View Full Version : does know you

lori m crawford
11-02-2012, 07:36 PM
does oney body relly know you not as a cd or a ts i meend you an what you thank or how you fell in side you we got things we dont tell but wont to like if you did something bad or good in yor life

11-02-2012, 08:18 PM
Lori: does oney body relly know you not as a cd or a ts i meend you an what you thank or how you fell in side you we got things we dont tell but wont to like if you did something bad or good in yor life
I had to translate that a little. I think this is what you're saying:
Does anybody really know you, not as a CD or a TS, but I mean you and what you think or how you feel inside of you? We have things we don't tell, but want to, like if you did something bad or good in your life.

Did I understand correctly? In my case no one else I know, besides members of this forum, yet knows of my feminine identity or my desire to appear feminine. There are other things I've kept secret too, but CDing seems to be my biggest secret. I'm a bit old for it, but I'd like to have a GF who would accept my CDing.

Do you regret not being able to tell anyone you love about your CDing or something?

Angela Campbell
11-02-2012, 09:29 PM
With the exception of the tri ess group I go to once a month no one knows I crossdress. No one knows about my habit of scratching my butt when I am alone either...Some things are private and there is no need to tell.

11-02-2012, 10:35 PM
yes, there are a few know that i crossdress, including my other half,

11-02-2012, 11:07 PM
No one knows I do. That may be because I just underdress anyway. I want someone to know but I'm afraid of how people would react. I once had a gf who didn't mind, but then ended up hating it because I would dress too much (in her eyes, anyway).

Cynthia Anne
11-02-2012, 11:33 PM
I quit hiding! Anyone and EVERYONE that knows me knows that I am TG! I like it that way!

11-02-2012, 11:39 PM
up until a month ago, noone knew. I had always dressed in private (fortunately i lived alone). Yet, i married 1 yr and 1/2 ago, and only told my wife last month. And whats worse, despite quitting 2 yrs ago.... i was still outed at work within this month, when a customer came in and told my coworkers that he had lived next to me sometime ago, and saw me dressed like a woman!!! So answer is... yes people know me as a male, and a man who dresses like a woman.

11-03-2012, 04:20 AM

Friends going back 55 years know me & knew what i was then & a few knew i was different, & of those friends most know because i told them or they saw me on our T V stations & in the papers, & most of cause accepted me just the same,

did it make any difference because i wear womens clothes ....no.... or that they know im a woman..... no.... they are real friends who do not care what i wear or wether im male or female , yes they saw me with a perspective of a male that really is a female,

real friends are just that real......& today iv many more friends & thats so neat,

& when you hold back from allowing people to really get to know you, you miss out & they as well.

whats the hang up about any way, why hide we can be open just we need to see that our selfs, better to be open in the begining than found out later , & being different we dont have to prove any thing , well i dont.

The way i see it is what you see is what you get just we have more that makes us interesting ,


Joanne f
11-03-2012, 05:35 AM
Most people I knew know that I am a CD only one other person (my wife) knows whether I am TG/TS or not so she is the only one who knows how I feel inside and as far as doing anything wrong go.s I am sure that if I got caught doing anything wrong it would not be long before someone said " what do you expect from a person like that " as they always like to link one thing with another without even having to think whether there is a link or not so in the end the thing that you done wrong would become less important to them than the fact that you are a CDer , ( that is just my opinion and not necessarily fact )