View Full Version : another high light accomplished

11-05-2012, 12:19 AM
hey, little depressed, but relived at the same time. is that possible? lol. Anyways, i've been talking w/ my roommate/wife (open marriage) for the last month, and i confessed that i had a crush on this guy i worked with 14 yrsa ago and i could never get over him (he's gay). Unfortunately, i only knew him a short year.... well, i managed toi find him on facebook and what oddds, he was living in same city as i was. 14 yrs ago, he moved to illinois from missouri and i moved to cali from missouri.

Well after alot of emotional support from my "wife" i messaged him. I confessed that i had had a crush on him, but i didnt expect anything from him. I just needed to let him know.....and even though i didnt expect a response, i have yet to receive one. I think deep inside, i kinda wanted him to reply. Maybe iI was wanting my fantasy life to come tru. I know in time, ill get over him, now that i actually let him know my feelings. I have closure. BUt i really would have like him to say that he liked me too.... what a disppointment!!


Cynthia Anne
11-05-2012, 02:58 AM
I understand your feelings Michelle! Give it some time; theirs always a chance he hasn'tread the message yet! There's always hope! Best of luck! Hugs!

Nocturnal Kaylee
11-05-2012, 03:50 AM
Its been 14 years. Is it possible he doesn't even remember you? To he honest if somebody is met 14 years ago sent me a message saying they had a huge crush on me I'd be a bit put off. I'd have started with a bit of small talk or some sort of icebreaker. Good luck though.

Beverley Sims
11-05-2012, 04:59 AM
14 years is a long time measured from 20 to 34 years of age.
In that time we all grow into different people with different interests.
Some men discover they are gay, X dressers, deviants and others give up their liberalised life and go out and marry women.
Others have married, divorced turned gay and gone straight.
Most have developed a new circle of friends other than a couple of older acquaintences.
Our views on life have polarized a little more.
We now have social networking. Do you remember the telephone, it was always a last resort, now it gathers cobwebs.
There is another train coming by in a couple of minutes, buy a ticket to the future, get on the train and leave the past behind for now. :(

11-05-2012, 10:34 AM
thanks everyone for the kind words! i think i messaged him only to get my feelings out. like i had said in the actually note... I didnt expect anything to come of it. But i needed closure, needed to get it off my chest! now i can move on, alittle saddened, but more based on real life......:)