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10-19-2012, 04:04 AM
Hi all.
I want to comment one thing that i´ve been noticing lastly. I´m a man, of course, love crossdressing but a man in essence.
The fact is that i prefer to be in girl mode more and more every time when i´m home alone.
It´s a peace feeling, a great sensation that everything is ok. It souds weird but the fact is that it happens to me.
I don´t want to be a woman, or at least, i´m not thinking aout it, but the truth is that i think a lot about when i´m gonna have time to "liberate my alter ego".

I dream with meeting a girl which i can share my desires and dreams, of course, and maybe, the fact that i´m not in the way of any girl around mine is affecting me a little.
I´m a very shy guy but i love the sensation to be with a girl near. It´s like electricity driving through my entire body and, of course affects to my reactions because sometimes, it seems that i´m a complete stupid. xD I think that this is the part where every man acts the same. (more or less) xD

But going back to the theme, the truth is that i LOVE being feminine sometimes. Precious, fantastic times, where i am able to feel things from the other side of my mind. Yes, i´m happy to say that i´m loving crossdressing more and more. Is that so bad?

Just wanted to share it with you all. :)

Thanks for reading, girls!!

P.D: I would be so lucky if any GG comments my posts any time... ^^

Rogina B
10-19-2012, 04:56 AM
Your feelings are a pretty common core around here,no matter whether it came over you as a child,or later on.Something we were born with,for sure...an extra sense..Have fun with it and you don't have to have approval from anyone other than yourself.

10-19-2012, 07:58 AM
i feel the same! dressing for me is peaceful, relaxing and calming. I dont care about passing.... rarely have i been out! mostly its about me! Though at times i wanna go out.... if u ever wanna talk, message me. Im here... i can be a good friend

Beverley Sims
10-19-2012, 11:20 AM
Your feeling of peace is right on.
You can get a hyped up feeling if you are alone and someone is due home, "Shortly"

Ashley Lyn
10-19-2012, 11:27 AM
I've noticed the same effects... Always have! When there is trouble in the world or my life, my first choice is to dress and relax..
Such a nice calming thing.. hard to explain, but it certainly works for me..

10-19-2012, 12:10 PM
Here's my thoughts on your post. First, its fine and good that you enjoy being a girl when you're alone. I can't predict the future, but don't be surprised if one day you decide that you might feel even more liberated if you could go out and experience the world en femme as well as your own home. Second, I think your shyness might be leading you to idealize women. They are wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and engaging creatures, or at least many of them are, and they also include people with less appealing attributes. I would encourage you to work on the shyness by getting out and experiencing every day interactions with women...get over the idealization and get to know women without first thinking about potential relationships, getting all nervous and tongue tied. How about joining a voluntary organization as a way to do some worthwhile thing and meet women in real life situations. Once you're at ease and fully realistic about women in your life, you will be much more comfortable and confident in really getting to know women that could share your interests.