View Full Version : Transgender Awareness Week

Hannah Gotta
11-19-2012, 10:00 PM
I'm sure we all can relate...

Love, Hannah

11-19-2012, 11:57 PM
Hannah, what to do, what to do, thanks,

Barbara Ella
11-20-2012, 12:18 AM
Yes girl, there are always decisions to make, that is certain. Our psyche has to be as tough as out bodies at times.


11-20-2012, 12:22 AM
A good reason for single occupancy family bathrooms!

11-20-2012, 12:30 AM
I have never been yelled at in a woman's restroom despite being 6'2"

The reason for this is that I use the restroom as intended. I go in, do my business, wash my hands, and leave. I don't hang around, try to engage others in conversation, or act creepy.

While I find the cartoon humorous, I think that the humor stems from our own paranoia. We are responsible for creating most of our own fears.

Beverley Sims
11-20-2012, 06:48 AM
I just go and mind my own business.

Rogina B
11-20-2012, 06:56 AM
It is about Transgender awareness,not bathroom use..look and think!!!Trans is GQ and sometimes bad things happen to people outside the norm.Sometimes boys beat up and girls yell..at..."us"! Or as Mitt Romney did when he was in school,cut the boys hair off because it was too long..He beat the boy up in a different way.GQ's[people outside the norm..us!] have been killed for being different.That is what the rememberance is all about.

11-20-2012, 08:30 AM
I'm not sure who it works in the rest of the country, but in Washington DC proper, every restaurant that has opened recently has no male or female bathroom, but several single stall unisex bathrooms. Takes out the guess work.

11-20-2012, 09:07 AM
Interesting because what this illustrates isn't what will actually happen, but our inner fears. I've long since decided that if I'm presenting as a woman, I'm using the women's restroom - and I've never been yelled at!

11-20-2012, 09:14 AM
I have found it helpful a couple of times in my early nervous days, by asking another female patron, once via a request by the waitress to escort me to the ladies' room. Both times, the girls were extremely pleasant and accommodating.

11-20-2012, 09:17 AM
I've only been yelled at once. I knew the other person, and I responded to a question while we were in the stall. I realize that there are behaviors that should be avoided in the restroom. Anything that can be perceived as focus on other people and their appearance, like "peeping" needs to be avoided. Spending more than a few seconds washing hands and maybe pulling some hair off my face is OK, but spending a few minutes at the mirror primping - not good. I have to remember that I'm not the only woman in the bathroom, or who will use it later. TP is scarce, don't leave a leak on the seat when you stand, flush after you've stood, be silent in the stall, go to the sink, wash your hands, and get out.

I wouldn't go into a men's room and look over to check out the other guys' "equipment". Normally, we don't even talk to each other. Waiting in line might be a social event, but in the stalls, people feel vulnerable. They are doing what they have to do, as quickly as they can, so that the rest of the girls don't have to wait in line too long.

There have even been times, when I had grown out my hair and was wearing shorts, that I got yelled at for going to the men's room. They thought I didn't realize I was going the wrong way. I love it when that happens.

11-20-2012, 09:42 AM
For those who don't know, today is Transgender day of remembrance - when those transgenders who have been murdered - around the world - are remembered. Globally, a transgender is killed every 72 hours on average.


It's also a time to remember all of those who have committed suicide


In the US and UK, things have gotten so much better. In other parts of the world, it's still pretty scary. When I was in Saudi Arabia for business, it was really hard. Saudi citizens can be castrated for cross-dressing, or stoned to death. Foreigners have their visa revoked, are sent back on the next plane, without their luggage, and never allowed back.

Rogina B
11-20-2012, 12:45 PM
I am sure glad that someone finally got what this posting is about!!! Thanks Debbie!! People on here are obsessed with bathrooms!

11-20-2012, 12:48 PM
I've never had any problems using the ladies room. I'm in & out in a wink.

11-20-2012, 03:56 PM
When I was in Saudi Arabia for business, it was really hard. Saudi citizens can be castrated for cross-dressing, or stoned to death. Foreigners have their visa revoked, are sent back on the next plane, without their luggage, and never allowed back.

Spent two and half years in Saudi. If I never see it again, it will be too soon.
Very intolerant place!


11-20-2012, 04:38 PM
Love the cartoon (its a joke, I get the political flaws, but I stil think it's funny).

And thanks for the TG Remembrance Day reminder. I don't see that it made the news on Google news page or even LATimes web site.

Instead, and sadly ironic, today the Massachusetts MTF convict who was going to get SRS in prison had her surgery put on hold today. Hardly a kind deed, and one that seeks to treat transitioning as an elective procedure. Well I know the issues in her case are complex and facts are case specific, but the court served up an extra insult by issuing the ruling today. They shouldnt claim ignorance either since they were dealing with a TG case.

Alice B
11-20-2012, 04:38 PM
Thank god I have a big and strong bladder.