View Full Version : Three different stories!! Problems with I.D.

10-15-2012, 09:45 AM
The same thing happened two months ago when I got rearended... I handed my I.D. to the cop and he asked 5 times for my I.D. before he even looked at the picture for comparison. He even told me I was lying one of those times and threatened to take me to jail. When the report was written up he put in the report that my Ex was driving the car and when the insurance company called they asked for my ex and I had to explain the situation to them and the lady on the other end started laughing. I asked what was so funny and she didn't answer that question. When I went to the collision repair building I walked inside and talked to the ladies there and they instructed me on what to do... I then went to the car rental area and they started filling out a form for the rental. The person doing the rental app needed my credit card and my I.D. so that if I wasn't able to make it in and kept it a few days longer they would bill my card. I gave him my I.D. and he wondered why I had given him a mans I.D. and I had to explain to him that was me. He didn't beleive it and initially declined the I.D. and the next day when I came back in to finish the app I handed him the same I.D. and he said he couldn't use it and I told him that was me. Reluctantly he used the I.D. and I went back to the Help Desk and he followed me out and as they all were calling me mam he tried to tell them to quit calling me mam because I was actually a guy... I will never do business there again. but I did get my car fixed and everything works now.
I also got I.D.ed at the movies once which was akward because as I guy I never got I.D.ed but as a girl I'm getting I.D.ed every where I go pretty much and I'm 28 years old and boy does it feel good to be I.D.ed again except for this one time because they called security on me and when security came they asked me what was going on. I had to explain to them that I'm transitioning from male to female and the person in the picture is actually me. He was good with that, gave me my I.D. back and left. I did finally get to see my movie, but the crowd I was with was laughing hysterically the whole time. It turns out that none of them except for one person knew I am transitioning and these friends were her friends!! I have to give it to her for not telling them and from what I understand they still don't know I am transitioning, but that scene was a little embarrasing to have security called.
I was walking into wal-mart one day I had my I.D. in my hand and accidenly dropped it and bent to pick it up and put it in my purse, but before I could a nice young gentleman picked it up and handed it to me saying "You really shouldn't drop things like this and as he was handing it to me he noticed the picture and asked if that was my husband. I told him no and he kinda froze for a minute and then I guess it settled in his brain on what was actually going on because he unfroze just as fast, lol. We chatted for a little while and he was actually alright with it as he has a sister who went ftm and a brother that went mtf and was actually dating a mtf. I thought that was kinda cool, but I still wonder as that really doesn't explain why he froze like that. hmm....

I think that's it on I.D. stories for now!!

Kate Simmons
10-15-2012, 10:09 AM
We get ID'd often in day to day life. If the ID you use is inconsistent with your appearance, you will have to expect to be questioned, looked at funny and possibly laughed at. It comes with the territory Hon.:)

10-15-2012, 10:22 AM
So if you are transitioning, why haven't you gotten a photo ID of some sort showing your female image? If you are just a cross dresser (like me) that's not really practical but in your case why put yourself through misery if it can be avoided?

10-15-2012, 10:24 AM
I know it comes with the territory... I thought the stories were just fun in general and every one I have told that I know that knows I'm transitioning has told me to write them down and do sort of a biography with them. Oh, I have many more than that to tell as when I started transitioning all I got was "Is that a guy or a girl" people were asking that question left and right. Now I don't get that question anymore... and I have been thinking that I need to update my I.D., but I wanted to do that when I actually changed my name, but I may have to update my appearance anyways as I have been growing my hair out since november first of last year!! My face doesn't look the same as me and a friend were looking at the picture. my face looked octagonish kind of and now my face is round. Thank heavens for HRT!!


Beverley Sims
10-15-2012, 10:26 AM
As a guy I was constantly IDed for age purposes, I was 26.
As a girl it never happened. I was just another girl in the bunch.

10-15-2012, 10:28 AM
because I can't yet, there are some things that are keeping me from changing my picture on my I.D. right now and Custody is playing a big part in that. I'm going through a custody battle with my ex as she has come back every year to try and claim Sole Custody. Right now I am barred from wearing womens clothes in front of my kids and my attorney stated that it would make things more difficult for me in the long run to change my I.D. picture right now than per say if I was to change it a year from now when she isn't trying to claim sole. Work also has my I.D. on file and if I were to change my picture I would have to update my I.D. at work and they are saying that's not possible right now because of some things I need to take care of first... which to be honest I don't know what those "Things" are so I'm playing it safe until I really know what's going on with work. I contacted the pride council Co-chair a few months ago so I could start going to work as a woman and now I'm contacting them to see why I can't change a lot of things that aren't legal in any sort of way and he's looking into it. There are a few other reasons, but as of right now I don't change it mainly for custody.


10-15-2012, 10:31 AM
If you are in transition you may want to update your ID's in particular for those government interactions.