially if you like to wear minis. Here is a pic of my chicken legs...woud not mind to have thicker ankles, but oh well....

Cheryl T
10-12-2012, 04:37 AM
Skinny legs on a woman are a good thing.
If you feel they are too thin then avoid wearing dark stockings or tights as they make legs look thinner which is why some women wear them. Neutrals will work better and not add to the thinness.

10-12-2012, 07:00 AM
Skinny legs on a woman are a good thing.
If you feel they are too thin then avoid wearing dark stockings or tights as they make legs look thinner which is why some women wear them. Neutrals will work better and not add to the thinness.

How about white tights? In the new high heels last night I thought they looked good.

Tina B.
10-12-2012, 07:38 AM
If all else fails, legging look great on skinny legs, and so do a tight pair of skinny jeans, but those might bother Karren even if it is easier than ice hockey.
Tina B.

10-12-2012, 08:30 PM
Well I went out to the property to check the cows and got dressed in my outfit but white tights this time. I remember I have a large mirror in a storage trailer so I dig it out. I prop it up and then used what I call a "retrovisor" mirror to hold in front of me to the side and view the large mirror behind me as I stood or walked away. I think my legs are really okay and I do not have that big V masculine look I thought I had even without the hoody. Padded pantys would really be a good addition and a light jacket is in order. I guess all this walking toned up the legs alot....so...I went out walking a new neighbourhood with my regular glasses because it was starting to get dark. Walked again for 2 hrs. I will try to get some pictures but I have barely ever used cameras much. In the atavar I used the web cam and I had to hurry to pose. Thats why I look hunched over. I am starting to have a hard time "coming down" to guy mode, but I know I have to.