View Full Version : Dissertation

01-03-2013, 04:21 PM
My sister asked me to evaluate her dissertation about feminism in a socialconstructive point of view.

Socialconstructiveness itself implies that each person makes their one interpretation of reality.
And in a socialconstructive point of view, gender is socially constructed and is formed when interacting with others in society and by a stylized repeating of aft. The same repeating cannot occur multiple times without greater or smaller shifts.

I told her a bit about the scientific studies about hormonal imbalance in the brain of some fetuses that resulted in a different gender. And I told her some about a study concerning removed brains and the visible similarity between trans and cis individuals.
I also told her that gender isn't something which could be evaluated scientifically nor directly psychologically since it's something which a person just are and know within.
But she cannot use any of this in her dissertation without references or proofs.

All I know about these studies is what I ones saw on a show called “world of science”. I haven't got any references to scientific articles or anything.
I am confidential and not telling anyone about what I read on this forum. So unless its a reference I expect you to tell me if you wish to forward what you've written in your reply else it stays here.

Stephanie Miller
01-03-2013, 06:03 PM
Yes, I agree to a point. My socialconsrtructive interpretation is people do indeed shift. But I have notice if there is too much alcohol involved - then I've noticed everyone acts like the same idiots. There is no differing shifts. :D

01-03-2013, 06:55 PM
The Wikipedia article on "cisgender" cites a few sources. Might be a good starting point for you.


01-04-2013, 07:44 PM
Get the latest version of "Brain Sex". And Internet searches will also pull up more recent studies.

Linda Stockings
01-04-2013, 09:24 PM
You might want to try looking up some of the keywords from your sister's dissertation in: www.scholar.Google.com
That's one of the places to find articles published in scientific and other professional journals. I tried a little, but couldn't really get the jist of her dissertation from your description. - Linda

02-03-2013, 12:11 AM
Perhaps your sister should also investigate society and gender roles, how imagery can effect immulation more so than gender identity.My friends say it is the clothes that they do not become female but simply enjoy the freedom of expression.Think teen angst wearing make up for boys was a no no but it gave freedom. Hindu cutured use eyemake and cosmetics.

Beverley Sims
02-03-2013, 05:34 AM
My sister asked me to evaluate her dissertation about feminism in a socialconstructive point of view.
Yep! another essay in a psychology 1001 course.
I am not poking fun at you or your sister but I think lecturers just want to see how you handle the dictionary in some of their assignments.
Be careful not to quote too much verbatim from the internet, word the essay a little differently so as not to get busted.

Kate Simmons
02-03-2013, 06:05 AM
We basically fabricate our own social constructs in order to interface with society at large and the world in general. :)

Beverley Sims
02-03-2013, 07:06 AM
We basically fabricate our own social constructs in order to interface with society at large and the world in general. :)

Is that your final word on the subject Kate.

02-03-2013, 11:05 AM

lecturers just want to see how you handle the dictionary in some of their assignments

This is a dissertation for either a MS or PhD, not a simple assignment. I do agree about using the internet, cuz' we all know "everything on the internet is true, or they couldn't put it there"!