View Full Version : My tipping point.

11-03-2012, 04:11 PM
Hi friends,
so im new here and i know no one knows me, but i just wanted to say that about a week ago i was at the tipping point of just doing it and coming out or killing it and burning my drag bag. i was very frustrated and scared, so i came on this forum and started reading about all the girls who are living their lives freely and not afraid to be who they are and how they have been liberated since being honest with themselves. i gave me a lot of courage. so i used Halloween as a buffer for my first experience in public. (not including burningman, which kinda doesnt count...) so i went all out, shaved my body, did my nails, my makeup, wore a sexy outfit. (which you can see as my profile picture.) so i went to the party and all my friends were stunned. no one gave me shit, no one gave me nasty looks, and i got mostly positive attention. (not so much from the bros, but **** the bros) my friend came up to me and could tell that my outfit wasnt an accident, and asked me whos stuff i was in. i couldve lied and say it was my cosmotologist roommates and she did me up, which would have worked perfectly, but no, i told him. this is all my stuff and ive been a closet drag queen for as long as i could remember. he was shocked, but he gave me a big smile and was super happy that i was comfortable enough to tell him the truth. i felt my heart lift and then i was totally open with telling everyone about my drag interest. a bunch of people asked if i was gay, and i told them im bi, which they all said they knew already anyways. no one thought less of me, if anything i leveled up in my social crowd. :) it was a glorious night, and i have all you girls here to thank for giving me the support you didnt even know you were giving me and im sure there are many other girls youve helped as well. you are all beautiful. Much Love!! Luna