View Full Version : New twist to an old dream?

Lady Slipper
10-26-2012, 11:51 PM
So, I was having my semi-regular "caught dressing" dreams, I'm fairly certain many of us can relate, kind of the naked in front of class/work equivalent for us closeted dressers. BTW I've never had that type ofof dream, that I recall. I guess I'm most vulnerable emotionally when dressed. :idontknow:

The last two times I've had this dream something was different, now instead of me dressed in my favorite red dress, embarrassed and trying to hide, here I was with everyone wearing THE SAME DRESS :eek: male and female! I woke up both times feeling weird and conflicted. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. Maybe I just need to skip the cold pizza before bed! :doh:

10-26-2012, 11:58 PM
i can relate! ive had many dreams of dressing. And the majority of them, i dont hide! Its like i belong in the dress. Course i haven't had 1 dream since i told my wife about my dressing habit, and now i am dressing whenever i want... even sleeping in a nightgown. So as best as i can figure, the dreams are the sub consciencous need to dress and fit in.......idk..


Cynthia Anne
10-27-2012, 12:17 AM
Ha! I kinda' like that dream! I guess I'll have to look for some cold pizza Before I go to bed!

10-27-2012, 12:22 AM
... here I was with everyone wearing THE SAME DRESS :eek: male and female!

(giggles) Now that's a fashion faux pas if I ever heard one! :)

I used to have a couple of dreams in which I was wearing my nightgown...once someone came up to me in the dream and asked if it was some sort of science-fiction costume. I didn't get a chance to finish answering before I woke up! :)

- Amy

Beverley Sims
10-27-2012, 12:27 AM
I dream I am caught wearing dresses all the time.
Too many situations to analyse any of them.
Maybe I have some fetish about wearing dresses.
I never have dreams about wearing jeans. :)

k lynn
10-27-2012, 05:03 AM
My dreams invovle going shopping and meeting a nice looking woman

10-27-2012, 05:56 AM
In recent cd dreams I'm dressed and trying to hide the fact but then when I'm noticed by people they don't mention that I look like a woman and just carry on with whatever they are doing. Sometimes they say how great I look. If only real life was as simple

10-27-2012, 06:40 AM
now instead of me dressed in my favorite red dress, embarrassed and trying to hide, here I was with everyone wearing THE SAME DRESS male and female!
I suppose you mean everyone was wearing identical dresses to yours, rather than everyone being within one big dress.

I only still occasionally have the embarrassing kind of dream in which I'm wearing a dress. Were you embarrassed that everyone was dressed like you? Were they mocking you? Or did you enjoy that they were all conforming with you?

Something I've thought about recently, which your dream reminds me of, is: What if society soon becomes totally accepting of CDs? Would we then be happier or sadder? If there's no risk of ridicule or disapproval in it, would it be as much fun to CD? Or would it be less fun? Or would we have to engage in a riskier form of CDing? Like wearing miniskirts, bikinis, or see-through clothes?

In the 60s and 70s men started growing their hair long and most adults were disgusted with it, whereas most younger people liked it more or less. It only took about ten years to become almost universally accepted. Then another ten or twenty years later most men went back to short hair. I know a lot of men who I wouldn't like to see as CDs, when I think about it, but I think I also felt the same way about long hair on men initially. I imagine it would be great if society would soon become nearly totally accepting of CDing. But it's hard to predict how that could happen. Maybe it's a good thing that the future is always a mystery. At least I think it's always a mystery.

Marissa V
10-27-2012, 07:29 AM
i have a mum like that, one that looks weird at long hair. When i was younger...she was like the hairdress-police. Irritating lol. To me, those dreams almost sound like you dream of getting cought, as in you want to be found out not having to hide it anymore. Not saying its a concious idea wanting to be found out, but somewhere in the back of your head you long for it. Would be logical too in a way. It would make it all a lot simpler (not saying easier). Simpler in the sense that you dont need to hide nemore and no more need to have a secret life, the CD-life. Dont take this as a 'go out and spread the news' though, just a rational explenation of the dream.

10-27-2012, 08:05 AM
I am so glad that I am not the only one that has a reoccuring CD dream. In mine I do not get embarrassed in public but rather found out in a very private way. I am living at a very nice, very remote mountain cabin during the summer. This is where I come each year so I can live 24/7 as a female before going back to civilization for the rest of the year. I am dressed in a knee length shirtwaist dress, much like my mother use to wear back in the 50's and 60's. For whatever reason I am hanging up sheets to dry outside and I don't mean just a couple. I have about 6 long clothes lines full of white sheets moving in the wind and I am among them hanging up more. I get the feeling that I am being watched and realize that a young mountain man that lives in the area is watching me. I am not concerned because this happens all of the time and he seems harmless. His watching me gives me a bit of a thrill because he knows that I am a CD and not a GG but he does not bother me. However on this day in the dream I suddenly feel him to be very close, and then I feel his presence right behind me as I am reaching up to hang another sheet but I do not turn around. I am not afraid but very stimulated as I feel his large rough hands touch my hips, his beard makes contact with my neck and his warm breath is in my ear. I close my eyes and feel him press himself against my behind as one of his hands reaches down and begins to lift my dress. His rough fingers touching my smooth shaved leg sends a wonderful chill through me and of course that's when I wake up.

I have this dream about 1x per week but will occasionally go for a week or two without it but it always comes back. This dream has happened so often over the last several years that it is almost comforting when it happens. I use to have some dreams about suddenly finding myself naked in public but they went away many years ago but have never had a dream about being caught in women's clothes. I have never shared this dream with anyone before but sharing it with this group seems right.


Bree Wagner
10-27-2012, 09:01 AM
Maybe I just need to skip the cold pizza before bed!

Don't blame the pizza! Just think of it as a creativity enhancer.

Lady Slipper
10-27-2012, 10:30 AM
Sorry everyone, apparently tired posting is like drunk posting lol, rereading my post the grammar was bad, even by my standards :) Everyone wearing one dress would be a new level of weird for my dreams. :eek: The thing is I didn't feel shame or embarrassment in the new version more tweaked by the fashion faux pas if you know what I mean. The Freudian implications of this dream are not lost on me. :D