View Full Version : How do you react in this situation

Christine 2
10-17-2012, 12:49 PM
question. Are you asking if you should accept your
son if you find out he's a crossdresser?

Do you accept to be your son crossdressers

10-17-2012, 12:55 PM
Hi, Christine! I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. Are you asking if you should accept your son if you find out he's a crossdresser?


Christine 2
10-17-2012, 12:57 PM
question. Are you asking if you should accept your
son if you find out he's a crossdresser?
This is what I mean

not Wajid English

10-17-2012, 01:07 PM
I can't imagine any crossdresser here on the forum not accepting of a crossdressing son.

10-17-2012, 01:19 PM
im sure that my mother would accept me she is a very easy going take you as you come type of person but i am still affraid to tell her, that being said if you have found out that your son is a CD even if your not totally comfortable with it if you love your son accept it as a part of the person you raised because being a CD doesn't change the person he is, it is probly a bigger part of who he is than even he realizes. good luck to you both

Beverley Sims
10-17-2012, 01:20 PM
I am with Nicole here and if it were the case of non acceptance I think we would have the worlds greatest hypocrite.
I would give my son all the tender loving care and fatherly advice I could muster.
I would not necessarily encourage him outright in the first instance but I would give every assistance in helping him achieve any goal that he desired.

10-17-2012, 01:26 PM
Yes, if I found out my son was trans, I'd certainly have to accept him, wouldn't I, given that I'm trans myself? But there's no reason why I wouldn't. I'll take him any way he is--provided, of course, that it's not too outrageously illegal. He's a good guy, and I love him.

Best wishes, Annabelle

10-17-2012, 01:28 PM
I would be accepting.

Note, however, that there are some who aren't self accepting, and thus would likely be unaccepting if their son CDed.

Kate Simmons
10-17-2012, 02:22 PM
If by crossdressing he is being his own person, of course. :)

10-17-2012, 02:25 PM
Sure hope we wear the same size ,,Cuz them young folks will spare no exspence on there stuff an I would steal his azz BLIND,,,LOL,,,Pay back is a B"{{:" !!!!

10-17-2012, 02:34 PM
Totally accepting of my son if he ever came out as a cder or a trans... I myself am a trans and therefore why would I not? Being who you are is difficult with all of those who would try and steal your dreams right out from under you and shove it in your face. I had this happen to me several times growing up and now I am pushing back by just being myself. My family even feels the need to try to "Convince" me that what I'm doing is wrong and how I will go to hell for being who I am and that it is un-righteous to be a woman. I really don't care for the let's try to "Convince" her way of going about things. I believe that you should accept yourself and others the way they are and if for the better something absolutely needs to be changed then change it, but you will never change someone if they themselves don't see themselves as someone who "Needs" to change. So to be honest however the package comes is how I will accept the package and open it with greatful arms!!


10-17-2012, 02:55 PM
For some folks, CDing is something they are born with. Others CHOOSE it. And then you have the million flavors in between. I just don't see that ANY reason would be cause for any change of opinion concerning "acceptance" in anyone, whether they are kinfolk are not. The important part is on the inside.

10-17-2012, 03:28 PM
Others choose it??? I don't think you can choose to be a crossdresser or gay for that matter. I think that you have something wonderful in your makeup that leans you to it. If my son were a crossdresser I would love him just the same as if he were not. same for if he were gay or if my daughters were gay.

10-17-2012, 03:35 PM
I can't imagine any crossdresser here on the forum not accepting of a crossdressing son.


You've been here long enough to know that this place is a literal den of hypocrisy.

10-17-2012, 03:37 PM
For me, there would be no reaction. He is my son and i love him. It is his life to live in whatever way he see's fit. I will guide to the best of my ability but the love I give to my children is unconditional as should it be.

Barbara Ella
10-17-2012, 03:48 PM
Daughters is all I have, but I would not hesitate a moment to support my grandson, even to the point of outing myself to his parents to show support.

And I do see where some who still are not totlly accepting of themselves could have difficulty when push comes to shove.


10-17-2012, 04:51 PM
I would accept my son regardless of what he told me. My crossdressing would have nothing to do with my love and support of my son OR my daughters.

Stephanie Miller
10-17-2012, 06:57 PM
Are you outa your gourds! I grew up with four brothers. I saw what happened to my dads toys, tools etc. I was too selfish when I was younger and didn't want a son for that reason. I liked my things. So I ended up with two girls instead.
Lesson 1: You have any idea how much girls cost!!!!! :eek: Clothes, makeup, shoes, feeding freinds at all the sleepovers, extra gas money and car expense for me to follow them on dates (to make sure those boys kept the proper distance), weddings and on and on....
After a while I found out I could have bought new toys/tools several times over.
I'm thinking "normal" boys are cheaper. 18 and ya kick their butts out. Girls.... I'm a softy and stuck with them for life.
But a CD son?........ Crap, I'd end up with the worst of both worlds. My luck I would catch him changing the oil in his truck, with MY tools in the dirt wearing MY new blouse and bling jeans!
Thank goodness I don't have a son to make that choice about.