View Full Version : Too tall to go out?

11-18-2012, 08:06 PM
I'm 6'5" tall and self-conscious about being so tall as a woman. I want to try going out sometime soon. Does anyone have experience going out as such a tall girl? I'm afraid of sticking out so much, plus I love heels. Any advice is appreciated.


11-18-2012, 08:12 PM
Hi Marcy; I'm 6' 3" and usually wear 2 " heels while out in the grocery store and the shops , but will wear 3" heels when the mood strikes .Just wear what you feel good in and don't worry about other people....most of them are too busy trying to do their thing anyway. Just go out there and do it . You could wear flats I suppose , but personally I don't care for them .That being said ,I do have a pair .

11-18-2012, 08:44 PM
You'll be OK. Your height might cause some people to look at you more closely dressed as a woman, but most people will keep their opinions to themselves if they read you. :)

11-18-2012, 09:19 PM
To the average-height population anything over 6' is simply "tall." Whether you are my height (a mere 6'2") or a bit taller makes little difference.

The people who will notice you are the tall GGs. In public when I approach a GG near my own height our eyes automatically go to the other's feet to check the shoes we are wearing. Then the eyes come back up, meet, and we smile at each other. That's all there is to it!

So, tall girls are noticed, but it isn't such a bad thing. They'll think "what a tall woman," but the key word is "woman" and as long as you present well they will have no reason to change their minds. After all, what 6'5" man would go around in women's clothes? *We* know the answer to that, but the general public doesn't! :)

11-18-2012, 09:20 PM
I really know your struggle with feeling torn knowing what to do, dress and go out and dress when you can't be seen.

going out at halloween gave me confidence to go out in public. being around people and finding out by talking to them they didn't know. some I had to show my drivers license to or have them ask my wife to prove it.

before that I didn't have the guts, I was told a woman can always tell. "I guess sometimes they can't tell the difference"

only by looking in the mirror enough will build that confidence enough do go forth unless you have support from a person.

I'm only 5-8" so I'm maybe not the right council for you, but all cross dressers have had to face their fears about being in public, dressed as the other gender.

Kate Simmons
11-18-2012, 09:31 PM
Ease into it Hon. Perhaps try going to a place that welcomes TG/CD folks first. The confidence will follow. ;):)

Amy R Lynn
11-18-2012, 09:39 PM
I recently went out in public for the first time. I'm 6' 1". What helped me was going out with a group. Look around and see if you can find a support group. Many of them will have outings, like going to a restaraunt, LGBT club, or something simillar. It really helped having a group with me!

11-18-2012, 09:41 PM
Kneeling? :P

Marcy, there's no such thing as too tall/too short/too fat/too skinny/too old/too young. Just go out and strut your stuff with confidence and femininity.

11-18-2012, 09:52 PM
Even at 5-11 I prefer to wear flats if I go out and save the heels for home.

11-18-2012, 09:52 PM
I went to the Indianapolis CD/TG support group last night for the first time (a wonderful experience). One of the things I really noticed at the end of the night when it was time for hugs was just how tall most of the ladies were there, naturally or via heels (or both). I came in at 5'10 since I intentionally wore low heels and felt like the short one in the group.

But it depends on your environment. If you want to minimize notice I'd suggest sticking to flats in most public locations until you feel more confident, but feel free to indulge when you're with other CDs in a support group setting.


11-18-2012, 10:25 PM
There is a store called Long Tall Sally that you should try and check out.

11-18-2012, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the comments and encouragement everyone.

11-18-2012, 11:11 PM
I'm 6' and wear 3 inch heels. How well I blend depends on whether I've dressed to match the situation. When I wore a short skirt, satin blouse, big full curly wig, and tan hose - I used to stop traffic on 7th Avenue in Manhattan - many thought I was a beautiful woman who happened to be very tall. When I wear the same types of clothes that the other women are wearing, for example sweater, leggings and boots at the shopping mall, I don't even get noticed, which is exactly what I want when I'm out shopping. When you do get read, just have a sense of humor about it, acknowledge them for being so observant. If they laugh, just smile and laugh with them. Even when I have been read in situations where I thought it might be a problem, a good sense of humor and respect and compassion for their fear of the unknown has helped me handle almost any situation. Most who know about both like Debbie even better.

11-19-2012, 05:21 AM
I'm 6"2, and the thought of going out at my height used to terrify me, but now i've ventured out to both 'safe' and 'regular' places, there hasn't ever been a problem for me. Shopping in flats and people generally look out of curiosity but it's a split second glance and you're forgotten, heels on a night out and you definitely get more looks, keep your head up and smile like a mad cheshire cat, people with either smile back or think you're deranged...it's fun!

x Flic x

11-19-2012, 05:35 AM
keep your head up and smile like a mad cheshire cat, people with either smile back or think you're deranged...it's fun!

LOL. That's good. I admire your spirit. :hugs:

Beverley Sims
11-19-2012, 06:05 AM
Kneeling? :P

Marcy, there's no such thing as too tall/too short/too fat/too skinny/too old/too young. Just go out and strut your stuff with confidence and femininity.

Sometimes I think there is too much. :)
Some of the tall "girls" I have seen look downright elegant. :)

Cheryl T
11-19-2012, 09:16 AM
Be prepared to be noticed. Any woman of height is noticed simply because she is tall.
Don't be self-conscious about it, hold your head up and walk tall. Your confidence is your shield.

I felt insecure (6') going out until I did. I always wear heels of some kind and just stand proud.
If they look, just smile and think to yourself..."take a picture, it lasts longer"...

Jenny Doolittle
11-19-2012, 09:25 AM
Kind of reminds me of a song by "Spirt" back in the 70's.... "To Tall and a bit too Fat" We are who we are, the important thing is to be happy with yourself.

11-19-2012, 09:30 AM
Be prepared to be noticed. Any woman of height is noticed simply because she is tall.
Don't be self-conscious about it, hold your head up and walk tall. Your confidence is your shield.

I felt insecure (6') going out until I did. I always wear heels of some kind and just stand proud.
If they look, just smile and think to yourself..."take a picture, it lasts longer"...

I with Cheryl, i am 6'4" and yes you will be look at but if you look like your out and not trying to stand out in a crowd then most the time they will just see a tall woman, if your in a city with college basketball people are used to seeing tall girl around that play baketball and volleyball, so you may even be asked if you play for the college, go out and being part of the world is very fulling, and , go out have a great time, baby steps at first is always good, hugs.

11-19-2012, 09:45 AM
gey hun i am 6'7" and you just have to do it. if you go out and people dont accept you, then try it again it does get easier. come to KC ill go out with you and hold your hand if youd like.

11-19-2012, 09:51 AM
Go out to the mall sometime, sit down, enjoy a latte and watch the women going by. I predict that you will eventually see a number of women who are decidedly taller than average. I've seen women in restaraunts and shopping centers that were as tall or taller than me (6'2"). Yes, they stood out, but not in a bad way.

11-19-2012, 09:56 AM
I'm 6 2. I've done it with 6 inch heels, be cool, be confident.

11-19-2012, 09:59 AM
Oh, it would be better to be too tall than to old.

11-19-2012, 01:46 PM
Im 6'4" before I put on heels. I have been working on going out en femme more and in the end people just notice other people no matter what. Walking down the street I see people with beards, tall, short, well dressed, poorly dressed, all sorts.

Try going somewhere comfortable, I went to the movies on a Tuesday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. Try a hipster part of town if possible. After the movies I went to Victoria Secret and did some shopping en femme. The more you do it the easier it is.

One last suggestion. I started taking burlesque classes a couple of years ago and have made some nice friends outside my normal circle. They are very supportive and I perform dressed and go out with my girlfriends on occasion. If they have classes. near you, reach out to them to see if you can join them for a class or several.

Lynn Marie
11-19-2012, 02:22 PM
6'3" tall and my favorite heels are 5 inches. I've been going out to an LGBT Club every Friday for years, and for the last year or so I've been going out to main stream restaurants, etc.. I normally go out with other CD's that I've met over the years and we do pick our outings. I've always been pretty confident and now I'm absolutely fearless.

I may be tall, but I can cut a fine figure as well as any girl!

11-19-2012, 03:23 PM
With 3" heels, I hit 6' 1" so beginning to get a complex about being too short. I can understand your anxiety, we feel exposed as it is, but as many here testify, they are out and about at well over 6'.

I think the idea of a group meet and outing is a good suggestion, but that's easy for stumpy here to say :heehee:


11-20-2012, 12:55 AM
Regarding heels, at 6'2" I tend to wear flats in mainstream situations. Very few 6'+ GGs wear heels to the mall! I like to be comfortable so sandals and ballet flats work in the summer and nice warm boots go for the winter.

OTOH, when going out with a group of CDers I enjoy rocking the heels. Get that many of us together in a restaurant and we *are* the show, so why not give 'em a good one? :)

Debbie Kay Armour
11-21-2012, 07:47 AM
I am 6ft 4 in stocking feet, I am quite slim and getting slimmer so when I go out I hopefully will look like stall skinny bird. I see very short dumpy girls and think, I bet they wish they were taller. I have seen tall girls in the shop where I work, and always ask there height, and pay them a complement by saying how good they look. Most of the tall girls I see are over 6ft. Girls seem to be getting taller, and that makes me feel better.

11-21-2012, 07:57 AM
I am 6' 2" and am now full time 95% of the time and I wear heels all the time as my outfits dicate. So add 4" heels and well the air is thinner up here lol, Just command the moment and enjoy yourself, you only live once. Ijust live by this motto "If you don't mind it don't matter" an nobody will call the fashion police.:heehee:

11-29-2012, 06:04 PM
i see many a lady walking about topping the 6ft 5in line,(flat footed). and with heels on making them taller.

not what you are dressed as, but how you feel and present your self.



11-29-2012, 09:02 PM
I'm 6'1" and my wife is 5'3"... being that I am taller I get to see futher back on the shelves. Works out great when we both are wating the same fingernail polish and the only one is way in the back!

11-29-2012, 11:31 PM
To the average-height population anything over 6' is simply "tall." Whether you are my height (a mere 6'2") or a bit taller makes little difference.

The people who will notice you are the tall GGs. In public when I approach a GG near my own height our eyes automatically go to the other's feet to check the shoes we are wearing. Then the eyes come back up, meet, and we smile at each other. That's all there is to it!

So, tall girls are noticed, but it isn't such a bad thing. They'll think "what a tall woman," but the key word is "woman" and as long as you present well they will have no reason to change their minds. After all, what 6'5" man would go around in women's clothes? *We* know the answer to that, but the general public doesn't! :)

Wow - Eryn that's so great, Brilliant. I'm 5' 13" and can judge if another person is 6' 2" or 6' 4", but after that, you're right. I can't tell the difference between someone 6' 10" or 7 Foot.