View Full Version : "I dont care how she is dressed......."

Barbara Joanne74
12-27-2012, 04:53 PM
Today I had some free time so I decided to dress up some and go run my errands. I was dressed somewhat androgynous, light foundation, a little bit of eye color and a very light pink lip gloss, and of course my fave girl jeans, and a white blouse. I went to several stores interacting with the staff and other customers with no problems and friendly attitudes. I picked up a new bra at Fred Meyers, new 3in heeled boots, of couse a stop at Starbucks. I was enjoying myself and haveing a relaxing day. As I was about to drive home I saw Meier and Frank and decided to just make a pass through the sales racks. The staff was great as always. I was looking at the bras when a female employee came up to me and asked it I needed any help. She was super friendly, maybe 23 or 24 years old and very beautiful. She did not seem to care about anything but helping me. After she showed me a few things that she recommends (and are way out of my price range....) she askes me if I have been measured recently. I told her it had been a few years, and she immediatally offered to do it for me. We went back to the fitting rooms and as we were walking in, another woman walks out, sizes me up and very loudly says Why is a guy in the ladies room with attitude. Stacy the employee loudly replies, I don't care how Barbara is dressed, she is a customer and I need to measure her. I was not sure what to think. Least to say I was very embaressed. Stacy and the other woman stared at each other for a few seconds, and the woman storms out saying she will never again shop here if Meirer and Frank will allow guys like me in the store. At this point I just wanted to crawl into a room and die of embaresment. Stacy again loud enough so others can hear, Well that's your loss mam, thank you and have a great day. She then escorts me to a large changing room and measures me, very professionally. She asks how big of forms I am wanting to wear in my new bra and then disappeared out to the floor. After a few minutes she comes back with an armload of bras of all styles and colors. We spend the next 45 to min tring them on, she steps out as I change into each one and then comes back in to inspect and adjust. I was on cloud nine, and wishing I had a couple hundred dollars to drop, but alas I decided on 2 that cost me $50 total. We go to the register and she rings me out. She also puts a card in the bag with her name and the direct number to the intimates dept. She asked me the next time I needed anything to call ahead and make sure she was there. I was totally blown away by her help and how she handled the other customer. I did go look up her manager and explained how helpful Stacy was and that I definatally would be back again. The manager called hher over to where we were and infront of me complamented her on a job well done. Hugs were exchanged and I walked out.

A I sit here writting this in starbucks, I am thinking it is going to be very difficult to top todays experiace any time soon.

Thanks for reading my ramblings girls


12-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Made me sad. You should ALWAYS be treated how Stacy treated you where ever you go ((hug))

12-27-2012, 05:01 PM
Just think that one bad apple didn't spoil the barrel. I am finding that more and more SA are freindly and really don't care how you dress. Why should they you are there for them and they are there for you. Don't worry about the 'closed minded one' with an attitude like her's she will find it hard to be accepted in society. LP

12-27-2012, 05:14 PM
That is one of those success stories while out that are so wonderful to read. Thanks for sharing.

bridget thronton
12-27-2012, 05:19 PM
A happy ending after a rocky start (which was no fault of yours in the least)

Sheren Kelly
12-27-2012, 05:25 PM
When I get great service, I always try to give feedback through the store's administration. Just about every store has a web page where you can provide comments and recognize employees who provide great service.

12-27-2012, 05:27 PM
I would say that's worth writing to the company about!

12-27-2012, 05:28 PM
That was a great story. It is nice to see a SA take the time and trouble to treat you rite.
That other shopper will be back, she was jealous that you where getting more attention
that she was. I can understand the feeling you must of had, being put on the center stage
of attention like that; You stayed, Myself, I would have ran for the hills. You are a brave
one, and I give you a great big AT-A-Girl.

2B Natasha
12-27-2012, 05:28 PM
Meirer and Frank? Didn't know they existed any more. Didn't Macy's change the names on the stores when they bought them? It's alright. Ladies in the the Seatle area and surrounds remember " The Bon Marche " Macy's bought them also, but I still call it the Bon. But none the less. Great story.

12-27-2012, 05:31 PM
Barb, stories like this give me hope in humanity. What a great SA she is!:)

Kathleen Ann Trees
12-27-2012, 05:35 PM
Nice to hear. Sometimes I've sent thank you cards to the stores with "attn to:" a special SA that has helped (Stacy in your case). When I go back, they always appreciate the extra effort on my part. Just a thought.

Kathleen Ann

Barbara Joanne74
12-27-2012, 06:22 PM
Meirer and Frank? Didn't know they existed any more. Didn't Macy's change the names on the stores when they bought them? It's alright. Ladies in the the Seatle area and surrounds remember " The Bon Marche " Macy's bought them also, but I still call it the Bon. But none the less. Great story.

Thx Natasha, yes it was Macys. Guess this goes to show my age and that at least my long term memory is still intact, now to work on the short term.......what was I writting about again?


12-27-2012, 06:26 PM
It was worth the momentary embarrassment just to annoy that bigot, wasn't it?

Bree Wagner
12-27-2012, 06:38 PM
Great story Barbara, thanks for sharing it. Kudos to Stacy and to you for letting her manager know what a wonderful job she's doing. That's definitely the most meaningful thing you can do for someone who gives you great customer service. I've had nothing but good service at Macy's. Either there are some really friendly people there or they must have great training and oversight.


12-27-2012, 06:45 PM
See that ? All of us STACY'S are COOL as Hell ,,Just hope u lady's saw that ? An another thing ,,That SA knew Dam good an well we SPEND !! That old Bat may have Never spent a Dime !!!

12-27-2012, 06:45 PM
i live a bit away from your area. never heard of this store. but the next time i am in the portland area i am going to look up this store and drop some cash there. maybe even relate to the manager why i am there, and how i found out about there store.

good words go farther then ads can go.

sounds like you had a dream day.


12-27-2012, 07:18 PM
Great story Barbara! Good for you for hanging in there in the midst of closed-mind individuals. I see women going into the mens changing rooms all the time so why is it such a big deal when a man, dressed or drab, goes near a womens changing room? (rhetorical question)

Tracii G
12-27-2012, 07:24 PM
I'm so glad she took good care of you and told the bigot off in a nice way.

12-27-2012, 07:50 PM
Which Macy's? I would love to give her some more business.

Barbara Ella
12-27-2012, 08:10 PM
So glad you did not leave at the first sign of trouble. It is wonderful to encounter people such as that, and I am glad you handled it so well with Stacy. Gives me a warm feeling about it all, thanks so much.


12-28-2012, 10:17 AM
That is an awesome story Barbara. These stories just go to show that there are a lot of people out there who care. It isn't just the ones that make snide remarks and others that don't care. There are many that are completely supportive. I am sure you are glad you hung in there.

12-28-2012, 01:21 PM
How wonderful to read that there are such lovely people as Stacy!

Debra Russell
12-28-2012, 01:26 PM
Glad you got some time to yourself Barb - such an exhilarating and confirming expierence. You road it out , made a excellent sales contact, and had a good time - we all need to see new pics of you -- nice to see you here..............Debra

Ms. Laura
12-28-2012, 01:51 PM
That really is a fascinating story Barbara. It really runs me through all of the emotions with you. It sounds likeyou handled things like a champ.

Try to have some understanding for the bigot :) As males,we don't really walk around having to fear assault. She comes out of a "female" area and reacts with fear to what she percieves as an invasion and right or wrong, there are a lot of crazies out there! Not you, or us of course, but she doesn't know that.

Or, she might just be a closed-minded B*&#.

12-28-2012, 01:57 PM
Nice one, Stacy sounds ace shame we do not get that all the time. Oh well great story :)

Angela Campbell
12-28-2012, 06:39 PM
I love this story! I feel bad for the woman who was not nice because she has a troubled life trying to get the world to revolve around the way she wants to live. She is probably not as happy a person as you. Remember the best revenge is living well!

12-28-2012, 07:12 PM
I also loved your story...I want to shop where people like Stacy work!

12-28-2012, 09:25 PM
How wonderful for u, Barbara! That u stood your ground, weathered the storm, and found a "Stacy"!

However, your story encourages me to continue shopping as I do now. On line, mail order, or when I do shop department stores, in drab!

There r, UNFORTUNATELY, too few Stacys, and way too many A holes out there to suit me!

12-28-2012, 09:35 PM
Well, I have some compassion for those who've never been exposed to alternative lifestyle people. It's pretty scary for them and all they have is a lot of ridiculous notions from TV and the media. It's really tough for most to get the head around those of us who are truly different.

On the bright side... OMG! You have a personal clothing consultant!

Beverley Sims
12-30-2012, 04:45 AM
Well, I have some compassion for those who've never been exposed to alternative lifestyle people. It's pretty scary for them and all they have is a lot of ridiculous notions from TV and the media. It's really tough for most to get the head around those of us who are truly different.

Sounds like Starbucks has WiFi there too.

Amanda M
12-30-2012, 06:24 AM
Well done Barbara, well done!

Angela Campbell
12-30-2012, 06:51 AM
I have been to Dress Barn and they are always nice and helpful as well. Not a lot of clothes I like though.

Angela Campbell
12-30-2012, 06:53 AM
Thx Natasha, yes it was Macys. Guess this goes to show my age and that at least my long term memory is still intact, now to work on the short term.......what was I writting about again?


Yeah, in my area the Macy's used to be Davidsons and I still think of them that way.

Annette Anderson
12-30-2012, 07:14 AM
I had a similar experience, it is a good feeling when someone will go the extra mile for you.I have no problem spending my money in stores like this even if an item costs a few dollars more than somewhere else.For me merely being tolerated is not the same as actually being helped

12-30-2012, 08:30 AM
A great SA and a great experience. Lucky on all counts.

12-30-2012, 11:06 AM
Great story, I love to hear of experiences like that, Thanks for sharing.

12-30-2012, 11:17 AM
Awe . . . how neat that she was so adamant to take good care of you!

12-30-2012, 11:46 AM
There might have been that moment of shock and embarrassment but you pulled through it where I know I wouldn't have. On top of that you had a sales person confirming that you belonged there just as much as any other person shopping in the store and that is worth it's weight in gold! Stacy provided the assistance that every sales person should strive to provide and surly is an asset to the company. Thanks for sharing such a great story :)

12-30-2012, 12:51 PM
What a hero that clerk is. Made me tear up just to read about her sticking up for you, and sorry you had to experience that. Just remember that all it takes to defeat negativity is one good person to step in and save the day like what happened here. Congratulations for making it thru on such a high note.

Franki Kate
12-30-2012, 01:49 PM
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience, Barbara. I too, have had such experiences at their stores.

Leah Lynn
12-30-2012, 08:46 PM
Fantastic experience! Kudos to you and Stacy.

Genny B
12-30-2012, 08:56 PM
Also, kudos to Barbara for sticking it out and making a $50 purchase right after the holidays when she probably didn't have an intention of spending that much! I know had I been in her spot I would of done the same thing!

kimberly ann487
12-30-2012, 09:10 PM
Great story Barbara, I don't know if I'd have reacted as well as you did in that situation. Aside from a couple of those "looks" I have yet to experience anything like what you went through. I've been in quite a few fitting rooms and it's ranged from ordinary to down right fun. Fun being in the majority.