View Full Version : Shaving...what is better?

11-01-2012, 11:26 PM
Hey girls,

So I need some advice. I had quit for sometime and am a little rusty with some things. I finally just started dressing again and well...I think I want to go the whole 9 yards and shave my legs as well. I have trimmed them down so they look semi shaved but I want to feel feminine. So with that said what is better to use? Veet? Nair? Or waxing?

I was thinking of using Veet so if you girls can let me know your experience with these products please and your product review and any other info or tips. :)



Beverley Sims
11-01-2012, 11:52 PM
Use a depilatory cream and wsh it off before it takes full effect.
That way you redce the hair image gradually.
One day it's all gone and people don't notice anyway.

11-01-2012, 11:53 PM
you probably cannot wax if you trimmed the hair down. Veet and Nair are both about the same you need to try each one to make sure you don't react.

11-02-2012, 12:01 AM
Nair is what works the best for me. And believe me it has it;s work cut out for it when I use it.

11-02-2012, 12:10 AM
Thanks. I may try out Veet. Probably in one spot to see if I get a reaction and if I don't just shave it all maybe. I've shaved only two times ever. Should feel nice.

Tracii G
11-02-2012, 01:15 AM
Shaving is quick and easy once you get that first layer off.

11-02-2012, 04:53 AM
After I shave my legs, I get about a week before any noticeable stuble. Never tried Veet or Nair.

Erica Marie
11-02-2012, 05:42 AM
I have tried nair and veet and personally I found that a good old razor works the best. Once you get the hang of not cutting yourself :( it goes pretty quick. I have rather fine hair so I shave them once a week and they stay looking pretty good.

Jenny Gurl
11-02-2012, 05:51 AM
Veet and Nair work the same, as already mentioned do a test area first to see if your skin develops a reaction. I have used them both and they work fine. Shaving seems to give me more of a feminine feeling during the process, and it also takes off a thin layer of skin that leaves your legs with a different sensation. I think even if one had no leg hair that shaving them would give them a great fresh feeling. When I'm done shaving them if I rub them together while finishing my shower they are slippery as can be and have the most incredible feeling I just can't put into words. Both work, Both look and feel so good. Many swear after shaving legs they will never let it grow back, even when summertime comes.

Angela Campbell
11-02-2012, 06:47 AM
I use an epilator on my legs but I do not have much hair to begin with. No one can tell the difference. Very smooth for weeks.

I Am Paula
11-02-2012, 08:43 AM
I'm so naturally hairless, I shave the fronts of my legs in the shower once a week, and do the whole leg maybe four times a year. I use a venus razor. Just lucky I guess.-Celeste

Lady Catherine
11-02-2012, 08:47 AM
I agree with Jenny, the simple act of shaving makes me feel all girly aqnd I love how they feel after. I use Nair in ares I don't want to put a razor and it work really well in those spots.

linda allen
11-02-2012, 08:48 AM
My wife sometimes gets her legs waxed but mostly she uses Nair. I'm not at that point yet so I have no personal experience.

Janice An
11-02-2012, 09:39 AM
I have used VEET Fast Acting Gel Cream (sensitive formula) a couple of times and it works OK. I leave it on for 9-10 minutes and have had no irritation from it yet. My complaints about are cost and its such a messy job. Nair never worked for me as well as Veet.

When I shave my legs I use a razor below my knees and an electric shaver above the knees, (Lady Remington or a mans Remington foil style, both are quite old). I do this because a little stubble bothers me less than ingrown hairs and itchy red bumps.

11-02-2012, 09:50 AM
I tried depilatories and then shaving but I am now going to a good waxing salon and in between I use an epilator. Shaving never worked well for me as within a couple of days I would feel that stubble and it ruined the feeling of wearing slips or blouses that would "snag" on the material. The depilatory creams were so harsh. That said waxing is no breeze and it took me a while to learn how to reduce the little red dots and spots. You have to exfoliate frequently and treat the skin with an antibiotic in the days leading up to a waxing session to keep down the natural bacterial colonies that live on your skin. Immediately after waxing I use something like Neosporin to prevent any unsightly spots. Also, ripping hairs out by their roots does hurt but less so as you do it regularly. I am seriously considering electrolysis. It may not remove hair completely but it would thin it out and make maintenance easier. Lastly, I was told by someone who went with laser hair removal that it was painful enough that pain tablets were taken before each session. its a complex subject and I hope that you find the best method to suit your skin and hair growth pattern.

11-02-2012, 10:12 AM
I tried shaving a couple of times. A couple/few cuts detered me.
I've tried Nair with better success. Their mens' formula seemed to have a longer effect for me, but dried my skin out (it's also become harder for me to find). I'm content with their other products so far.
I'm curious to try waxing or an epilator.

11-02-2012, 12:33 PM
Waxing is great and an epilator serves the sam purpose. Both require more time than a depilitory or shaving. However, the results last longer. I use all depending on my time contstraints.

cathie pantyhose
11-02-2012, 07:31 PM
Epil, epil, epil, epil, epil.......oh and epil...I love my epilator.takes longer but after a few years of using it last so much longer. In fact tonight is an epil night if I can stay awake long enough. I only shave now a days if I don't have the hour to epil all over

11-02-2012, 08:26 PM
I've always been a bit concerned about the creams...not sure what they will do to my body...but I'm like that. I still like shaving and (as others have said) it gets quicker and feels better. Though my hair grows back waaaaaay tooo fast. Ooops, I've got to go...shave. :(

11-02-2012, 10:45 PM
Thanks girls! Great advice! I used Veet once but long ago! I don't know if I can be allergic all of a sudden but I may try that. I am also thinking about trying to shave them since I never tried a shaver. Anyone know if you can use Veet on your chest, lower back (peach fuzz) and arm pits? Oh...what about the butt? Ok to use there? Forgot to include this in original question.



11-23-2012, 11:35 PM
I think a wax should do it for the buttocks. Not so sure veet is the best option there. I looked it up and some do it some don't. Anyway, done with this one.

11-23-2012, 11:55 PM
Hey girls,

So I need some advice. I had quit for sometime and am a little rusty with some things. I finally just started dressing again and well...I think I want to go the whole 9 yards and shave my legs as well. I have trimmed them down so they look semi shaved but I want to feel feminine. So with that said what is better to use? Veet? Nair? Or waxing?

Nair, Veet, and Sally Hanson are all similar products, similar chemistry. If you've never used it, it's worth a try. The best option is to wax while your hair is longer, then use Nair or Veet at least once a week to maintain. Always do a test patch first and don't leave it on too long. Waxing helps pull hair out at the roots, so many follicles will disappear, the ones that do grow grow back lighter and thinner. The Nair keeps the hair from growing back thicker.

There are several rotary pluckers, such as the Remington Smooth & Silky that work like tweezers and can pull many hairs at a time. The first times around will be very painful and may produce more pain than you can deal with, but if you wax a few times, the hair is thinner and easier to pull with the rotary device. Many women grow their hair out in October, November, and December, and do the waxing or pulling just before Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas & New Year parties. Winter is the time when most women wear opaque tights, leggings, and/or pants most of the time, leaving them the ability to be fashionable while "shagging out". By spring, they can go bare-legged in spring dresses and by summer, they can wear shorts all the time with little or no shaving, waxing, and weekly applications of Nair for the shortest duration.

I was thinking of using Veet so if you girls can let me know your experience with these products please and your product review and any other info or tips. :)

My worst experiences with these was when I tried to wax and then veet immediately after. I felt like my legs were on fire for about 12 hours and even after that they were sore and itchy most of the day. I've also had very bad luck with trying to use the cremes on my face. One thing I have found helps when I use any of these products or wax, is to use Vitamin E cream or lotion or even Vitamin E oil on the treated area after rinsing off the excess. For best results, I use the cream at night, and use the Vitamin E in the morning.

11-24-2012, 03:31 AM
I have found that if you leave the cream on for the shortest time it causes the least skin irritation or bumps. 3 minutes seems right. I also use one of those exfoliating cloths to help remove the skin {i have thick body hair}.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the product "no no" http://www.my-no-no.com/. I was thinking of getting one but I do not know how it works.

Jay Cee
11-24-2012, 07:09 AM
Shaving is sort of a stop gap measure to me, as I seem to get stubble in a couple of days. Nair is okay, but is messy and smells nasty. If I can stay the course and epilate regularly, that is the best course of action for me. The hair will be gone for a week or more, and does come back finer. At least, that's been my experience with the parts of my body that I do epilate (arms, chest, stomach, back, face). It hurts a bit, but is well worth it.

11-24-2012, 08:19 AM
Get yourself an epilator!!!! Man Up! My underarm hardly grows hair now and it is very light and fine now. still having a few problems with the rest but if epilating is doing this to my underarms it will eventually do it to the rest I hope LOL...

PS: I have been epilating for over a year now

Angela Campbell
11-24-2012, 10:39 AM
I don't like shaving because it grows back too fast and feels stubbly. I use an epilator on my legs and chest. It hurts on some places but it leaves me smooth for weeks. I only shave when I need something quick,. well except for the face, I have to shave there.

11-27-2012, 04:47 PM
Can you epilate on the face?