View Full Version : an idea...

Val Tan
09-18-2004, 12:21 AM
ok i just got this idea in my head.

i'm 21 years old, currently in the army (nation service, aka conscription)

anyway i was thinking, what if i went to this store, and told them something like

"hi, there's this thing we're doing in camp, i need to dress like an 18-20 year old girl, so um, could you pick something out for me?"

i wonder if it would work. if it does, that would be great, espeically since i'll most likely get clothes that fit. (rather than buy clothes using the "buying for girlfriend" and having to guess the size).

i might try it some day... gotta psyche myself up before i do it ;)

09-18-2004, 12:26 AM
Any excuse to buy new womens clothes is a good one. Right?