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12-01-2005, 07:02 PM
Hi girls I have just receverd a confermation letter from The Claybrook Centre (Charring Cross)
In the letter it states that If I decide not to go along with sergery.. therapy and treatment will stop this is the bit that bothers me a bit although sergery may be the final goal to some its not for every one so if you have spent 2 years or more on mons then sudenly thay stop what affect would that have
OK for me to have sergery would be the final goal but I do hear of some girls that would not as thy feel sergery is not for them.

12-01-2005, 07:30 PM
It´s the first time I heard something like that...What kind of centre is it?
I was in psycho therapy years ago and they don´t tell me such thing...I was told the hormonal therapy is independent of surgery, if I want surgery, I´ll have it, if not, hormonal therapy for live.
BTW, I stop it, I´ve not had hormonal therapy yet, maybe never, but I never though of surgery as my goal, but to socialize as girl. Maybe I stop it because of this, I don´t reject my genitalia so much to get surgery, so I stop all the stuff, but not the doctors, it was ME who though if there´s not surgery need, then maybe I´m not a girl at all (wrong think...) but the doctors tell me surgery is not the only thing...only one of them (and not the last of, BTW)

PS: I know people who think they need surgery and were wrong...so lots of regret and even suicide, so I think it´s WRONG to make the surgery an obligation as this letter you recieved...wrong, wrong, wrong... I´m angry and surprised

12-02-2005, 04:10 AM
Whooops I'm sorry I have misled, it was late and been a long day. please allow me to correct.
to read ( if i'm put forward for sergery and miss apointments then my GP will be instructed not to prescribe hormones)
It was the way the letter was laid out I had to read it my self several times befor my feble brain could understand it


12-02-2005, 05:57 AM
aaaaaah, that´s sound more logical !!!!!!

You scared my...hehehehe


12-02-2005, 06:14 AM
I really must dye my hair or should I just get my eyes tested again????lol