View Full Version : lonley

11-04-2012, 04:07 PM
crossdressing has taking control of my life it ruind my marige icant tell any one cant have a relationship for fear of someone finding out just makes me so lonley and depressed

11-04-2012, 04:19 PM
Crossdressing doesn't take control of your life - you just fail to take control of your crossdressing. The pink fog can be mighty influential, but if you decide what your priorities are and stick to them, you too can control your crossdressing.

I also don't understand why you feel you can't have a relationship. All it takes is a cursory perusal of this board to see that there are supportive GGs out there. And if they're out there, all you have to do is find them. Like any other kind of romantic relationship, though, nothing's just going to fall into your lap if you don't go out and look for it.

This whole thing is all in your attitude... you can choose to embrace who you are, and the unique qualities you possess, and turn that into the passion and desire to make the most of your life. Or, you can feel sorry for yourself, decide you'll always be alone - and that prophecy will self-fulfill. The choice is up to you.

Look, unless you're living under a bridge and eating worms out of a dirty tin can, life could be much, much worse. Focus on the good things, and the rest will come together!


11-04-2012, 05:31 PM
You have a problem that Cding may be part of, but it doesn't cause anything more than you allow it to. The first thing I readfrom your post is that you want to stay closeted. And that works for some but not if you want to be everthing you can be without some serious obsticales to work around and through. That is not and has ever worked for me. Now not going public is one thing but to try and live without being honest with your SO is a losing plan to start with especially at your age. If you want to date and have noncomitted relationships fine but it's not going to work now that you know you are a Cder. There is no going back so instead of fighting it use it to your advantage, I did after my wife died and then I shared it with my new wife as soon as the time was right for her. You'll find that anything less than 100% honesty is going to bite you and usualy at the most unopertune time. And there-by adding to or creating another problem. Instead enjoy your gift and don't borrow trouble.

11-04-2012, 06:10 PM
You have the power and the responsibility for your life and happiness. Use it.