View Full Version : Broke out... a little bit.

10-18-2012, 11:20 PM
I posted a bit ago that I felt like I was a prisoner in my own home (see original post here http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?182349-I-feel-like-a-prisoner...&highlight=). tonight I took a small step to break out. I waited until I was sure my neighbors were asleep and all of their lights were out and I went out the back for a little walk with the dog. One of the things I luv about where I live is that I'm right off "Main St" and can walk to shops. So I took the dog for a walk down Main St!!! Its late so not too much going on but it was still a thrill. I didnt come face to face with anyone but about a dozen cars passed by. I walked until I came to a local bar which I didnt think would be open, but was. I could hear the music inside and voices of the patrons. I thought about walking past to see what type of reaction I would get, but figured that I better not push it. Anyway, it was a big step for me in breaking out and luved it!!! Here is a pic of what I was wearing. Thanks for reading, xx Patti.

10-18-2012, 11:24 PM
Fun story... those first steps outside can be such a thrill. Congratulations on finally taking them (:

By the way, I love those shoes. The way they pop is just great!

10-19-2012, 12:10 AM
Ok, so I decided to push it a bit. I got some new super cute wedge booties and thought "these would look great walking down Main St". So I went back out without the dog. Plan was to walk right by that bar. On my way a man came out of the back (I live behind the bar). I just kept my head up and kept going. I cut through another business about two stores down and turned for the sound of the music. OMG my heart was pounding as I approached. Again, I kept my head up and walked right on by turning to look for a moment at the people inside. Was really fun to be so close to a crowd. As I got about two blocks past the bar a few cars passed, then one stopped... It was obvious that they stopped to get a better look at me. So I decided to just keep walking past. I didnt make eye contact, just put my head down a bit and kept walking. Once past I made the next turn down a side street that led to my house. After I was by them, the car drove off. Ill take it as a compliment either way!! Just a little nerve wracking!! Anyway, had fun and who knows, some day I may walk INTO that bar!!

10-19-2012, 12:31 AM
Good for you, Patti. Glad you made progress and feel better.

Tracii G
10-19-2012, 01:54 AM
Good for you Patti the world is your oyster now.

10-19-2012, 02:04 AM
Yay, Patti!
I remember those days and now look at me... Transitioning and working as female!


10-19-2012, 05:48 AM
FREEEEDOOOM!!!! it really is a rush when you start going out in public

linda allen
10-19-2012, 06:11 AM
It's great to get out and such a thrill, but be carefull walking around alone at night as a female, especially dressed in anything "sexy". Too many bad things can happen, from guys trying to pick you up to the police stopping you thinking you are a hooker.

You do look great in the photo and that's part of the problem.

10-19-2012, 07:20 AM
It's great to get out and such a thrill, but be carefull walking around alone at night as a female, especially dressed in anything "sexy". Too many bad things can happen, from guys trying to pick you up to the police stopping you thinking you are a hooker.

You do look great in the photo and that's part of the problem.

Congrats! The car stopped because the way you were dressed (you look good!) and the time of night. Go out in daytime or at least hr before dark to walk dog, its way safer in all senses. Maybe wear some sunglasses. Hold that head high and do not be afraid to look thier way. This might seem a bit tacky but I seen a woman walking a dog in a cemetery thruways...that would be a safe zone! It was in a town of like 150 people so there was not a park.:)

10-19-2012, 08:45 AM
Main St. in Manayunk? Used to love it there. I'm guessing the bar you mentioned in the Grape St. Pub. However, I moved away about 5 years ago so it has probably changed by now. Anyway, it sounds like a nice adventure. Good for you.

10-19-2012, 08:55 AM
That is such a great story. I think you really are breaking out. I know you know this, but, please be careful. You look so pretty that some person coming out of a bar might come up to you and wish to approach you.
Perhaps you could practice what you might say. It is never too early to begin working on your feminine voice.
Anyway, you made my day -- I felt like i could truly understand the emotions you were feeling and the sense of both fear and excitement.
Thanks so much for sharing.

10-19-2012, 09:03 AM
Great first steps! Hope you find more opportunities.

Barbara Ella
10-19-2012, 09:05 AM
Congratulations Patti. It is so much better when you go out with a companion who does not judge you.....lol The feling of the first time is never forgotten. But please stay safe as others here have said, especially with a bar, you never know who might stumble out.


10-19-2012, 09:28 AM
Parti, I'm happy for you that you got out. I really is not that big a deal as you have noticed. However, it is ironic that while you are not trying to go unnoticed, a woman walking alone late at night is VERY noticeable. Try the same thing at 6PM and you'll have even great anonymity.

Beverley Sims
10-19-2012, 09:54 AM
Good for you Patti,
I used to look like you do, ONCE.
Not now, but as someone has said, the world is your oyster.
Go for it and have fun while you can.
Remember always stay safe and when you get some friends to share life with you it is unimaginable joy> :)

10-19-2012, 10:40 AM
The more you go out the easier its gonna get. Welcome to the outside girlfriend have as much fun as you can hehe.

Jamie Christopher
10-19-2012, 10:54 AM
What a great story Patti, and very happy for you; brings back memories.....each time gets a bit easier, and more exciting at the same time, as confidence grows!

Thanks for sharing,


10-19-2012, 10:58 AM
Patti, you look great, very passable, and the outfit was very nice. You should have pushed a bit more :) this coming from someone who peeks out of the closet lol Baby steps is how it all begins and there is nothing wrong with that. Glad you had a nice walk :)

Debra Russell
10-19-2012, 11:44 AM
Honey - next time go earlier, instead of walking parading past the bar go in for a quick drink - you look great!....................Debra

Kelli Ca
10-19-2012, 12:33 PM
Patti it's good to see you again, your posts are always inspiring. From what I've seen you got nothing to worry about your look is very nice, btw that car probably wanted to hit on you,

Tiffini Marie
10-19-2012, 10:11 PM
Congratulations. I wouldn't have thought of you as anything other than an attractive female.

I am still trying to drum up the courage to go for a walk. One of these days.

10-19-2012, 10:32 PM
It is just that it is a bit odd to see an attractive woman walking at night alone. When you had the dog you could register as a woman as it is not uncommon to see a woman walking a dog. It is always easier to travel in society if you have a wing girl.

10-20-2012, 02:34 AM
I walked until I came to a local bar which I didnt think would be open, but was. I could hear the music inside and voices of the patrons. I thought about walking past to see what type of reaction I would get, but figured that I better not push it. Anyway, it was a big step for me in breaking out and luved it!!! Here is a pic of what I was wearing. Thanks for reading, xx Patti.

Be careful. You know that you're a guy (assuming you are not TS), but in the dark, dressed like a girl and wearing bright red pumps and a wig, the people coming out of the bar may think you are an easy prey and approach you with the intent to have a bit of not so nice fun. I would never walk alone in Philly late at night, wearing bright red pumps. This is just asking for trouble.

You may well be able to protect yourself, but you're inviting trouble. Also, if some drunk guy approaches you thinking that he is Don Juan and you'll fall all over him (you'd be surprised how many guys have egos) and he comes close enough to see that you're not a GG, he might become enraged in a transphobic fit and cause even more trouble.

How safe is your neighborhood for women to walk alone in at night?

10-20-2012, 02:16 PM
Thanks for all of the nice comments! I should clarify a few things. This was not my firs time out. In my other post I explained how I recently moved into a new house and it is harder to get out because of the close proximity of my neighbors. I've been out for walks, drives and to a few clubs. Also, I dont live in the city of Philadelphia. I'm in a suburb outside of it. It's easier to say Philly because people know where that is. I do worry about my safety, so thanks for your tips and concern. The best thing would be if my neighbors knew about me and then I could come and go without worry. hopefully one day.

10-20-2012, 06:18 PM
if you ever venture across the state look me up. i would love to walk with down main st with another girl. i go out maybe once a month but its not enough an di feel like i dont have a reason to go out anymore.

10-20-2012, 06:24 PM
Hey Patti,
It must have been a wonderful experience, love your look, very pretty!!!

10-20-2012, 06:29 PM
You're beautiful
