View Full Version : High heel injuries?

11-11-2012, 09:58 PM
Anyone care to share their high heel injuries?

I'll start off, I purchased a pair of Jante 7" spike stilettos with a 2" platform, I love these shoes, BRIGHT red. Anyway while breaking them in for the first time, I stepped on half a pistachio shell (I have no idea where it came from.... but it was there) that was on mylaminate flooring... and who would thought crunched pistachio shells were so dang slippery. Down I went and buggered my ankle up for almost a week... Lesson learned though. :) P.S. Even after the fall i still love these shoes :)

Diane Smith
11-11-2012, 10:48 PM
I fell and twisted an ankle pretty badly in a pair of 6-1/2" platforms while walking across my front yard at night, probably in the fall of 1997 or so. Heels, uneven ground, wet grass and darkness are a dangerous combination. I was pretty much off my feet for a week, and it was a month or so before I could wear heels again.

In January, 2007, I stepped into the door of my nail salon for a pedicure and hit a wet spot on the floor. I was wearing 5-1/2" heels, although it's possible I might have fallen no matter what shoes I had on. My legs slipped straight out in front of me, and I went down fast and hard on my back. I couldn't sit or lie down comfortably for several days, and it took about a year of massage and therapy sessions for the pain in my lower back to go away completely.

None of this has discouraged me from wearing heels, though. I must be crazy.

- Diane

11-11-2012, 11:07 PM
No injury but a near miss! I have "rubber" ankles from running and that probably saved me!

I normally dress to blend but I was coming from a party and was going to meet some people at a local bar. The only parking space I could find was in a garage on the second level and I was wearing these:


Started to walk down the ramp and away we go!!!! The steep angle of the ramp and the 5 inch heels were NOT a good combination! Like skiing, I start to lean back to avoid tipping over, slipping a little on the ramp, and figure the only way to avoid a face plant is to tap, tap, tap all the way down as fast as I can. I hit the bottom and almost plowed into a group of people! Hell of a way to make an entrance! :o


11-12-2012, 01:17 AM
I seldom wear heels as I am already 5'14". Once I was wearing 4" strappy sandals at a christmas party and noticed that two toes had gone numb on one foot. Stupidly I did not sit down, figuring that this was just a normal part of wearing these shoes. I was alarmed the next morning when I found that the toes were still numb. Apparently I had done some nerve damage and it took a couple of months for the sensation to come back. I love those shoes, but next time I will show them off from a seated position!

11-12-2012, 11:06 AM
I am happy to report that I have never injured myself while wearing or walking in heels and my heels are no shorter than 4" (except for one pair). I have slipped on the stairs a couple of times and almost fell flat on my face but I have never injured myself for a short/long period of time. I did , however, have sore calves from walking in 5 1/2 " heels for 8 hours on my day out ;)

11-12-2012, 11:54 AM
I am happy to report that I have never injured myself while wearing or walking in heels and my heels are no shorter than 4" (except for one pair). I have slipped on the stairs a couple of times and almost fell flat on my face but I have never injured myself for a short/long period of time. I did , however, have sore calves from walking in 5 1/2 " heels for 8 hours on my day out ;)

If sore calves count, count me in. I walked around most of the weekend in some very high heels (I practice in the highest heels I have). My calves are very angry with me today. Other than that, no issues so far!


11-12-2012, 12:01 PM
I suspect the most common injury is a compound wallet fracture.

11-12-2012, 12:51 PM
Anyone care to share their high heel injuries?

Gotta be really careful wearing heels without ankle support...

I seldom wear heels as I am already 5'14". Once I was wearing 4" strappy sandals at a christmas party and noticed that two toes had gone numb on one foot. Stupidly I did not sit down, figuring that this was just a normal part of wearing these shoes. I was alarmed the next morning when I found that the toes were still numb. Apparently I had done some nerve damage and it took a couple of months for the sensation to come back. I love those shoes, but next time I will show them off from a seated position!

I was wearing a pair of strappy sandals with 3" heels, just hanging out inside my house. I exited the doorway from a bedroom into the hall, and as I did so, my ankle rolled over. Kinda felt like my lower leg bone touched the ground. Immediate numbness and swelling resulted. Three days later, still numb.

Concerned, I arranged an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon: long story short, I had sustained substantial nerve damage; not only in the ankle area, but upwards through my thigh. I wore a custom-made orthopedic brace for a year.

I still have the "tingling" sensation in the top of my foot, as if it were "asleep". It probably is permanent, according to my doctor.

Anyway, I still wear strappy sandals, without the brace. Just gotta be really careful...! :straightface:

11-12-2012, 12:57 PM
I haven't had a slip up or anything (two inch heels that are quite wide are the only pair I have and I haven't been out much, so not really at much risk either) but I had a 14 hour day in them when I went to London once and I had a hell of a blister when I got home 0_0

11-12-2012, 01:02 PM
Here's a weird one for you. My right foot has problems and always hurts. EXCEPT when I'm in 3" or higher heels. I was out Friday for 13 hours in 4" heels and nary a pain or mark. Love those shoes.

Jocelyn Quivers
11-12-2012, 01:34 PM
Besides falling down a short flight of stairs a couple of times nothing too serious, luckily all of the years of playing football I learned how to fall and hit hard surfaces properly so that it's second nature . More of my painful serious injuries have come from shaving mishaps, and learning the hardway about using hair removal cream multiple times on sensitive areas.