View Full Version : blurring the gender?

11-02-2012, 09:45 AM
I'be been growing my hair out for a year now, and wear a shoulder bag, some jewelry have my ears pierced. I hope to come out to my family and friends sometime in the future. But for now I've been trying to blur the gender line , it makes me feel good and hopefully will ease my telling them when the time comes. My son made a comment that my hair was getting women curls in it and I said thank you. My question is do you try to blur the gender line and what is it you do to blur it?
Hugs Janelle

Sarah Doepner
11-02-2012, 12:10 PM
I can't say that I intentionally set out to blur the gender line. My hair is long, but thin and receeding. I pierced my ears a few years ago and always wear small hoops, except on special occasions. I changed to team logo studs for a Utah Jazz game the other day and had skeletons for Halloween. My shoulder bag is as much a guy bag as anything else. Recently I didn't shave for about 3 weeks and couldn't stand it. Being clean shaven isn't about blurring the gender line but about being comfortable. I try to keep my chest shaved so I can wear a low cut top and epilate arms and legs year round.

There are a lot of people who will wear light makeup, nail polish, more accessories or women's jeans, tops or sandals. By that point you are damn near crossdressed and just need forms to finish it off. I think you will find the point where you are comfortable while not causing those who care about you discomfort. Good luck in firguring it all out.

11-02-2012, 12:23 PM
I tried to,mix in some feminine items and makeup forma while, felt I was creating a rather incongruous image and thereby attracting attention...not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wasn't for me.

I think that you are, by your actions, coming out inan incremental manner. If it works for you, that's great!

11-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Sorry, I'm not clear, are you coming out about being a crosssdreser, or about transitioning? I wear womens bike shorts sometimes, I wear womens panties pretty much 7 days a week and get changed in a locker room at work. ( plain stretch briefs, but still ) I've discussed trying on the womens version of pants we sell, I bought a womens top that had a feature that the mens didn't. I don't want to try and present as a woman, but I'm planning on buying a hiking kilt, and maybe eventualy, a skirt to wear to work, or at least to the pub after. I'll be happy if I can wear the skirt and stockings in public. Just a plain skirt with pockets, or a hiking kilt, with heavier "support" stockings from Activskin.

Beverley Sims
11-02-2012, 12:53 PM
Womens jeans and shirt get worn a lot, I suppose it is blrurring a little bit.

11-02-2012, 01:01 PM
I wear nylons and women's shoes while in drab and so far have not had any adverse comments. I also use my female name as well. No one seems to have a problem with this. By the way, I have a full beard so I couldn't dress completely in women's clothes. May start including my forms in my bra as well.

11-02-2012, 06:57 PM
Women’s jeans and shirt during the winter, wearing my long curly hair down.

11-02-2012, 07:01 PM
For me, I plan to somewhat blur my gender. Wear tighter clotbes, skinny jeans, converse shoes and finish up growing my hair out.

Cassandra Lynn
11-02-2012, 09:56 PM
I'm pretty much fiddy/fiddy each and everyday.

Started plucking the brows last winter, slowly and they are now as thin as they can be. I dress them up and hide the gray with a brow pencil, and wear mascara each day (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker) eyeliner sometimes too (depends on how pink the fog is in my head that day).

Got the ears pierced last spring and love them, i wear 4mm sterling ball studs some days and i have some sorta andro-ish danglies too. (hoops and hoops with wire wraps).

Shaved nose to toes and only allow the arm hair during the summer, which is then kept trimmed very short. I really only grow the arm hair as subterfuge for the guys i work with.

Fingers and toes are always kept up nicely, most of which i do as i can't currently afford a salon. My new and accepting GF let me into her glue on stash so i did a full set of those today.
I don't do the reds and pinks and vivid femme colors on the feet during sandal season, but i do subtle pale pinks and ivories with sparkles.

I wear ladies jeans most days, tho they are the ones with neutral pockets so they are hardly noticeable. I have 2 pairs of ladies sandals for the summer, neither are blaringly femme, and i have 2 pairs of ladies street shoes with a low heel that make a lovely click clack but are only mildly femme.

Oh and yeah, i underdress but that hardly matters for this convo, and besides i no longer even think about it tbh, they're just underwear now.

My hair doesn't count at all, it is a crew cut, barely an 1/8", i work outside and it keeps me cool. Plus it isn't unbearable to wear a wig.

And to be honest, i don't really get that many looks or comments. Twice now, different convenience store clerks have asked about my brows, both were young women and both were fine with it, just asking to be certain.
I spose it's entirely possible that i get viewed as gay on ocassion, but i don't care.

Sorry for the long post, but i have to say something here, i need these things and since my situation makes total dressing hard to do, this not only keeps me happy, it also saves me from spending money i don't have on clothes i can barely find time to wear.
2 birds you might say.

k lynn
11-03-2012, 04:24 AM
I just wear myjeans panties and bra everyday no makeup wig or forms besides my head is shaved and has been for years this is just me blurring the lines

11-03-2012, 04:50 AM

As i was looking at blurring & i thought & what would i blurr, ooops i am blurred, i mean look in the mirror & what do i see, yes well. or my avatra, dont need to say much do i,

Sure not clothes any way or any thing i wear, people can make thier own mind up as to what they think i am . im so past that,

So if they make an assumption they may be wrong, till they talk with me then theyll know im just a woman & after that, it really does not matter,


Joanne f
11-03-2012, 05:17 AM
Yes I guess that I blur the gender line when it come's to clothing and looks , woman's wide leg trousers and jeans with woman.s tops, plucked eyebrows nail varnish bracelets and shoulder bag and some eye make-up and perfume ( got to smell like one) :D

11-03-2012, 07:02 AM
Thin arched eyebrows and arylic nails witha light pink polish, hoop ear rings, panties, padded bra, tight junior jeans, tops and sweaters. Yesterday I went to Home Depot and Ross in b lack legging, sweater tunic and black boots in male mode, nobody seem to notice, I felt pretty comfortible ,oh and of course I was carrying my small purse

11-03-2012, 10:06 PM
Many who blur the lines refer to it as the elephant in the room. Many of us may not wear any female clothing or make-up when in drab, but the body modifications add up. Long hair, pierced ears, long nails, groomed eyebrows, hairless arms and legs.... The total tells a story.

11-04-2012, 12:04 AM
I always have my tote bag (which a lot of my friends call a purse, hah). I also wear bright colored socks and colorful scarves (always tied french knot).

I may occasionally wear a light amount of make-up. I love dressing this way! I feel it represents my personality so much better :)

11-04-2012, 12:26 AM
I've had my hair long for years. I've shave my body for years, most recently my arms (which are usually visible) nobody seems to care although I have had some odd looks from family and friends. I've lately began wearing some of my women's jeans on a day to day basis. Nothing overly tight but definitely noticeable. Really it all seems to show that people really don't care.

11-04-2012, 12:55 AM
I have started to drive like a woman all the time.

11-04-2012, 03:48 AM
well i started with growing hair out, then wearing bracelets, which turned into a lot of bracelets, then started painting my nails, then moved to dying my hair blue, and i just shaped my brows. i guess next is clothes. go gitchurgurlon! :p

11-04-2012, 08:50 AM
I wear pantyhose, ballet flats and mary janes with womens shorts. I guess it is blurring the gender line, but I just wear them because they are comfortable.

11-04-2012, 08:53 AM
Recently I have been bowling on a all womens team. this is a mixed leaque both men and women. One of the things I have noticed is that i am beginning to emulate their bowling styles. this is not helping my scores any. when I bowl with the men I bowl like they do. This is just an observation for what it is worth

11-04-2012, 09:14 PM
I have started to drive like a woman all the time.You mean, following the rules, and driving politely?