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View Full Version : Do you still ger addressed as him and sir, while dressed?

10-24-2012, 04:46 PM
Most people really are open minded and accepting, but COME ON, WERE TRYInG TO PASS. Call me sir if i dont have the wig and make up and just womens clothes alone. I dont want to correct people and tell them I prefer to be addressed as mam. Im just looking to be as polite as possible with society as well. I knor, people dont understand us and they think maybe well get offended if they call us mam, even tough we just like wearing womens clothes. At least most people have that figured as thats just it, we like dressing

Kathi Lake
10-24-2012, 05:03 PM
Quite a lot. Of course, that may be due to the fact that I look very much like a sir, sound very much like a sir (think Barry White crossed with Pee Wee Herman), use my male name, etc.

Some (very few) have used it in derision, some have asked which I prefer, and some use both - like the time I was pulled over. It was all"ma'am" until he asked for my license. Then it was all "sir" or "ma'am" I think he was (justifiably) confused, but at least he was respectful.

Basically, I don't let it bother me. Maybe because I don't try to pass - not that I could.




10-24-2012, 05:09 PM
I have been out a lot lately fully dressed and have had doors opened for me, called ma'am, and when I asked where I could try on some clothes I was directed to the woman's changing area. Ask where the redtroom was once and was told the ladies was ...... So not yet.

Tracii G
10-24-2012, 05:10 PM
Got sir'd and ma'am'd today in guy mode.
The ma'am came from a woman behind be at the grocery I guess she has never seen a guy in womens jeans.
Its all good to me.

Vanessa Storrs
10-24-2012, 05:17 PM
I am amused by the use of pronouns directed at me when dressed. While I may be dressed as a woman I come no where close to passing. I am occassionally addressed as "sir," usually not by people trying to be rude but who are only confused. Recently I drove up to the drive thru window of my corner coffee stand while dressed, the very pretty girl at the window looked at me smiled and said, "Hello beautiful," it made my day and of course she received a decent tip.

Megan Thomas
10-24-2012, 05:31 PM
Sometimes, but I usually look around me and then say back to them "where?". Usually gets an apologetic smile or acceptable response.

10-24-2012, 06:18 PM
Sir'd nearly all the time, seldom ma'm.

10-24-2012, 06:20 PM
Not often. Only a couple of times that I can think of. I get ma'am more often along with a variety os typical southern honey and sweetie etc.

Kate Simmons
10-24-2012, 08:08 PM
I usually don't hob knob with the general public when en femme. Not trying to prove anything to myself or anyone else really. Those I usually interface with as my femme self usually call me by my femme name and that is pretty much how I address others by how they choose to present.:)

10-24-2012, 08:19 PM
If your getting SIR'ED in girl mode ya might want to step up ya game ,,,LOL,,, It don't matter to me ,, Call me what you want ,,Just don't mess up my order

I Am Paula
10-24-2012, 08:57 PM
I have never been sir'ed in femme mode. Since my wife and I are almost always together, we get 'how are you, ladies', or 'thank you, ladies'. Might just be a Canadian thing, very polite you know.

Beverley Sims
10-24-2012, 09:04 PM
I get maam'ed in guy mode when dressed androgenously so something is working.
If I was sir'ed when dressed it would be back to the drawing board, very quickly.

10-25-2012, 05:27 PM
Very good outlook. sometimes i just feel like throwing on nail polish, a nice pair of uggs, my female leather jacket (clean shaved) just head out the door, then i expect to be called sir LOL :) really, sometimes i just skip the trying to pass thing, just uggs and a nice jacket. AIT FEELS GREAT to be me also, I am very much out in the open now.

10-25-2012, 05:31 PM
Very good outlook. sometimes i just feel like throwing on nail polish, a nice pair of uggs, my female leather jacket (clean shaved) just head out the door, then i expect to be called sir LOL :) really, sometimes i just skip the trying to pass thing, just uggs and a nice jacket. AIT FEELS GREAT to be me also, I am very much out in the open now.

hat;s the way to ROLL SISSTAH !! Hell lots of us do it daily ,,, Becomes normal ,,Yull see !!!

10-25-2012, 05:36 PM
I really TALK way too much. Im dfeafiently sir when I talk. All i can do is just soften the voice thats it. It was 85 degrees in cleveland yesterday and make up doesnt work too well. Oh well, Im waiting till it snows. you'd just think people really did went to college and address people the way a person chooses to present them selves, evern 3 year knows that

10-25-2012, 05:42 PM
its weired... i get maamed more oftin in guy mode than i do girl mode.

10-25-2012, 05:48 PM
It would be really wonderful if folks just stopped using the dated titles of "Sir" and "Maam". They don't serve any purpose. See the following link:


10-25-2012, 05:51 PM
its weired... i get maamed more oftin in guy mode than i do girl mode.

Hey Mamme ,,,, Guess why ?? Just Guess ? Cuz you LOOK LIKE GIRL ,,,,That's why ,,,Little Lady ,,,, Thank you for listening SIR,,,LOL,,,,

10-25-2012, 06:07 PM
A couple of years ago, a grocery clerk called the girl in front of me "sir" as he handed back her credit card and/or ID. She was dressed casually and appropriately, and though she didn't have the most glamorous or beautiful of appearances (partially because she was in casual mode), she was quite passable -- I hadn't picked up on her T-status despite being fairly tuned in to these things. In fact, for the first split-second, I wasn't sure if the snide "sir" was a just a jest between acquaintances, or some other innocuous thing I'd taken out of context. But I quickly glanced at her (trying not to be obvious about it, to avoid any additional embarrassment for her) and was convinced that she's a sister, not only because of a few presumed "tells," but because of the shock and hurt in her eyes. Seldom have I had such a strong and weird mix of emotions -- I wanted to strangle the clerk, hug the girl, cry as an observer -- and in the end I did nothing. I figured that making a scene might not be the best thing for her, so I just paid for my things without exchanging pleasantries with the clerk, and quickly went out to the lot to see if she was still around. I still think about this incident from time to time and wonder if I should have done anything differently. Not so much for dwelling in the past, but as a philosophical point.

10-26-2012, 12:43 AM
People havent been rude about it, but I figure since they know as well as I know imk still a guy, people just figure, he likes womens clothes and its cool. but come on..., when I want to be called sir, IM JEFF

10-26-2012, 02:41 AM

Well what should i wear to day. my day wear . a skirt, tee top, over jacket if cold my head wear a scarve .lippy & eyebrow liner .& sneekers oh & handbag, cool im off ... down the street .....Hi noeleena.

another day in overalls kitted with tools boots head wear the same lippy & okay you know ..... hi noeleena.....
. oh forgot earings .

Gee not much changes then does it when your well known. so i quess im a mam , better belive it,
