View Full Version : Went shopping with my wife for the first time!

11-11-2012, 11:02 AM
Yesterday my wife suggested we go to the outlets together. Normally I bemoan shopping of any kind, and she has to drag me. Shopping for men's clothes just isn't fun for me, and I usually grumble the whole time. But I jumped at the chance to go with her to Ann Taylor and Banana Republic. She's known about my CD'ing for about 6 months now, and we've chatted a bit about fashion, but she hasn't wanted to see any of my things. So this was a whole new level of acceptance, and excitement for me. She needed clothes for herself, and she suggested I keep an eye out for anything I might like too.

I was too embarrassed in Ann Taylor to try anything on, as there are no male dressing rooms there. I needed a skinny belt, but couldn't bring myself to check it for size infront of so many women shopping there. I'm still concerned about what people might say, not just for me, but or my wife too. So instead I just gave her advice on her selections. I even got her out of her comfort zone on a few items she wouldn't have normally tried (bright colors). But BR is a co-ed store, with unisex dressing rooms all lined up together. No one pays attention to what you carry in. I tried on a belt there, and on the way in grabbed a skirt that I knew would be too small for me, but I just wanted the thrill of trying on an article of women's clothes for the first time in a store. It was really exciting!

By the end of it, she told me that I was really FUN to shop with! That was a first! ;) We're going to go again soon. Interestingly, since I opened up about CD'ing and have done a lot of online shopping for women's clothes, I've found I'm more interested in men's styles too. So maybe I won't bemoan shopping for guy clothes as much as I used to.


11-11-2012, 11:06 AM
It's great to be able to enjoy activities together. Your wife's response shows that there can be benefits to having a CD spouse?

Rhonda Ann
11-11-2012, 11:13 AM
Well Camille another milestone has been reached for you. Sounds like you had a great time, good for you! Wishing you and your wife more happy shopping trips, so happy you both had fun.

11-11-2012, 11:16 AM
Sounds like theres gonna be more shopping in your twos future. I always so nice to hear of more supportive so's out there. Its going to help the future cd's. to be able to come out and let their spouses know.The more they know the less scared they are as knowledge is power. I always try to help anyone I met that what we do isnt taboo. Its just us.

Lady Catherine
11-11-2012, 11:29 AM
I've always enjoyed shopping with my fiance. Even before she knew. After I told her, she commented about it. No wonder you like shopping with me and helping me pick out my clothes. Now when we shop, she's always looking for stuff for me. Aren't we lucky to have the support of the onse we love?

Bree Wagner
11-11-2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks for sharing your great story Camille! It's amazing what a difference a little perspective change can make and I'm glad you both had fun. On the few occasions I've had my wife suggest I look for something myself I sure get the same nervous/embarrassed feeling you got. It's harder than shopping alone en drab or en femme! We'll have to see if that changes someday if we ever go shopping with me dressed.

I hope all your future trips are just as enjoyable or more so!


11-11-2012, 01:23 PM
I'm glad you had a great time. Shopping together has always been a pleasure for my wife and me from even before she knew about my crossdressing. I hope you have many more adventures together for both sides of you.


Tina B.
11-11-2012, 04:09 PM
shopping with the wife is fun, but she gives up to soon for me, I could go on all day long, and hit every clothing store in the mall!

11-11-2012, 04:33 PM
Camille, sounds like you both had a really positive experience- congratulations and thanks for sharing it with us.

May there be many more!

11-11-2012, 05:04 PM
Camille, congratulations on taking this step. Don't feel bad about being a little reticent to try things on in male mode. Quite a few folks would be scared to even enter the store!

With experience you and your wife will get more confident, particularly after the Gender Police fail to materialize. For me, the real fun began when I started to shop dressed. That eliminated all the mental ambiguity and made things soooo much simpler!

Of course, when shopping with your wife it is important to remember that her needs are paramount. It's just as much fun to shop for her as it is for yourself.

Sharon B.
11-11-2012, 05:19 PM
When I was married I always enjoy shopping with the now ex-wife at woman's stores never felt out of place.

11-11-2012, 05:21 PM
Sounds like theres gonna be more shopping in your twos future. I always so nice to hear of more supportive so's out there. Its going to help the future cd's. to be able to come out and let their spouses know.The more they know the less scared they are as knowledge is power. I always try to help anyone I met that what we do isnt taboo. Its just us.

It just is...Love that quote! Wish my wife felt the same...

I Am Paula
11-11-2012, 07:50 PM
Congrats. You took a big step and lived to tell. It gets easier and easier. Soon you'll be holding dresses up in front of you at the mirror. I still get a wierd kick out of, when the SA asks thru' the door 'how does it look', either opening the door for her to see, or asking for a size up/down, and passing it thru' a partially open door, where I'm standing in my underwear. GG's do it all the time. The final hurdle, of course, is on your way to the changing room, ask your SO the hold your purse.-Celeste

11-11-2012, 08:21 PM
Congrats. You took a big step and lived to tell. It gets easier and easier. Soon you'll be holding dresses up in front of you at the mirror. I still get a wierd kick out of, when the SA asks thru' the door 'how does it look', either opening the door for her to see, or asking for a size up/down, and passing it thru' a partially open door, where I'm standing in my underwear. GG's do it all the time. The final hurdle, of course, is on your wat to the changing room, ask your SO the hold your purse.-Celeste

Yeah this is the stage when things get good. When I'm shopping with my wife she sometimes holds a dress up against me to get an idea of how it will look then she'll give me her opinion on it.
The next best thing is when I visit my favorite, small, crowded clothing store. The mother and daughter that run it always come up to me together and help me out by taking me to the change rooms and telling me to come out with the clothing on then they give me their comments while I'm standing in front of the big mirrors. THAT IS LIBERATING!
I asked them one day if my presence embarrasses any of their female customers and they said, " if anybody ever has a problem, they will get over it. If they can't get over it then I don't want them as customers in our store."

Leah Lynn
11-11-2012, 08:49 PM
It'll get even better! Shopping with my late wife was a favorite for us both. Occasionally we would "discuss" who was getting which article of clothing.

11-11-2012, 09:11 PM
It's great to be able to enjoy activities together. Your wife's response shows that there can be benefits to having a CD spouse?

Definitely. My CD boyfriend likes shopping more than I do - usually I'm the one to find it detestable. But going with him has actually been fun for both of us! :) (Other benefits: nail polishes go faster, which is a lovely excuse to buy more colors, and he doesn't tease me anymore about how long I take to shower when I shave my legs!)

Beverley Sims
11-11-2012, 11:07 PM
Another milestone, more confidence building and an accepting spouse.
It makes the journey so much more enjoyable.

11-12-2012, 03:48 AM
You're one of the lucky ones, Camille! Thank you for sharing this, as it gives me some hope that things in my situation may have an opportunity to change. I was so glad to hear of your good news and do let your wife know how much you admire her and appreciate her for being so wonderful about your CD'ing. She truly is a gem.
Looks like you have many, many years of happiness and fun together. Enjoy your newfound freedom and future adventures! Good luck to you both.

linda allen
11-12-2012, 07:12 AM
I'v been shopping with my wife since I introduced her to my "hobby". It's great fun. Usually we'll each get one or more items. I often hold the purchases and sometimes her purse while she is checking or trying things on.

I haven't tried anything on in the store other than jeans at Walmart, I just measure and hope. Keep the receipt and return them if they don't fit or look right on me.

Other women often comment on how great a husband I am, shopping with my wife. If they only knew! :heehee:

Ceri Anne
11-12-2012, 10:31 AM
Great story Camille. I have shopped with my wife numerous times......since we got married and she knows I have a great fashion sence. She also is very hard to fit so gets frustrated when she shops for herself. Now to get to the point of being able to shop for me when I'm with her, since I am not out to her. Your story was an inspiration though.