View Full Version : I wish she could experience this...

10-14-2012, 04:59 PM
We've all found ourselves in some pleasant new or unusual circumstance. Maybe it's walking in a park where we haven't been before. Or, entering a building that we've previously seen but didn't have the occasion to enter until that moment. Or, it could be finally getting to see that play or movie or presentation that has been on our wish list for some time.

During that moment, our senses can be more attuned to our surroundings and, if we are sufficiently aware of ourselves (and aren't overly pressed for time), we might pause briefly to take in the sights, sounds, and smells that can help imprint it in our memory. Those sensory memories will help us enjoy that moment again, even when we have returned to the more mundane tasks that make up our everyday lives.

I live most of my life in drab mode. So, most of the time, my first thought during those moments is "I wish Susan could experience this."

I suspect that most of you (with the exception of those who are 24/7 or transitioning) have the same thought. You may think it consciously or you may only get that internal sense of it. It is a feeling of slight sadness, even while you're experiencing the exhiliration of the moment. For me, it is always brought forward by new and/or strange environments.

Do you find yourself saying "I wish she could experience this", too? How does it make you feel?

10-14-2012, 05:01 PM
Lovely post Susan. I now, and have, lived as a woman since 2004, its a great joy darlin.

Kate Simmons
10-14-2012, 05:15 PM
Be assured that your counterpart in another dimension(who is female). Does experience this Hon.;):)

bridget thronton
10-14-2012, 05:53 PM
A lovely post indeed - thanks for sharing (and yes there are times when I wish she could experience what he does)

10-14-2012, 07:15 PM
Do you find yourself saying "I wish she could experience this", too?
No, because our states are either/or, to a pretty much 100% extent. I am me or she is she with no appreciable in-between. It's like flipping a switch; either me OR the b*tch (LOL). Depends on set & setting. Free time vs. responsibilities. If that makes any sense.