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View Full Version : The Good Thing about Weigh Gain

Diane Douglas
12-09-2012, 01:08 PM
I was spending several hours dressed yesterday, when i realized that because of the extra fer lbs I am carrying that I have filled out in the middle. The best part is that I have lost the inverted triangle look and my girl clothes look much better than they used to. Fortunately, several of my skirts have elastic waist bands so they still fit.

12-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Darn !!I want to LOSE some of my middle .....it's a slooooow process.

Beverley Sims
12-09-2012, 02:18 PM
Most of us are trying to lose weight. :)

12-09-2012, 02:23 PM
May I suggest lots of treacle puddings Diane?
At least putting on weight is a lot easier than loosing it and some would say more enjoyable too.:)

12-09-2012, 02:45 PM
Men carry their mid section weight differently than women. Too many guys have beer guts. Not every middle aged woman has a Barbie doll waist. I'm settling for a 42C-38-40 figure right now. I would like to get the middle number back down to my military waist of 30 inches. A little weight in the neck would help obscure a pronounced Adam's apple though.

Sandra bailey
12-09-2012, 04:02 PM
Me too, I need to get a sexy waist, i'm hoping the corset Santa is bringing will help me achieve the waist you already have Diane xx

Barbara Dugan
12-10-2012, 10:16 PM
I gained some weight recently and some of it went to the breast area :D nice

12-10-2012, 10:40 PM
The breast part about losing weight is that when I was heavier, my skin streatched. Now that I've dropped a lot, I'm left with a litte extra skin around the breast that, when shifted around, makes some great clevage....


12-10-2012, 10:42 PM
There is never an upside to weight gain if that weight is in the form of fat. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, are all results. Americans, more than any other nation, are dying due to weight issues. Even in jest, never think of it as good.

12-13-2012, 06:52 AM
With less than 1/10th of 1% of Americans underweight and over 40% of young Americans suffering from obesity, I cannot find anything positive to say about gaining weight, at least unnecessarily. Vanity should always find itself in the shadow of health. Don't get or stay slim to look good, do it to be healthy. Find someone who can help you with proper nutrition and regular exercise so your heart can be strong, your body can be lean, and you can look good in whatever you wear.