View Full Version : The breakout part 3…

10-22-2012, 07:26 PM
I recently posted two threads where I explained that I have moved into a new home and have difficulty getting out because my neighbors live so close. The second post was about a few little walks sneaking out late at night.

Well I broke out Big time on Saturday! There is a local transgender party at a club not too far from me that I went to once, before I moved into my new house and had a great time. I toyed around with the Idea of going, but was almost sure that once ready, I would chicken out and stay in. One thing I noticed was that my next door neighbor was out. That was the opportunity I needed to walk out the door. I was slowly walking out the door when I noticed two younger men a few doors down smoking. I ducked back in and waited until they were done. Once gone, I went for it. I thought the street was empty, but much to my surprise, there was a young woman walking behind a car across the street! I just kept going. No sense in stopping now since she already saw me. I just walked confidently to my car and got in. No big deal.

Now the hard part was over and I was thrilled to be out. There are too many details about my night to write them here, but it was one of the best times I have EVER had!! I even had a nice gentleman by me drinks (I did let him know that I wasn’t interested in anything other than good conversation). I met some awesome people and danced the night away.

When it was time to leave, a few of the girls invited me to go out to a dinner for coffee! Now going to a club full of other transgender people was one thing. Going to a public establishment among the masses of society was quite something else. I figured that with the others along, this was a great opportunity that I could not pass up! I went and had a great time. The place was not crowded but did have customers there. We drew lots of attention, but it was all good natured. I had a blast.

I’m so encouraged by what a great time it was that I’m looking forward to going again soon. I know it will still be a challenge getting out of the house, but I feel like once out the door there is no stopping me!!! I feel soooo good about it. It really was a liberating night.

I attached a pic of me that was taken at the club and posted on the group’s website. Thanks for reading xx Patti.

Jamie Christopher
10-22-2012, 07:34 PM
Wow Patti what a great look, you look beautiful! Fun and exciting isn't it! Thanks for sharing,


Julie Denier
10-22-2012, 08:01 PM
Wonderful pic -- looks like you had a fantastic time ;)

Beverley Sims
10-22-2012, 08:04 PM
I have read your other threads and I am glad you finally broke out. :)
Lovely shot of you as well. No worries in that department.

10-22-2012, 08:14 PM
So happy to hear that you did this. It is such a wonderful experience to share with friends. I am sure you will be able to enjoy more time out the door.

Tracii G
10-22-2012, 08:19 PM
Soon you will be just the woman that lives with that new guy.
Way to go so glad you had a great time.

Leah Lynn
10-22-2012, 08:20 PM
Ain't it great to be out there as a girl?

10-22-2012, 08:21 PM
Great pic. Looks like you were enjoying the night. Make the most of it. It sounds like you have taken the first step out after this change got past the gremlins and neighbours...........Im wondering though now that you have indulged in the sweet taste will this be enough? Your post gives me the impression you want and will need more. I say go for it, but it may be a time to consider the neighbours and other following this change. Is there any way that you can get to know them better so that perhaps you can decide to enlighten them or give them a heads up so that the (potential) embarrassment could be avoided in the future?
All the best hope things turn up positive for you.

10-22-2012, 09:00 PM
Wow! You look great! You know..neighbours might just assume shes your girlfriend, sister, cousin, etc. I to sense that you need more...:)

10-22-2012, 10:19 PM
Why if I where in guy mode I would have offered to buy youa drink sweet thing.Very very passable. welcome to the outside world of going pubic CDing. There's nothing like it. Been doing it for 50 years. Love the wide, I mean wide open fishnets.Enjoy life, live it!

10-22-2012, 10:30 PM
Fabulous photo, great story -- thanks for sharing and congratulations on your courage and success.

Cynthia Anne
10-22-2012, 10:37 PM
A pretty girl like you shouldn't be afraid to walk out her own door! You have a great smile too!!

10-23-2012, 02:41 AM
Ive always wanted to go to a TS/TG club <=\

10-23-2012, 08:31 AM
Aren't you glad you overcame that moment of fear and stepped outside? Btw, you look great!

Angela Campbell
10-23-2012, 08:46 AM
I wouldn't worry about what the neighbors think or see. As good as you look there is no problem. If they figure out you two are one and the same they will think it is odd and nothing more. The only ones I worry about are my family, close friends and work mates.

linda allen
10-23-2012, 09:38 AM
You look great and it's great that you were able to get out and have a good time.

The few times I've gone out (it's been a while and it's a long story I won't bother with here), I went out partially dressed and finished in the car in a parking lot. It's an option, but it's a PITA. Of course I had to "deconstruct" before I came home as well.

At least in my situation, I could probably get out of the house and into one vehicle unseen if I use the side door, but not the other vehicle or the front door. The problem is, you can wait until the coast is clear to go out, but you never know who will be hanging around when you come home unless it's the middle of the night. I have a couple neighbors who consult with me on various home improvement or maintenance issues so if I were to pull into the driveway while they are out, they might come over to talk to me. Bad time to be wearing boobs.

linda allen
10-23-2012, 09:40 AM
I wouldn't worry about what the neighbors think or see. As good as you look there is no problem. If they figure out you two are one and the same they will think it is odd and nothing more. The only ones I worry about are my family, close friends and work mates.

Perhaps, but if you are married and neighbors see a "strange" woman coming and going from the house, they may mention it to your wife.

bridget thronton
10-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Great outing and a very nice presentation

10-23-2012, 12:19 PM
If I was living alone and just moved in, I might be a little more open about it, but maybe after getting to know them a little bit ...but anyhow your perfect time is here. Halloween! It is the perfect way to introduce your neighbors and judge their reactions. If they get all wierded out, you know to lay low or if they think its great, you tell them its something fun you do every year! ...you don't have to tell them its more often, they will figure that out on their own. But, after halloween, if they still talk to you the same way, it's probably good. What I think, is people just don't know how to react after finding out...if you are upfront and still joke about guy stuff and drink beer with the neighbor etc...you're probably still in their good books. I just want to live in a clean quiet place..so just keep your place clean, grass cut, by quiet.... don't be a problem and you will be fine.

Kelli Ca
12-28-2012, 01:04 PM
Patti that. Is such good news you look great hun as always