View Full Version : Femme side coming through in male mode?

12-23-2012, 08:01 PM

I have been a closeted crossdresser for years but I regularly get genetic females saying that I am sensitive and very much in tune with their feelings and perceptions (though a straight male). Just this past week, a gg friend of mine said "I believe you are half woman", in jest of course. It gave me butterflies...only if she truly knew. I was so close to spilling the beans on my dressing...Anyone else with a similar experience?


12-23-2012, 08:03 PM
Spill them ,,,Might open up a whole new chapter in your life ! You won't know until you give it a chance !! I KNOW I DID IT ,,,

Barbara Ella
12-23-2012, 08:07 PM
Girl, you are doing something right. Do not deny yourself to close friends who might already be suspecting, just be careful if it does not fit with our plans for yourself.


12-23-2012, 08:12 PM
Thanks so much Stacy and Barbara...I really appreciate your kind words.

Leah :doll:

12-23-2012, 08:15 PM
Yes, I have had similar experiences. I usually say something like "But I am Bra Less today,
catch me when I am wearing one"
It always brings a laugh or two.

Leah Lynn
12-23-2012, 08:19 PM
But it does feel good to be seen in that light. A few years ago, while driving a big truck over the road, I was friends with a gal that drove for the same company. Whenever she had a problem, she called dispatch to route us so we could meet, because she needed to talk. She said that I listened better than most women. Once at a company Christmas party she showed up in a great looking red 2 piece outfit. I told her how good she looked and she whispered in my ear that she thought it would look better on me. If she only knew...

12-23-2012, 08:22 PM
For sure Leah...pretty name btw (giggles).

It must have been awesome to hear a comment like that from a friend. Did you ever decide to tell her?

Leah :doll:

12-23-2012, 08:29 PM
Actually, yes. One of my colleagues actually gave me the nickname, Marta, because she said I was just like,one of the girls. You'd think kim would have been sufficient!

12-23-2012, 08:38 PM
I get it all the time at work dressed in scrubs and a hair net. Two days ago a patient said to me "Why are you dressed like a woman when your a man?", I had spoken to his roomate. I told him I was wearing regulation dress and my beard is light coloured but wiry and like sandpaper. I had several women call me dear in a femme way and Miss. I enjoy it, it gives me confidence when I do go out dressed.Just roll with it and feel warm and femme inside.
hugs rita

Rachel Morley
12-23-2012, 09:02 PM
OMG ... almost all of my adult life I have has this "problem"! In fact, I used to think it was the reason I was single for so long. I'd have lots of female friends (way more than male friends) yet none of them said they felt anything for me romantically and three of them plainly told me to my face that they didn't feel anything for me because they could only relate to me as "a girlfriend"! I swear to God that's what they said, that I was like a girlfriend to them. When I asked them to elaborate they gave me examples of how when I went shopping with them I acted just like the clothes were for me and another said that I knew more about makeup than she did. The other one said that my personality and the way I showed empathy was was more like a girl and not like any guy she knows.

Like I said, it used to be a problem, but everything comes to he/she who waits as it was this very thing that first drew my wife to like me when she met me!

Brittany CD
12-23-2012, 09:12 PM
Nope, not in the slightest

Ceri Anne
12-23-2012, 09:20 PM
My daughter told me while shopping over Thanksgiving that I can out man a man one moment and out woman a woman in another. She is aware of my wide ranging personality, but not that I dress. I've discussed that before. Anyway, to a friend who says that, I would open up, it could be something awsome.

12-23-2012, 09:58 PM
My wife really likes me shopping with her now that she knows. I have very good suggestions for her. She never understood earlier in our relationship. I also was more friendly with women at work than with the men.


12-23-2012, 10:19 PM
I have been told by many people that I sometimes think like a woman! I admit that I am pleased to be told that, but I have never admitted that I am a crossdresser. Although my late wife, and now both my grown children, knew that I was a crossdresser, no one else ever has. The way I choose to dress is my business, and mine only!

12-23-2012, 11:11 PM
My female side is always present in my thoughts though not so much vocal at works and in other situations where I must show my drab male facade. But it is part of who we are so it is always going to manifest itself one way or another

Joanna Maguire
12-24-2012, 02:17 AM
I remember when I was about 5 years old a lady saying to my mother" Oh! he has such lovely curly hair. Pity he was not born a girl. I am certain that inspired my mother to later dress me as a girl ? I did looking back at B&W pics of me and a GG both dressed in white frilly dresses holding dolls I too have been told I was sensitive by GGs and do not like most males or men.

Beverley Sims
12-24-2012, 07:41 AM
[I] have been caught out claiming too much knowledge on a purely female subject.
I must remember to say a lot less in such conversations whilst not dressed for the occasion. :)
Trouble is I forget. lol.

Angela Campbell
12-24-2012, 07:50 AM
All my life actually. I was never much of a "man" it seems. I get away with it because some of my family think that because I am a musician I have a bit of an eclectic personality and just a little different. My kids have told me I am more like a mother than their mother was. Never very athletic or strong, more at home in the kitchen than the garage, and usually wore more jewelry than most men do.

12-24-2012, 07:59 AM
Not really acting like a woman per se, but truth is I've always gotten along better with women whether at family functions or at the workplace. Too many of the men I know only want to talk about cars, hunting, or their work, and frankly most of the typical male conversation bores me. Don't get me wrong...I can talk sports all day long and have many masculine interests, but for whatever reason I just enjoy talking and hanging with women more.

I also have been told I'm a good listener by many a female, and the fact that I can carry on a conversation about fashion, romantic comedies, and several other subjects that most men are clueless about affirms my interest in being around women more than men. So to answer the question, not really my femme side, but more of just being female-compatible.

I Am Paula
12-24-2012, 11:01 AM
I don't do drab often, but when I have to, I can't just turn off my feminine mind. Hence, what you get looks male, and acts female, confusing a few people. Even in drab, strangers treat me as female. My guess is invisible vibes I'm not aware of. Best part-I don't care.-Celeste

12-24-2012, 12:10 PM
My wife says my girl side is much more evident. She teases me all the time that I should be careful.

12-24-2012, 05:18 PM
Many years ago, I was a fully closeted CD, and I knew part of the experience felt good and right, and part felt out of balance like a fetish. I made a deal with myself, that I would continue to dress, but I would pay attention to the feelings underneath. That was one of the best decisions of my life. As I looked at my emotions and thoughts underlying DC, including the emotional meaning of specific items of clothing. I discovered huge parts of myself that I integrated into my everyday self. I definitely became more empathetic, softer, more accepting of the part of myself that wants to be sought after, and wants someone else to lead. These days, I am fully out, and I am genderfluid ( I do masculine, feminine, and points in between) and so I am one self, and one that is feeling more and more integrated as I experience being Out.