View Full Version : Closet Ratio

11-17-2012, 05:36 AM
I took stock tonight, and it's at least a 50/50 split with undergarments and other clothes for femme vs. boy mode. At what point did you just assess the situation and realize it progressed further than originally thought?

11-17-2012, 05:58 AM
My point came when I realized that I had to dress and it would never go away. I also realized I was a transsexual, so that may be different than a CD. When I realized I was TS, I shave ALL my body hair, began epilating, and going out more. I'm at a point now where only laser hair removal, HRT, and surgeries can make me feel complete.

The point in my time was about 50 years old. I'm a slow learner.

I don't even buy man clothes anymore. I have way many more women's shoes and undergarments than mens, and am about 60-40 favoring women's clothes.

Kimberly Michelle
11-17-2012, 06:25 AM
Not long after I found (and kept) a wonderful, supportive and encouraging SO. She has let me be ME. Even though I am not really "out" (in our neighborhood) I have not worn male undies in 8 years and am almost always in feminine attire at home. Regarding my closet and excluding my work uniforms, there is a ratio of about 85%-90% female clothing, the rest is boring. Somewhat like Chelsea, I don't really buy men clothing anymore except what is necessary at a minimum.

11-17-2012, 07:38 AM
I have just checked and mayby my wife is right, I need to slow down on buying dresses. My closet is a 69/31 split, 69% dresses and womens clothes ofer 31% mens clothes, and if you were to do the math on the mens clothes that I actually wear. The number would be greatly differant. There are alot of the mens items that I don't think even fit anymore, Time to donate them.

11-17-2012, 07:50 AM
I have probably 90% womens clothes to 10% mens.:heehee:
I probably only wear 20% of my guy clothes.

Michelle 2
11-17-2012, 08:57 AM
I am not near the ratio that some of you ladies have attained but I am working on it. I seem to be pretty picky about what I purchase so it is a slower process. But my goal is to be able to one day stand in my closet and say I don't know what to wear because I will have so many choices.


Valerie Nova
11-17-2012, 09:15 AM
I took stock tonight, and it's at least a 50/50 split with undergarments and other clothes for femme vs. boy mode. At what point did you just assess the situation and realize it progressed further than originally thought?
For undergarments, I have a lot more guys' underwear, even thought they're all just the exact same style of fruit-of-the-loom boxer briefs. I only have seven pairs of panties and four bras, and even that number has more to do with one particularly good sale than anything else. I probably have somewhat more women's shirts, skirts, and jeans than I do comparable men's clothing, but the difference isn't that huge. Shoes, on the other hand... my female side has totally crushed the male competition. I still haven't replaced my dog-chewed male sneakers because apparently I'd rather spring for yet another BOGO sale at Payless...

11-17-2012, 10:16 AM
MY male clothes still dominate. I would say the ratio is 85% male, 15% female. When it comes to shoes though were are clearly the reverse. Since I am a part time dresser and never plan on going full time, this seems about right. Not to say though that the female side won't be expanding, I just haven't found much where I have been looking ;)

bridget thronton
11-17-2012, 10:20 AM
Male clothing looks to be on the endangered species list in my closet

11-17-2012, 10:20 AM
I'm thinking my ratio is at least 6:1 maybe even 8:1 (I haven't counted lately).

In the Men's department, I just have 4 pair of work pants, and a few other pair and some shorts for non-work. Compare that to the 'women's department', where at last count I had over 25 dresses, and even more skirts.

I think I tend to have a LOT more of those because there is more variety based on fashion, season, temperature, etc.

If I divide the dresses into long and short, then further into Summer and Winter materials, and finally into occasion (formal, causual) I really have only a few in each final category. Same with skirts.

Pants? Black. Every day. All I need is enough so I can get through the week without doing wash. :)

11-17-2012, 11:42 AM
Male clothes dominate my closet however today I'm going through and cleaning some out/donating them. Guys underwear vs. my lingerie...well that's another story. :o I love lingerie...I guess you could say I'm a collector, LOL. Bras, panties, nighties, camis, and other lingerie. Love it all, fun fabrics and colors. Plus I feel sexy w
Hen I wear it so it's a confidence boost. :) anyway...

Beverley Sims
11-17-2012, 12:32 PM
I had to buy a pair of mens undies about two years ago so as I could visit the doctor.
They will last another ten years I estimate as I only see him once every six months.
My wardrobe has about five percent male clothing.
When traveling I wear a pair of shoes, trousers, jumper and a shirt.
The rest,boobs, bathing suit, bras, undies jeans, tops, skirt and 2 more pairs of shoes to match.
This lasts three months. If I need more I buy it.

11-17-2012, 01:30 PM
I was thinking about the hundreds I have invested last night. as I walked out of a store with close to 100.00 more in make up and a new bra.
I have a shoe fetish. I have the following:
high heeled, thigh boots,
knee high boots, also high heeled,
mid calf high heeled boots.
tan leather clogs 3" heels
2 pairs of leather clogs 2" heels,(brown, black)
open toe leather platform shoes 5" heels,
open toe dress shoes 5" heel,
sandals 3-1/2" heels

also about 11 wigs, for the mood swings. (I don't want to think about money spent there)

I won't even on on about all the silver and gold rings (about 15)

did I mention I like fancy belts too? (I know I didn't) "I'm sick I need help"

do you think my wife has noticed?

11-17-2012, 01:50 PM
Right nowmy closet os about 85-15 in female clothing. Since 2004 the percentage of my male wear has steadily declined. :):):dom::doll::doll::gorgeous:

Jocelyn Quivers
11-17-2012, 02:52 PM
Things kind of went haywire when 75% of my closet is femme clothes, including storage containers, and most of my dressers contain femme clothes. Also when I locate items I never even remembered purchasing and my wife either wears said items or demands I get rid of them before purchasing anything else. I've also noticed my femme items are folded, neat and clean as oposed to my male ones which are usually on the floor, have holes in them, and are judged by cleanliness with a "smell test.":o

11-17-2012, 02:59 PM
Just counted, and was surprised that I have more women's shoes than men's. Getting close on panties/underwear. Feels great to get more.

11-17-2012, 08:16 PM
My wardrobe is so overflowing, it's even over flowing into the male side. On the male side I have three pairs of shoes ( one of which, sneakers, are actually girls). Then besides the two suits, I have three pairs of jeans.... all girls size 10. On the female side, it's just overwelming.... 30 bras, 20 panties, 50 dresses, 25 pairs of shoes, 35 sweaters, 50 tops, 35 skirts...etc... and still it takes me an hour to pick out an outfit.... LOL.


11-17-2012, 08:19 PM
My female to male wardrobe ratio is 3:2. .....but then again, there isn't very much to a guy's wardrobe anyway, so it all works out. :heehee:

Karren H
11-17-2012, 08:23 PM
counting clothes is on the bottom of my to do list......

11-17-2012, 08:30 PM
.....................do you think my wife has noticed?

If she hasn't mentioned it by now, I think you are in the clear! :heehee:


11-17-2012, 08:40 PM
I'd say my closet is about 50/50...if you count width of space taken up by each side... but when you factor in that most of the male stuff in my closet is various costumes (I cosplay as well as crossdress/crossplay) that ratio goes way up for the female side...also most the the female stuff isn't as thick as the 3 suits I own. So articles of clothing that isn't costume, I'd say 65/35 female/male. That's just my closet though...I have a ton of tshirts for male me...though Rachel is getting a decent collection going... Shoes aren't even a contest, male shoe count: 5 (including specialized athletic shoes), female shoes: a lot (though I can never find the right pair to wear >.< oh well, have to go shoe shopping again...).

11-17-2012, 08:49 PM
I took stock tonight, and it's at least a 50/50 split with undergarments and other clothes for femme vs. boy mode. At what point did you just assess the situation and realize it progressed further than originally thought?

Are you an engineer? LOL... anyway, I don't know my ratio. As long as the girl within is happy, that's what matters!!!

11-17-2012, 09:19 PM
Well lets see 100+ bras and even more panties and no men's underwear. Nearest thing to a men's undershirt is a flexees cami. I do have a half dozen nice men's shirts (gifts) that I wear for xmas family gatherings and some other events. I own a couple suits for funerals and my own. A sport coat and a couple pairs of pants. I also own t-shirts that are men's, but they are ones that women often wear also. Jeans are all women's as are my tops. It is to the point that shoes are have taken over my few pairs of men's. I've never been a shoe person but getting in the grove.

11-17-2012, 10:03 PM
My female wardrobe isn't huge, but what I noticed this year is that I haven't bought any new men's clothing. This is a bit of a problem since I only dress en fem at home a couple times a week. My car automatically steers into thrift shop parking lots!

11-17-2012, 10:11 PM
My closet is likely about 50/50 but much of the male clothing doesn't get much use. Underwear/panties likely 50/50 but I'm not really sure where I put my male underwear. Far more ladies shoes/sandals than male's though. Getting low on male pants though having worn out a few pair lately. Need to buy a few more before the male me has to go naked, but every-time I go out to buy some I find something so pretty that I just need to purchase it. Just can't seem to bring myself to buy those drab male pants.


11-18-2012, 12:41 AM
I had to buy a pair of mens undies about two years ago so as I could visit the doctor.

Not a problem. For my last few physicals, I've worn a pair of Hanes cotton panties that look almost like a pair of men's bikini shorts. Solid color (light blue), no lace. If he's noticed anything, he certainly hasn't mentioned it.

I've got 2-3 pair of these for just those occasions where my undies might have to 'pass' as mens. (doctors visits, locker rooms, etc) and they've done their job so far... and kept me from needing any real men's shorts.

11-18-2012, 09:36 AM
Things kind of went haywire when 75% of my closet is femme clothes, including storage containers, and most of my dressers contain femme clothes. Also when I locate items I never even remembered purchasing and my wife either wears said items or demands I get rid of them before purchasing anything else. I've also noticed my femme items are folded, neat and clean as oposed to my male ones which are usually on the floor, have holes in them, and are judged by cleanliness with a "smell test.":o

You just described me to a T. I only have 2 pairs of male shoes but over 60 pairs of heels lol

Jen xxx

11-18-2012, 09:49 AM
I have five skirts, seven tops, 10 pairs of pants/slacks/jeans, four wigs, five pairs of flats, one pair of boots, and three pairs of heels. As far as underwear/lingerie, I have three pairs of breast forms (one foam and two silicone), 10 bras, too many panties to count, and probably 15 pairs of pantyhose/leggings, etc. I don't have much jewelery yet, but I'm working on it.

Actually, this was a good exercise as I had never counted out what I have collected before. I dress about two to three times a month, with partial makeup and maybe three of four times a year in full makeup. I wish it could be more.

11-18-2012, 10:32 AM
I do believe I have surpassed the 50/50 mark,,,, haven't bought mail clothes in a few years,,, shoes just seem to magically materilise

Tina B.
11-18-2012, 05:04 PM
I passed the 50/50 mark years ago, I had a clearance store almost in my make yard years ago, and had a lot of discretionary income at the time. A while back while packing away some clothes after lossing some weight, and unpacking smaller sizes i had stored away, I was lamenting to the wife how short of clothes I found myself, she started counting my blouses, and stoped at 40 and told me I had nothing to worry about.

11-22-2012, 09:36 AM
My clothing is about 20% female and 80% male. I've found a lot of great women's clothes at Goodwill lately which is causing my ratio to change rapidly. My underwear is 95% panties, bras, slips and nylons.

I Am Paula
11-22-2012, 11:24 AM
One men's suit(on floor), one pair mens shoes, one sock (the other AWOL). 3 or 4 men's tees (for visiting father in law, the only person my wife says I can't come out to). Women's side = 12 linear feet of clothes rods in seperate walk-in, six drawers, four shoe racks, seperate bathroom, 1/2 of front hall closet for coats, top drawer of nightstand for breast forms. My wardrobe is exactly like me 99% girl/1% boy.
Here's the sad/ironic part. Christmas shopping this week my wife asked me to pick out one item suitable to open in front of her dad. I couldn't think of anything, and finally picked out a white Ralph Lauren men's sweater. It looks just like a white Ralph Lauren's women's sweater, but I'll NEVER wear it.-Celeste

Crissy Kay
11-22-2012, 12:40 PM
MY male clothes still dominate. I would say the ratio is 85% male, 15% female. When it comes to shoes though were are clearly the reverse. Since I am a part time dresser and never plan on going full time, this seems about right. Not to say though that the female side won't be expanding, I just haven't found much where I have been looking ;)

That is pretty much me too.