View Full Version : How would it be?

Kate Simmons
11-25-2012, 07:28 AM
Suppose one day our dreams are fulfilled and through whatever means we become the woman we dream about becoming. What would your outlook be and what would you work for? I'm retired so I would work towards getting many positive things accomplished such as assisting others much as I do now but would probably concentrate on women who need help, such as those with breast cancer or those who are battered wives or assisting the elderly, etc. This would give me some purpose and in the meantime if I began a relationship with someone, so much the better. To me being a woman means helping, caring sharing and nurturing and you can't beat that with a stick. What would your focus be?:)

11-25-2012, 09:42 AM
My focus would be helping the local needy with food and shelter. We have a women's shelter,a food closet, and a soup kitchen that I help out with when I can.

Women do care, share, and nurture better as a whole then men "as a whole". Wouldn't it be nice to say that to be "human" means helping, caring, sharing, and nurturing. Perhaps someday. There have been studies that say TG's are more intelligent than the general population. Perhaps we TG persons are more evolved, a glimpse of the future - fun to think about.

Angela Campbell
11-25-2012, 09:58 AM
Even as a man I spent my life taking care of my family and friends. I pretty much raised my 3 kids, many years of it as a single parent. I was the one who took care of them when they were sick, I met with the teachers, I taught them right from wrong. Now I still help them even though they are off on their own, and I also take care of my aging widowed Mother. I am not community active though, a bit too introverted for that I guess.
I do not think much would be different if I was a full woman.

Beverley Sims
11-25-2012, 10:20 AM
I have tried to counsel people all my life so it would just be an extension of this type of assistance.

11-25-2012, 11:11 AM
I don't think my life would change all that much. I would just get to dress nicer for business meetings. Now, if I ever do retire, I will lead a different life!

11-25-2012, 04:59 PM
Would probably be about the same as my dual person ;) I like going to a senior activity center and assist other older adults with computer learning. Go twice a week for two hours, getting smiles when you help someone is the best reward and thank you's too.