View Full Version : a FtM partner

10-26-2012, 01:23 AM
just curious would you like a female to male CD as your partner or would you like a woman or a man.

10-26-2012, 02:28 AM

I think after knowing one person for 37 years, ill stay with what i know, even though we are apart for now id rather have Jos with me. As she bore our 3 grownup Kids & it would have been lovely to have ....had .... our 4th one though not to be.....

& we have 9 grandkids, so you work it out, look what we would have missed out on or could have,


Tracii G
10-26-2012, 02:51 AM
I know a few and have been out with them on dates.
If I fell in love with one sure they would be a great partner.

Cynthia Anne
10-26-2012, 06:41 AM
I would have no problem with it! Might be quite interesting!

Kate Simmons
10-26-2012, 07:10 AM
It's not so much of being a "this" or "that" for myself as it is someone who has balanced their male and female feelings and energies as I have. My new SO is just such a person and by being so is totally her own person.:)

Angela Campbell
10-26-2012, 08:21 AM
It would not matter to me if they were FTM or just female or even another TG. It all depends on the personality and if there is an attraction. For me it is all about what is on the inside. I am not at all interested in a man who presents as a man though. At first attraction though I am attracted to the feminine form. The more frilly and feminine the better. For a relationship to occur with a MTF it would take a lot longer as It would have to come after knowing each other a while to see if there is any commonalities. First attractions are funny. It doesn't take long before it matters not what they look like. No matter how good they look there is always someone out there tired of their stuff.

So, no I would not have any problem in dating a MTF as long as they were nice.

10-26-2012, 08:35 AM
It would not matter to me if they were FTM or just female or even another TG. It all depends on the personality and if there is an attraction. For me it is all about what is on the inside. I am not at all interested in a man who presents as a man though. At first attraction though I am attracted to the feminine form. The more frilly and feminine the better. For a relationship to occur with a MTF it would take a lot longer as It would have to come after knowing each other a while to see if there is any commonalities. First attractions are funny. It doesn't take long before it matters not what they look like. No matter how good they look there is always someone out there tired of their stuff.

So, no I would not have any problem in dating a MTF as long as they were nice.

well you said it way better than i could have.

10-26-2012, 09:00 AM
It is all about personality and compatibility. I could not imagine being with anyone other than my wife therefore for me it's an easy decision - girl. But I can see why others might find happiness in different relationships with an FtM cross-dresser, we are all different which is what makes life so interesting.


Lady Catherine
10-26-2012, 10:05 AM
I find that I am attracted physically to feminine women. Always have been. That being said, I have dated tomboys in the past and find the inner person more important then the outer shell. So I guess it would depend on the person, right?

10-26-2012, 10:11 AM
I'm completely spoiled by the fact that I have a soulmate and completely supportive wife! With that wonderfully positive experience, I'll stick with it! :)

Princess Chantal
10-26-2012, 10:28 AM
I'm pansexual, so I do have an open mind to a FtM partner.

Beverley Sims
10-26-2012, 10:33 AM
I will stay with my wife for now, but when I was younger I had some great female friends that were butch and also some who were lesbians.
We all supported each other.

10-26-2012, 10:57 AM
i don't know, you know i m a person who's very shy, i even find it difficult even to talk on phone with a stranger, i have 2 friends only, i don't go out much often and i live with my parents. I only CD when no one is around. i don't want a guy partner only a female, but i need a person who can understand me and stand up for me when needed but also accept me i know i'm a weak person so i need a person who's independent and protect me

Tracii G
10-26-2012, 11:13 AM
I do agree personality is the main thing for me as well.
The date I had with Trent (formerly Bridget) was perfect he treated me like a woman and it was fabulous.
The date was great but he was still in his learning stages and getting used to going out again.
Side note he was so shy about kissing me because he had never had to make the first move.He did a fine job in that dept and said I was his fist kiss as a man.
If you get the chance to go out with a FtM friend its a great experience.

Thera Home
10-26-2012, 11:22 AM
just curious would you like a female to male CD as your partner

Man, I don't think I can deal with the whiskers, I got my own.:heehee:


10-26-2012, 11:31 AM
I like my wife we have been married 35 years .love her dearly.just wish she could accept me as a crossdresser. but i still love her

10-26-2012, 11:43 AM
I would think most males would not mind at all if a woman wants to put her hair in a bun, ware a ball cap on backwards and even wear a fake mustashe. i would EMBRACE THIS. I believe men really should have been women especially some of us that like to demonstrate female traits. at the end of the day, after working on engines, getting greasy, watching sports, the fake mustache comes off and the hair is female again. women how ever will always just not totally accept males as cross dressers, even when it it time to be men and when we are men. its awesome most have wives that tolerate it and try to accept. Men in general are more tolerant. Ever notice most women have more male friends than female friends? Im still single and there is a REASON it's not by choice, but im an open book, take it or leave it. dont want to give me a chance to accomidate and just know the person for who he is, then not worth my time then. there LOOS that just want to size up and judge.

10-26-2012, 11:43 AM
It just might be fun giving each other advice on how to dress and act/behave as the other sex.

10-26-2012, 11:51 AM
I think I live in the WRONG AREA Its CLEVELAND everybody has the 50s mentality still and half of the people still get married at 16! Not many people really take time and explore them selves. Then by 28, people get a divorce and HATE EVERYONE and really judge single people.

10-26-2012, 12:40 PM
Eh, no, not as such. My GF often dresses in "technical" clothing, for whatever outdoor activity is being done. So, in that way, somewhat unisex. She loves agressively functional clothing, but as that is often form fitting..... She has no issues dressing ladylke for me, if I ask, and will often put on sexy panties to arouse me. But actually trying to pass as a guy? Not my thing, but if she found it a drive, as I do the other way... I'd support her, even go out completely crossdressed for both of us if that was what she wanted.

10-26-2012, 04:54 PM
I have been married to a FTM for the last 6 years. We have had our problems and have split up a couple of times but we are still together.

10-26-2012, 05:33 PM
While the symmetry is rather attractive, being TG can put a strain on a marriage. Every marriage can take a certain amount of strain, but putting two TG people together might make the strain too much.

I'll happily stick with the one who stuck with me!

10-26-2012, 05:55 PM
If s/he looked or acted too masculine, I'd be quite turned off. If s/he identified as male and wanted to make her body appear male, that would be a turn-off too. Female hermaphrodites turn me on though. I don't like the look of penises, but a penis on an attractive feminine-looking woman would be tolerable for me. I could just overlook the penis. I'd like to be a lesbian myself, or a female hermaphrodite.

Anna B
10-26-2012, 06:03 PM
It would not matter to me if they were FTM or just female or even another TG. It all depends on the personality and if there is an attraction. For me it is all about what is on the inside. I am not at all interested in a man who presents as a man though. At first attraction though I am attracted to the feminine form. The more frilly and feminine the better. For a relationship to occur with a MTF it would take a lot longer as It would have to come after knowing each other a while to see if there is any commonalities. First attractions are funny. It doesn't take long before it matters not what they look like. No matter how good they look there is always someone out there tired of their stuff.

So, no I would not have any problem in dating a MTF as long as they were nice.

I agree with almostalady in her sentiments. It is all down to the person concerned.

10-26-2012, 06:19 PM
I am not attracted to MEN or FTM or even a hairy woman

10-26-2012, 06:36 PM
I dont want real breast, nor botox injections, maybe and ONLY A SLIGHT i would get the lazer hair removal if i had that kind of money and thats it. but the point is, im still single and i need to be on other sites as well more often, but the wig comes off, so does the breast forms make up is washed and I am a guy when she wants a guy. The problem is i never had a relationship, just flings that lasted a month, maybe. its fusterating. Im too much of an open book and CANT KEEP THE GENIE IN HALF THE TIME :)