View Full Version : Stage 2 Starts

12-17-2012, 04:12 AM
Well not been here much recently. Just life and the usual things getting in the way and time just slips by.

So, 3 months on low dose E. Worked well, no side affects. The main physical effect has been to my skin. Had all the blood tests and now we move onto stage 2. higher dose plus androgen blockers.

Steady as we go. Noticed some mental changes, bit calmer and better at handling disappointments. Something happened recently that would have knocked me for a loop for maybe a month, but I was ok after a few days. Maybe a bit of filling out around my thighs and bottom .. which being a bit of 'stick insect' is very welcome.

My face does look younger and softer .. which being me is welcome .. need all the help I can get.

No real other progress to report, better at clothes .. a bit. Getting my makeup sorted out.

As I said at the beginning the route I am taking (the slow route) is not for everyone but it does seem to be (slowly) getting there. Still got a long way to go .....

So, hopefully, now some more significant changes.